Before doing the test you have to watch the video twice.
Посилання на відео до тесту
Read the tasks attentively and choose the correct answer.
Listening Choose True or False.
Yuki does not like British food.
Carlos sees people standing in lines in the UK.
Museums in the UK are free to visit.
Anna thinks British people always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.
Carlos does not like British parks.
VOCABULARY Complete the conversations with the words.
A: I like staying at home.
B: I don’t. I like ............... my friends at the park.
A: I’m always tired at school.
B: Eat a good breakfast and you’ll feel ............
I don’t like water! I don’t like.......... in the pool.
They are good at singing and ............
She isn’t very good at .......... hockey.
Choose make or do.
make / do homework
make / do your bed
make / do the washing
make / do lunch
GRAMMAR Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun.
Vegetables are good for .......... .
She likes running in the park. It is good for .............
They don’t like playing tennis. They are not very good at ...........
Match the verbs with the phrases to make household jobs.
.......... carry
......... clean
......... cook
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