Розробка завдань тестової роботи з англійської мови за І семестр. 4 клас

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Розробка завдань тестової контрольної роботи для перевірки знань учнів на кінець першого семестру
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 Form 4

Control Work Writing

                                                    Term I                                                   2019-2020              


1.Translate into English

1. перед уроками

2. ножиці та гумка

3. сім гномів

4.банка джему

5.трохи борошна

6.день Святого Миколая

7.перший місяць літа


1.Translate into English

1. після уроків

2.у четвер вранці

3. контрольна з читання

4.плитка шоколаду

5.безлюдний острів

6.багато цукру

7.другий місяць зими

2.Fill in with     in/at/on.

1.­____Friday evening

2 .___the lesson

3.a test ___Music

4.___a quarter to five


2.Fill in with     in/at/on.

1.___half past two


3.___the bathroom



3.Choose the correct variant

1. The pupils (are/is/am)going to read.

2. The boy (is/am/are) not playing outdoors now.

3. (Are/is/am) you going to play football?

4.What ( is/am/are) you doing now?

5. The pirate ( shall/will) swim to the island.


3.Choose the correct variant

1. What (are/is/am)the pupil doing?

2.Ann (am/ is/are) not going to paint a picture.

3.(Are/am/is) he going to study German next year?

4.The friends ( is/am/are) playing chess now.

 5.He (shall/will) buy some bookmarks next week.

4.Use the words to write the time

7.30-         5.00-    

3.15-        8.45-      

 4. Use the words to write the time

 12.00-      9.15-     

  11.45-     10.30

5.Open the brackets.

1.We have (some/an/a)water in the bottle.

2. He always buys (some/a/an)bars of chocolate after classes.

3.How (much/many) tomato juice will you need?

5.Open the brackets.

1.I often walk to school with(a/an/some) friends.

2.She usually cooks (some/a/an)apple pie for dinner.

3. How (much/many)plums will you need?



1)Write about’ Primary schools in England’

   2)Make up the dialogue ‘At the Shop’

 (8-10 sentences)




1)Write about’ Primary schools in England’

   2)Make up the dialogue ‘At the Shop’

 (8-10 sentences)





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