7 form/ 3 unit/ Reading

Додано: 14 листопада 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 36 разів
5 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text. Decide if the statements are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM).

The Little Olympic Club

The Little Olympic Club is a sports club for young people, but it’s a sports club with a difference. All our members are good, strong athletes and they all want to be winners in the Olympic Games. The difference is that all these young people are between six and 11 years old and they all live in areas of our town where there are no sports centres or clubs. Their parents don’t have a lot of money to spend on sports lessons, so they come here, and we help them. I organise the club, and my friends Jane and Fisher do the training. At the moment, we have 30 children in the club and they do cycling, running, jumping and some ball games. They work very hard, but they can’t practise very often. We don’t have courts or a swimming pool. We usually practise in a big room in a school near here or in the park. The school is very kind and doesn’t ask us for money. But we have a problem. The club is getting bigger, and the kids are getting better! At the moment, we have to use old equipment – like old bikes and gym equipment. We must find some more money to help these children. We want to rent tennis courts, pay for time in the swimming pool at the sports centre and pay for the kids to travel to different competitions. These children are the athletes of the future. They love their sport and they know they can be winners. Can you help us? Can you buy sports equipment – like bats and rackets or swimming costumes? Perhaps you can give your time too? We must have more trainers. The Little Olympic Club is waiting for YOUR help! Please contact us on littleolympicclub.com.

1 All the members of the club are competition winners.  

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Запитання 2

Read the text. Decide if the statements are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM).

The Little Olympic Club

The Little Olympic Club is a sports club for young people, but it’s a sports club with a difference. All our members are good, strong athletes and they all want to be winners in the Olympic Games. The difference is that all these young people are between six and 11 years old and they all live in areas of our town where there are no sports centres or clubs. Their parents don’t have a lot of money to spend on sports lessons, so they come here, and we help them. I organise the club, and my friends Jane and Fisher do the training. At the moment, we have 30 children in the club and they do cycling, running, jumping and some ball games. They work very hard, but they can’t practise very often. We don’t have courts or a swimming pool. We usually practise in a big room in a school near here or in the park. The school is very kind and doesn’t ask us for money. But we have a problem. The club is getting bigger, and the kids are getting better! At the moment, we have to use old equipment – like old bikes and gym equipment. We must find some more money to help these children. We want to rent tennis courts, pay for time in the swimming pool at the sports centre and pay for the kids to travel to different competitions. These children are the athletes of the future. They love their sport and they know they can be winners. Can you help us? Can you buy sports equipment – like bats and rackets or swimming costumes? Perhaps you can give your time too? We must have more trainers. The Little Olympic Club is waiting for YOUR help! Please contact us on littleolympicclub.com.

2 You can’t be a member if you’re a teenager.  

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Запитання 3

Read the text. Decide if the statements are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM).

The Little Olympic Club

The Little Olympic Club is a sports club for young people, but it’s a sports club with a difference. All our members are good, strong athletes and they all want to be winners in the Olympic Games. The difference is that all these young people are between six and 11 years old and they all live in areas of our town where there are no sports centres or clubs. Their parents don’t have a lot of money to spend on sports lessons, so they come here, and we help them. I organise the club, and my friends Jane and Fisher do the training. At the moment, we have 30 children in the club and they do cycling, running, jumping and some ball games. They work very hard, but they can’t practise very often. We don’t have courts or a swimming pool. We usually practise in a big room in a school near here or in the park. The school is very kind and doesn’t ask us for money. But we have a problem. The club is getting bigger, and the kids are getting better! At the moment, we have to use old equipment – like old bikes and gym equipment. We must find some more money to help these children. We want to rent tennis courts, pay for time in the swimming pool at the sports centre and pay for the kids to travel to different competitions. These children are the athletes of the future. They love their sport and they know they can be winners. Can you help us? Can you buy sports equipment – like bats and rackets or swimming costumes? Perhaps you can give your time too? We must have more trainers. The Little Olympic Club is waiting for YOUR help! Please contact us on littleolympicclub.com.

3 The club gives extra practice after sports lessons.  

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 4

Read the text. Decide if the statements are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM).

The Little Olympic Club

The Little Olympic Club is a sports club for young people, but it’s a sports club with a difference. All our members are good, strong athletes and they all want to be winners in the Olympic Games. The difference is that all these young people are between six and 11 years old and they all live in areas of our town where there are no sports centres or clubs. Their parents don’t have a lot of money to spend on sports lessons, so they come here, and we help them. I organise the club, and my friends Jane and Fisher do the training. At the moment, we have 30 children in the club and they do cycling, running, jumping and some ball games. They work very hard, but they can’t practise very often. We don’t have courts or a swimming pool. We usually practise in a big room in a school near here or in the park. The school is very kind and doesn’t ask us for money. But we have a problem. The club is getting bigger, and the kids are getting better! At the moment, we have to use old equipment – like old bikes and gym equipment. We must find some more money to help these children. We want to rent tennis courts, pay for time in the swimming pool at the sports centre and pay for the kids to travel to different competitions. These children are the athletes of the future. They love their sport and they know they can be winners. Can you help us? Can you buy sports equipment – like bats and rackets or swimming costumes? Perhaps you can give your time too? We must have more trainers. The Little Olympic Club is waiting for YOUR help! Please contact us on littleolympicclub.com.

4 The club pays some money to use the school’s room.  

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Запитання 5

Read the text. Decide if the statements are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM).

The Little Olympic Club

The Little Olympic Club is a sports club for young people, but it’s a sports club with a difference. All our members are good, strong athletes and they all want to be winners in the Olympic Games. The difference is that all these young people are between six and 11 years old and they all live in areas of our town where there are no sports centres or clubs. Their parents don’t have a lot of money to spend on sports lessons, so they come here, and we help them. I organise the club, and my friends Jane and Fisher do the training. At the moment, we have 30 children in the club and they do cycling, running, jumping and some ball games. They work very hard, but they can’t practise very often. We don’t have courts or a swimming pool. We usually practise in a big room in a school near here or in the park. The school is very kind and doesn’t ask us for money. But we have a problem. The club is getting bigger, and the kids are getting better! At the moment, we have to use old equipment – like old bikes and gym equipment. We must find some more money to help these children. We want to rent tennis courts, pay for time in the swimming pool at the sports centre and pay for the kids to travel to different competitions. These children are the athletes of the future. They love their sport and they know they can be winners. Can you help us? Can you buy sports equipment – like bats and rackets or swimming costumes? Perhaps you can give your time too? We must have more trainers. The Little Olympic Club is waiting for YOUR help! Please contact us on littleolympicclub.com.

5 The club’s equipment isn’t new.

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