3 Words Part 3

Додано: 20 липня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 2 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

- Ти сьогодні зайнятий?

- Так. Сьогодні я дуже зайнятий.

варіанти відповідей

- Are you busy today?

- Yes, I do. I'm very busy today.

- Do you busy today?

- Yes, I do. I'm very busy today.

- Are you busy today?

- Yes, I am. I'm very busy today.

Запитання 2

- Де він працює?

- Він працює в нашому офісі, але раніше працював у театральній касі.

варіанти відповідей

- Where does he work?

- He works at our office but used to work at a box office.

- Where does he work?

- He work at our office but used to work at a box office.

- Where does he work?

- He works in our office but used to work in a box office.

- Where does he work?

- He works at our office but used to work at a kassa.

Запитання 3

- Я мушу це зробити?

- Так. Ви повинні зателефонувати клієнту.

варіанти відповідей

- Do I do it?

- Yes, you must. You must call the client.

- Must I do it?

- Yes, you must. You must call the client.

- Must I do it?

- Yes, you do. You must call the client.

- Must I do it?

- Yes, I must. You must call the client.

Запитання 4

- Хто твій вуйко за фахом?

- Мій вуйко - інженер.

варіанти відповідей

- What does your uncle do?

- My uncle is an engineer.

- Who does your uncle do?

- My uncle is an engineer.

- What does your aunt do?

- My aunt is an engineer.

- What does your uncle do?

- My uncle are an engineer.

Запитання 5

- У чому річ?

- Ми обговорюємо важливу справу.

варіанти відповідей

- Where's the matter?

- We are discussing important matter

- What's the matter?

- We are discussing important business

- What's the thing?

- We are discussing important matter

- What's the matter?

- We are discussing important matter.

Запитання 6

- Ти офісний працівник?

- Ні, я працюю фізично.

варіанти відповідей

- Are you a white-collar worker?

- No, I'm not. I'm a blue-collar worker.

- Are you a blue-collar worker?

- No, I'm not. I'm a white-collar worker.

- Do you a white-collar worker?

- No, I'm not. I'm a blue-collar worker.

- Are you an office worker?

- No, I'm not. I'm a blue-collar worker.

Запитання 7

- Чому він звільнився?

- Він пішов із роботи через особисті причини.

варіанти відповідей

- Why did he leave?

- He leave the job for personal reasosns.

- Why did he leave?

- He left the job for personal reasosns.

- Why did he leave?

- He left the job in personal reasosns.

- Why did he leave?

- He went the job for personal reasosns.

Запитання 8

- Ти знаєш ким був той безхатченок?

- Так. Він був директором великої фірми.

варіанти відповідей

- Do you know who was that homeless man?

- Yes, I am. He was the boss of the large company.

- Do you know who was that homeless man?

- Yes, I know. He was the boss of the large company.

- Do you know who was that homeless man?

- Yes, I do. He was the dyrector of the large company.

- Do you know who was that homeless man?

- Yes, I do. He was the boss of the large company.

Запитання 9

- З ким ти щойно говорив?

- Той чоловік - мій колега.

варіанти відповідей

- Who have you just talked to?

- That man is my colleague.

- Who has you just talked to?

- That man is my colleague.

- Who have you just talked to?

- That man is my colegue.

- Who have you just talked with?

- That man is my colleague.

Запитання 10

Поклади телефонну трубку! Ти отримав листа.

варіанти відповідей

Hang up the receiver! You've received the letter.

Hang up the phone! You've receiver the letter.

Hang up the phone! You've received the letter.

Hang up the receiver! You's received the letter.

Запитання 11

- Хто програмував цього робота?

- Це не моя програма.

варіанти відповідей

- Who has programed this robot?

- It's not my program.

- Who has programed this robot?

- It's not me program.

- Who have programed this robot?

- It's not my program.

- Who have programe this robot?

- It's not my program.

Запитання 12

Де знаходиться головна пошта? Я маю надіслати листа.

варіанти відповідей

Where is the main post? I have to post a letter

Where is the main post? I have to mail a letter

Where is the main post? I must to post a letter

Where is the best post? I have to post a letter

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