2.Шкільне життя та технології. Full Blast 7. Тest 2

Додано: 23 жовтня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
17 запитань
Запитання 1

A. Match

1. design _____a.an email

2. receive_____b. a website

3. post _______c. your password

4. click_______ d. to the charger

5. connect_____e. photos on a website

6. delete______ f. a document

7. turn off______g. the mobile phone

8. enter_______ h. on a link

варіанти відповідей

1a 2b 3c 4d 5e 6f 7g 8h

1b 2a 3e 4h 5d 6f 7g 8c

1c 2e 3h 4a 5f 6g 7f 8b

1d 2c 3a 4f 5h 6b 7e 8g

Запитання 2

B. Circle the correct words.

1. Kate felt bad when she slept/split the tea all over her friend's shirt.

2.Kevin and his sister made a tower, but their dad stepped over/on it and it fell.

варіанти відповідей

split, on

slept, on

spelt, over

split, over

Запитання 3

B. Circle the correct words.

3. All the pictures came out of the printer/speakers in black and white. I can't use them in my project now

4. You can save photos and documents on a screen/USB stick to carry with you all time.

варіанти відповідей

printer, screen

printer, USB stick

speakers, screen

speakers, USB stick

Запитання 4

B. Circle the correct words.

5. While the boy was walking, he knocked/tripped over some rocks and fell down.

6.You can add/mention photos or videos

варіанти відповідей

knocked, add

tripped, mention

knocked, mention

tripped, add

Запитання 5

C. Complete with the Past Simple or Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

1.We (watch) TV when suddenly it (get) dark.

2.Rose (read) a book while I (wash) the car outside.

варіанти відповідей

were watching, got, was reading, was washing

watched, got, read, washed

watched, was getting, were reading, washed

watches, gets, reads, wash

Запитання 6

C. Complete with the Past Simple or Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

3.Jane (jog) in the park when she (trip) and (hurt) her knee.

варіанти відповідей

jogs, trips, hurts

was joging, was triping, was hurting

jogged, tripped, hurt

was jogging, tripped, hurt

Запитання 7

C. Complete with the Past Simple or Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

4.The baby (start) crying as soon as she (hear) loud noise.

5. It (rain) while I (drive) to work yesterday.

варіанти відповідей

started, heard, was raining, was driving

stars, hears, rains, drive

were starting, hearing, rained, drived

started, was hearing, rained, was driveing

Запитання 8

C. Complete with the Past Simple or Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

7. Mum (cook) while Dad (water) the plants in the garden.

8. I (not know) how to use a computer when I (be) four years old.

варіанти відповідей

cooks, waters, nots know, be

was cooking, was watering, didn't know, was

cooked, watered, wasn't know, am

was cooking, watered, don't know, was

Запитання 9

D. Choose a, b or c.

1. My father ___ let me take his car yesterday.

a. wasn't

b. couldn't

c. didn't

2.Sam didn't take part in the competition because he ___ run.

a. couldn't

b. didn't

c. wasn't

варіанти відповідей

1c 2a

1b 2a

1a 2c

1c 2b

Запитання 10

D. Choose a, b or c.

3. How long ___ to build the Eiffel Tower?

a. was taken

b. did it take

c. could it take

4.My brother ___ school in 2018.

a. was finishing

b. finished

c. used to finish

варіанти відповідей

3b 4b

3a 4a

3c 4c

3b 4a

Запитання 11

D. Choose a, b or c.

5. Robert left about an hour___.

a. ago

b. last

c. before

6. Mandy __her bike to school every day when she was nine years old.

a. should ride

b. was riding

c. used to ride

варіанти відповідей

5c 6a

5b 6b

5a 6c

5a 6b

Запитання 12

D. Choose a, b or c.

7. Fay was doing her homework ____ her brother was talking exams at university.

a. as soon as

b. while

c. when

8. I ___ TV when my dad returned from work.

a. was watching

b. watched

c. could watch

варіанти відповідей

7c 8a

7a 8c

7b 8a

7c 8b

Запитання 13

E. Read the advertisements below. Then read the sentence 1 and choose A, B or C.

A. Siby is you new wardrobe assistant!

Download the Siby app on your phone and look better then ever! Just take pictures of your clothes and post them on app. Siby gives you amazing wardrobe tips, and can help you choose the perfect clothes. With Siby , you can find your friends online or make new friends. Share ideas and see what they are wearing! You can also find amazing competitions on the Siby app. There's a new winner every week. Don't miss your chance!

B. Are you ready for the best headphones on the market?

LUXUS headphones are here! They are wireless, so you can wear them wherever you go, even at the gym. You can save your music onto them, so you don't need any other device to play music. Just to talk to your Luxus headphones to choose your favourite song! Wear them and enjoy high-quality sound for mare than five hours! LUXUS headphones also have GPS, so they can help you when you are lost!

C. Can you find a smarter jacket than...

SmartER Jacket? We are sure the answer is no!

SmartER Jacket keeps you comfortable in any weather. It gets its power from the sun... and you can also use it to charge your phone! You can find SmartER Jacket in different colours and sizes. There are also kids' sizes for children between 8 and 16 years old. Get your SmartER Jacket online now! Click here!

1.You can enter competitions with this.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 14

E. Read the advertisements below. Then read the sentence 2 and choose A, B or C.

A. Siby is you new wardrobe assistant!

Download the Siby app on your phone and look better then ever! Just take pictures of your clothes and post them on app. Siby gives you amazing wardrobe tips, and can help you choose the perfect clothes. With Siby , you can find your friends online or make new friends. Share ideas and see what they are wearing! You can also find amazing competitions on the Siby app. There's a new winner every week. Don't miss your chance!

B. Are you ready for the best headphones on the market?

LUXUS headphones are here! They are wireless, so you can wear them wherever you go, even at the gym. You can save your music onto them, so you don't need any other device to play music. Just to talk to your Luxus headphones to choose your favourite song! Wear them and enjoy high-quality sound for mare than five hours! LUXUS headphones also have GPS, so they can help you when you are lost!

C. Can you find a smarter jacket than...

SmartER Jacket? We are sure the answer is no!

SmartER Jacket keeps you comfortable in any weather. It gets its power from the sun... and you can also use it to charge your phone! You can find SmartER Jacket in different colours and sizes. There are also kids' sizes for children between 8 and 16 years old. Get your SmartER Jacket online now! Click here!

2. You need a phone to use it.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 15

E. Read the advertisements below. Then read the sentence 3 and choose A, B or C.

A. Siby is you new wardrobe assistant!

Download the Siby app on your phone and look better then ever! Just take pictures of your clothes and post them on app. Siby gives you amazing wardrobe tips, and can help you choose the perfect clothes. With Siby , you can find your friends online or make new friends. Share ideas and see what they are wearing! You can also find amazing competitions on the Siby app. There's a new winner every week. Don't miss your chance!

B. Are you ready for the best headphones on the market?

LUXUS headphones are here! They are wireless, so you can wear them wherever you go, even at the gym. You can save your music onto them, so you don't need any other device to play music. Just to talk to your Luxus headphones to choose your favourite song! Wear them and enjoy high-quality sound for mare than five hours! LUXUS headphones also have GPS, so they can help you when you are lost!

C. Can you find a smarter jacket than...

SmartER Jacket? We are sure the answer is no!

SmartER Jacket keeps you comfortable in any weather. It gets its power from the sun... and you can also use it to charge your phone! You can find SmartER Jacket in different colours and sizes. There are also kids' sizes for children between 8 and 16 years old. Get your SmartER Jacket online now! Click here!

3. It comes in different colours.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 16

E. Read the advertisements below. Then read the sentence 4 and choose A, B or C.

A. Siby is you new wardrobe assistant!

Download the Siby app on your phone and look better then ever! Just take pictures of your clothes and post them on app. Siby gives you amazing wardrobe tips, and can help you choose the perfect clothes. With Siby , you can find your friends online or make new friends. Share ideas and see what they are wearing! You can also find amazing competitions on the Siby app. There's a new winner every week. Don't miss your chance!

B. Are you ready for the best headphones on the market?

LUXUS headphones are here! They are wireless, so you can wear them wherever you go, even at the gym. You can save your music onto them, so you don't need any other device to play music. Just to talk to your Luxus headphones to choose your favourite song! Wear them and enjoy high-quality sound for mare than five hours! LUXUS headphones also have GPS, so they can help you when you are lost!

C. Can you find a smarter jacket than...

SmartER Jacket? We are sure the answer is no!

SmartER Jacket keeps you comfortable in any weather. It gets its power from the sun... and you can also use it to charge your phone! You can find SmartER Jacket in different colours and sizes. There are also kids' sizes for children between 8 and 16 years old. Get your SmartER Jacket online now! Click here!

4. It can give you tips on your wardrobe choices.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 17

E. Read the advertisements below. Then read the sentence 5 and choose A, B or C.

A. Siby is you new wardrobe assistant!

Download the Siby app on your phone and look better then ever! Just take pictures of your clothes and post them on app. Siby gives you amazing wardrobe tips, and can help you choose the perfect clothes. With Siby , you can find your friends online or make new friends. Share ideas and see what they are wearing! You can also find amazing competitions on the Siby app. There's a new winner every week. Don't miss your chance!

B. Are you ready for the best headphones on the market?

LUXUS headphones are here! They are wireless, so you can wear them wherever you go, even at the gym. You can save your music onto them, so you don't need any other device to play music. Just to talk to your Luxus headphones to choose your favourite song! Wear them and enjoy high-quality sound for mare than five hours! LUXUS headphones also have GPS, so they can help you when you are lost!

C. Can you find a smarter jacket than...

SmartER Jacket? We are sure the answer is no!

SmartER Jacket keeps you comfortable in any weather. It gets its power from the sun... and you can also use it to charge your phone! You can find SmartER Jacket in different colours and sizes. There are also kids' sizes for children between 8 and 16 years old. Get your SmartER Jacket online now! Click here!

5. It can understand when you speak.

варіанти відповідей




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