1. An idea, answer or act that is wrong is _____.
2. A set of questions for determining one's knowledge is _____.
3. A piece of confident information; a hint oe a warning is _____.
4. All the words used in a language or by a person is ____.
5. Something based on the use of sight; that can be seen means ____.
6. A system of rules for speaking or writing a given language is ____.
7. Meaning the contrary of what is expressing is ____.
8. Incredible, astounding means ____.
9. Someone who insists on a certain way of doing things is ____.
10. To warn to be ready; to make aware of something means ____.
p. 229 Text 4.2
11. Mat has made his personal plan for getting better knowledge of some subjects.
12. Brenda likes to get knowledge going to the science centres.
13. To get good knowledge Mat doesn't use the only resource.
14. Mat prefers combining physiacal and mental activities.
15. Persistance and hard work are the most important components in Brenda's study.
16. Mat and Brenda are not only the classmates, they are the deskmates as well.
17. Mat's father is the brightest example to follow for Mat.
18. Mat tries to evaluate his work himself.
19. Brenda thinks that responsibility is one of the ways to reach the goal.
20. According to Mat's opinion, participants in the experiments can help to improve one's knowledge.
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