4 form - Reading - 1 semester

Додано: 1 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 536 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and answer the question:

My Favourite Room

My name is Jack and my favourite room in the flat is the living room. I like it because it is very big and comfortable. There is a red sofa on the right with a small table next to it. I can put my cup on the table when I am having some tea. The TV is opposite the sofa. It is big and I like watching cartoons on it. Between the TV and the window there is a bookcase where I keep my books. Through the window I can see the park where I often play with my neighbours. But it is raining today, that is why I’m sitting on the sofa now and reading one of my books.


What room is Jack’s favourite?

варіанти відповідей

his bedroom

the living room

the kitchen

Запитання 2

Read the text and answer the question:

My Favourite Room

My name is Jack and my favourite room in the flat is the living room. I like it because it is very big and comfortable. There is a red sofa on the right with a small table next to it. I can put my cup on the table when I am having some tea. The TV is opposite the sofa. It is big and I like watching cartoons on it. Between the TV and the window there is a bookcase where I keep my books. Through the window I can see the park where I often play with my neighbours. But it is raining today, that is why I’m sitting on the sofa now and reading one of my books.


Why does Jack like this room?

варіанти відповідей

because it is big and bright

because it is big and comfortable

because it is big and nice

Запитання 3

Read the text and answer the question:

My Favourite Room

My name is Jack and my favourite room in the flat is the living room. I like it because it is very big and comfortable. There is a red sofa on the right with a small table next to it. I can put my cup on the table when I am having some tea. The TV is opposite the sofa. It is big and I like watching cartoons on it. Between the TV and the window there is a bookcase where I keep my books. Through the window I can see the park where I often play with my neighbours. But it is raining today, that is why I’m sitting on the sofa now and reading one of my books.


What colour is the sofa?

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 4

Read the text and answer the question:

My Favourite Room

My name is Jack and my favourite room in the flat is the living room. I like it because it is very big and comfortable. There is a red sofa on the right with a small table next to it. I can put my cup on the table when I am having some tea. The TV is opposite the sofa. It is big and I like watching cartoons on it. Between the TV and the window there is a bookcase where I keep my books. Through the window I can see the park where I often play with my neighbours. But it is raining today, that is why I’m sitting on the sofa now and reading one of my books.


Where is the table?

варіанти відповідей

It is between the bookcase and the window

It is opposite the TV

It is next to the sofa

Запитання 5

Read the text and answer the question:

My Favourite Room

My name is Jack and my favourite room in the flat is the living room. I like it because it is very big and comfortable. There is a red sofa on the right with a small table next to it. I can put my cup on the table when I am having some tea. The TV is opposite the sofa. It is big and I like watching cartoons on it. Between the TV and the window there is a bookcase where I keep my books. Through the window I can see the park where I often play with my neighbours. But it is raining today, that is why I’m sitting on the sofa now and reading one of my books.


What does Jack like to watch on TV?

варіанти відповідей



the news

Запитання 6

Read the text and answer the question:

My Favourite Room

My name is Jack and my favourite room in the flat is the living room. I like it because it is very big and comfortable. There is a red sofa on the right with a small table next to it. I can put my cup on the table when I am having some tea. The TV is opposite the sofa. It is big and I like watching cartoons on it. Between the TV and the window there is a bookcase where I keep my books. Through the window I can see the park where I often play with my neighbours. But it is raining today, that is why I’m sitting on the sofa now and reading one of my books.


What is there between the TV and the window?

варіанти відповідей

the bookcase

the sofa

the table

Запитання 7

Read the text and answer the question:

My Favourite Room

My name is Jack and my favourite room in the flat is the living room. I like it because it is very big and comfortable. There is a red sofa on the right with a small table next to it. I can put my cup on the table when I am having some tea. The TV is opposite the sofa. It is big and I like watching cartoons on it. Between the TV and the window there is a bookcase where I keep my books. Through the window I can see the park where I often play with my neighbours. But it is raining today, that is why I’m sitting on the sofa now and reading one of my books.


What can Jack see through the window?

варіанти відповідей

the supermarket

the park

the post office

Запитання 8

Read the text and answer the question:

My Favourite Room

My name is Jack and my favourite room in the flat is the living room. I like it because it is very big and comfortable. There is a red sofa on the right with a small table next to it. I can put my cup on the table when I am having some tea. The TV is opposite the sofa. It is big and I like watching cartoons on it. Between the TV and the window there is a bookcase where I keep my books. Through the window I can see the park where I often play with my neighbours. But it is raining today, that is why I’m sitting on the sofa now and reading one of my books.


Who does Jack play with in the park?

варіанти відповідей

his parents

his dog

his neighbours

Запитання 9

Read the text and answer the question:

My Favourite Room

My name is Jack and my favourite room in the flat is the living room. I like it because it is very big and comfortable. There is a red sofa on the right with a small table next to it. I can put my cup on the table when I am having some tea. The TV is opposite the sofa. It is big and I like watching cartoons on it. Between the TV and the window there is a bookcase where I keep my books. Through the window I can see the park where I often play with my neighbours. But it is raining today, that is why I’m sitting on the sofa now and reading one of my books.


Why isn’t Jack in the park today?

варіанти відповідей

because it is raining

because he is tired

because he is busy

Запитання 10

Read the text and answer the question:

My Favourite Room

My name is Jack and my favourite room in the flat is the living room. I like it because it is very big and comfortable. There is a red sofa on the right with a small table next to it. I can put my cup on the table when I am having some tea. The TV is opposite the sofa. It is big and I like watching cartoons on it. Between the TV and the window there is a bookcase where I keep my books. Through the window I can see the park where I often play with my neighbours. But it is raining today, that is why I’m sitting on the sofa now and reading one of my books.


What is Jack doing now?

варіанти відповідей

He is watching TV.

He is playing with friends.

He is reading a book.

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