Тест з читання у 4 класі.

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Архів містить тест для оцінювання навичоу читання у 4 класі з супроводжувальним текстом. Може використовуватися для семестрового контролю.
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Once upon a time there lived two mice. One mouse lived in a big city. Her name was Minny. Her friend lived in a village. Her name was Maggy. One day Maggy visited her friend Minny. She went to the city by train. She saw big beautiful houses, many shops. There were a lot of buses, cars and trolley-buses in the streets. Minny lived in Fruit Street. From the station Maggy went there by bus. Minny was happy to see her friend.

“Do you like to live in the city?” Maggy asked Minny.

Minny said, “Of course I do. It is nice to live in the city. There is a lot of food in the shops. I can eat corn and cheese every day. But there is a big black cat in the house where I live. He can kill me when I come to the kitchen”.

Then Maggy had an idea ”Let’s buy a TV for the cat. He likes to watch TV”.

Minny liked the idea. They went to a shop and bought a new TV. Now there is a TV in the kitchen. Every day the cat sits down to watch TV and the mice come to the kitchen to eat corn and cheese.


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4 Form.Reading

Read the text and choose the best variant

* Обязательно

1.           Адрес электронной почты *


2.           First Name / Last Name *



The name of the town mouse was _____. * Отметьте только один овал.

1 балл




4.          One day the country mouse went to the city by _____. *

1 балл

Отметьте только один овал.

imagecar train plane

5.        In the streets, there we a lot of _____. *

Отметьте только один овал.

imagebuses and trams cars and bikes cars and buses


The city mouse lived in _____. * Отметьте только один овал.

1 балл

imageFruit Street

Orange Street Apple Street


Maggy went to Minny from the _____. * Отметьте только один овал.

1 балл

imagebus station train station airport

8.         From the station Maggy went to Minny's house by _____. *

1 балл

Отметьте только один овал.




9.         In the city, there's a lot of food in the _____. *

Отметьте только один овал.

imagehouses markets shops


Every day, Minny eats _____. * Отметьте только один овал.

1 балл

imagecheese and corn corn and bread corn and milk


The big cat was _____. *

Отметьте только один овал.

1 балл

imageblack red white

12.        The mice decided to buy _____. *

1 балл

Отметьте только один овал.



13.           They bought it at the _____. *

Отметьте только один овал.

imageshop supermarket market

14.           The TV is in the _____. *          1 балл

Отметьте только один овал.

imagebedroom bathroom kitchen


Отметьте только один овал.

image Вариант 1


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До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Павліченко О.М., Доценко І.В., Євчук О.В.)
15 липня 2020
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