Сценарій позакласного заходу "Wealthy autumn"

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Сценарій для проведення позакласного заходу з англійської мови для учні 4-х класів "Wealthy autumn"
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If you are a dreamer, come in

If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,

A hoper, a prayer, a magic bean buyer…

If you are a pretender, come sit by the fire

For we have some flax-golden tales to spin.

Come in! Come in!

Pupil 1

Good afternoon, everybody!

We shall speak about seasons today.

How many seasons are there in a year?

Name them, please….. Right you are! 

Pupil 2. Listen and guess what season it is, please.

Pupil 1

This is a season

When days are cool

When we eat apples

And we go to school.

Children. “Autumn!”

Pupil 2

You are right again.

Now listen.




I am wealthy autumn!

I come after summer

When days are cool.

I am the richest season

Sometimes warm sometimes cool!

I bring fruit, vegetables

Make leaves colorful.

It is only the reason

To say I am the golden season!


I am wealthy season,

Except fruit, vegetables and colorful trees

I have three sons,

Three autumn month!


Autumn months where are you?



Warm September brings us school,

Days are shorter, nights are cool.



Fresh October brings much fruit,

Then to gather them is good.

Then November brings us joy,

Fun for every girl and boy.



Autumn is the season when fruit is sweet.

It is the season when school-friend meet.



When noisy and gay and browned by the sun.

With their books and bags to school they run.



There are twelve months in a year,

From January to December –

And the best month of the all twelve

Is the merry month of September.


Golden in the tree tops,

Golden in the sky,

Golden, golden, golden

October’s passing by.



The summer is over,

The trees are bare,

There is mist in the garden,

And frost in the air.


Autumn leaves are falling down

Autumn leaves are falling down

All October all November falling to the ground

Діти виконують пісню «Autumn leaves are falling down»


Yellow, red and green and brown,

See the little leaves fall down.

Dancing, dancing in the breathe

Falling, falling from the trees.



The autumn leaves are falling down,

Falling down, falling down,

The wind, he comes and blows them around,

And blows them around.


In autumn the wind often blows

And make different wonderful shows


“Come, little winds”, said the wind one day,

“Come over the meadows with me and play.

Put on your dresses of red and gold,

For summer is gone and days are cold”.


In autumn the old muffin man

Lives in jury lane

He bakes tasty muffins

Sells them to people and plays

Muffin man

 I am the happy Muffin man

I like to sing and play

Діти виконують пісню «Muffin man»

Autumn And now let's play the game . Look at me and dance with me my   dear months and leaves.

Осінь разом з дітьми виконують осінній танок.


Hello, children, I am autumn rain!

Rain on the grass,

Rain on the tree

Rain on the house top

Rain on you and on me!



We have umbrellas

To protect ourselves!

Осінь і дощ виконують танець з парасольками.


Rain, rain go away

Come again another day!


Pupil Говорун А.

We wish you autumn

Be happy and gay!

And give us tasty fruit

Again and again!


I wish you dear children

Hapiness and joy!

Get good knowledges,

Boys and girls!

I give you sweet presents

Red apples you all

I wish you to be

Best of all!

Діти виконують пісню «If you are happy and you know it clap your hands»

Children Good-bye autumn!!!







До підручника
Англійська мова для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
14 квітня 2020
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