5 клас І семестр Сімейне навчання Reading

Додано: 2 серпня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 521 раз
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text

My grandparents aren't in the UK. They're in Italy. Their house is next to the sea. Granny has got a garden. It's in front of the house. Grandad has got an old car and a new car. They're in the garage next to the house.

The house is perfect for holidays. It's got one bedroom for my grandparents, one for my parents and one for me! There's a small bathroom too. The kitchen is the only big room. It's got a fridge, a table, some chairs and an old sofa. And it's got a television. It's fantastic!

Rosanna, 11

Say if the sentence is true or false

Rosanna's grandparents are in the UK

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Запитання 2

Read the text

My grandparents aren't in the UK. They're in Italy. Their house is next to the sea. Granny has got a garden. It's in front of the house. Grandad has got an old car and a new car. They're in the garage next to the house.

The house is perfect for holidays. It's got one bedroom for my grandparents, one for my parents and one for me! There's a small bathroom too. The kitchen is the only big room. It's got a fridge, a table, some chairs and an old sofa. And it's got a television. It's fantastic!

Rosanna, 11

Say if the sentence is true or false

Granny's garden is in front of the house.

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Запитання 3

Read the text

My grandparents aren't in the UK. They're in Italy. Their house is next to the sea. Granny has got a garden. It's in front of the house. Grandad has got an old car and a new car. They're in the garage next to the house.

The house is perfect for holidays. It's got one bedroom for my grandparents, one for my parents and one for me! There's a small bathroom too. The kitchen is the only big room. It's got a fridge, a table, some chairs and an old sofa. And it's got a television. It's fantastic!

Rosanna, 11

Say if the sentence is true or false

Grandad has got two cars.

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Запитання 4

Read the text

My grandparents aren't in the UK. They're in Italy. Their house is next to the sea. Granny has got a garden. It's in front of the house. Grandad has got an old car and a new car. They're in the garage next to the house.

The house is perfect for holidays. It's got one bedroom for my grandparents, one for my parents and one for me! There's a small bathroom too. The kitchen is the only big room. It's got a fridge, a table, some chairs and an old sofa. And it's got a television. It's fantastic!

Rosanna, 11

Say if the sentence is true or false

The garage is behind the house

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Запитання 5

Read the text

My grandparents aren't in the UK. They're in Italy. Their house is next to the sea. Granny has got a garden. It's in front of the house. Grandad has got an old car and a new car. They're in the garage next to the house.

The house is perfect for holidays. It's got one bedroom for my grandparents, one for my parents and one for me! There's a small bathroom too. The kitchen is the only big room. It's got a fridge, a table, some chairs and an old sofa. And it's got a television. It's fantastic!

Rosanna, 11

Say if the sentence is true or false

There are three bedrooms in the house.

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Запитання 6

Read the text

My grandparents aren't in the UK. They're in Italy. Their house is next to the sea. Granny has got a garden. It's in front of the house. Grandad has got an old car and a new car. They're in the garage next to the house.

The house is perfect for holidays. It's got one bedroom for my grandparents, one for my parents and one for me! There's a small bathroom too. The kitchen is the only big room. It's got a fridge, a table, some chairs and an old sofa. And it's got a television. It's fantastic!

Rosanna, 11

Say if the sentence is true or false

Grandparents' house is next to the lake.

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Запитання 7

Read the text

My grandparents aren't in the UK. They're in Italy. Their house is next to the sea. Granny has got a garden. It's in front of the house. Grandad has got an old car and a new car. They're in the garage next to the house.

The house is perfect for holidays. It's got one bedroom for my grandparents, one for my parents and one for me! There's a small bathroom too. The kitchen is the only big room. It's got a fridge, a table, some chairs and an old sofa. And it's got a television. It's fantastic!

Rosanna, 11

Say if the sentence is true or false

The bathroom is big.

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Запитання 8

Read the text

My grandparents aren't in the UK. They're in Italy. Their house is next to the sea. Granny has got a garden. It's in front of the house. Grandad has got an old car and a new car. They're in the garage next to the house.

The house is perfect for holidays. It's got one bedroom for my grandparents, one for my parents and one for me! There's a small bathroom too. The kitchen is the only big room. It's got a fridge, a table, some chairs and an old sofa. And it's got a television. It's fantastic!

Rosanna, 11

Say if the sentence is true or false

The kitchen is big.

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Запитання 9

Read the text

My grandparents aren't in the UK. They're in Italy. Their house is next to the sea. Granny has got a garden. It's in front of the house. Grandad has got an old car and a new car. They're in the garage next to the house.

The house is perfect for holidays. It's got one bedroom for my grandparents, one for my parents and one for me! There's a small bathroom too. The kitchen is the only big room. It's got a fridge, a table, some chairs and an old sofa. And it's got a television. It's fantastic!

Rosanna, 11

Say if the sentence is true or false

The TV is in the living room.

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Запитання 10

Read the text

My grandparents aren't in the UK. They're in Italy. Their house is next to the sea. Granny has got a garden. It's in front of the house. Grandad has got an old car and a new car. They're in the garage next to the house.

The house is perfect for holidays. It's got one bedroom for my grandparents, one for my parents and one for me! There's a small bathroom too. The kitchen is the only big room. It's got a fridge, a table, some chairs and an old sofa. And it's got a television. It's fantastic!

Rosanna, 11

Say if the sentence is true or false

An old sofa is in the kitchen.

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Запитання 11

Read the text

My grandparents aren't in the UK. They're in Italy. Their house is next to the sea. Granny has got a garden. It's in front of the house. Grandad has got an old car and a new car. They're in the garage next to the house.

The house is perfect for holidays. It's got one bedroom for my grandparents, one for my parents and one for me! There's a small bathroom too. The kitchen is the only big room. It's got a fridge, a table, some chairs and an old sofa. And it's got a television. It's fantastic!

Rosanna, 11

Say if the sentence is true or false

The house is perfect for work.

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Запитання 12

Read the text

My grandparents aren't in the UK. They're in Italy. Their house is next to the sea. Granny has got a garden. It's in front of the house. Grandad has got an old car and a new car. They're in the garage next to the house.

The house is perfect for holidays. It's got one bedroom for my grandparents, one for my parents and one for me! There's a small bathroom too. The kitchen is the only big room. It's got a fridge, a table, some chairs and an old sofa. And it's got a television. It's fantastic!

Rosanna, 11

Say if the sentence is true or false

Rosanna is eleven.

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