4 клас Семестрова контрольна робота з Читання

Додано: 19 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 81 раз
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and say if the sentences are true or false

Jane: I say, I have got an e-mail from Tania. She is my friend from Ukraine.

Ann: What is she writing?

Jane: She is writing about her favourite holiday.

Bill: What is it?

Jane: It is St Nicholas Day.

Jim: When is it?

Jane: It is in December.

Ann: Why does she like it?

Jane: She finds presents under her pillow on this day.

Bill: Under the pillow?

Jane: Yes, St Nicholas comes at night and visits kids. He puts presents under their pillows.

Jim, Ann, Bill: Wow!

1) Jane has got an e-mail from Ukraine.

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Запитання 2

Read the text and say if the sentences are true or false

Jane: I say, I have got an e-mail from Tania. She is my friend from Ukraine.

Ann: What is she writing?

Jane: She is writing about her favourite holiday.

Bill: What is it?

Jane: It is St Nicholas Day.

Jim: When is it?

Jane: It is in December.

Ann: Why does she like it?

Jane: She finds presents under her pillow on this day.

Bill: Under the pillow?

Jane: Yes, St Nicholas comes at night and visits kids. He puts presents under their pillows.

Jim, Ann, Bill: Wow!

2) Her friend is writing about her dog.

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Запитання 3

Read the text and say if the sentences are true or false

Jane: I say, I have got an e-mail from Tania. She is my friend from Ukraine.

Ann: What is she writing?

Jane: She is writing about her favourite holiday.

Bill: What is it?

Jane: It is St Nicholas Day.

Jim: When is it?

Jane: It is in December.

Ann: Why does she like it?

Jane: She finds presents under her pillow on this day.

Bill: Under the pillow?

Jane: Yes, St Nicholas comes at night and visits kids. He puts presents under their pillows.

Jim, Ann, Bill: Wow!

3) Tania’s favourite holiday is Easter.

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Запитання 4

Read the text and say if the sentences are true or false

Jane: I say, I have got an e-mail from Tania. She is my friend from Ukraine.

Ann: What is she writing?

Jane: She is writing about her favourite holiday.

Bill: What is it?

Jane: It is St Nicholas Day.

Jim: When is it?

Jane: It is in December.

Ann: Why does she like it?

Jane: She finds presents under her pillow on this day.

Bill: Under the pillow?

Jane: Yes, St Nicholas comes at night and visits kids. He puts presents under their pillows.

Jim, Ann, Bill: Wow!

4) St Nicholas Day is in December.

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Запитання 5

Read the text and say if the sentences are true or false

Jane: I say, I have got an e-mail from Tania. She is my friend from Ukraine.

Ann: What is she writing?

Jane: She is writing about her favourite holiday.

Bill: What is it?

Jane: It is St Nicholas Day.

Jim: When is it?

Jane: It is in December.

Ann: Why does she like it?

Jane: She finds presents under her pillow on this day.

Bill: Under the pillow?

Jane: Yes, St Nicholas comes at night and visits kids. He puts presents under their pillows.

Jim, Ann, Bill: Wow!

5) Tania finds presents under the table.

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Запитання 6

Read the text and say if the sentences are true or false

Jane: I say, I have got an e-mail from Tania. She is my friend from Ukraine.

Ann: What is she writing?

Jane: She is writing about her favourite holiday.

Bill: What is it?

Jane: It is St Nicholas Day.

Jim: When is it?

Jane: It is in December.

Ann: Why does she like it?

Jane: She finds presents under her pillow on this day.

Bill: Under the pillow?

Jane: Yes, St Nicholas comes at night and visits kids. He puts presents under their pillows.

Jim, Ann, Bill: Wow!

6) St Nicholas visits kids.

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