1. It's clear as a day that every country ____ its own customs, traditions and emblems.
2. The thistle has nothing pleasant in it, especially you carelessly ____ its thorns.
3. But it has an important _____ for the people of Scotland.
4. It is the Scottish ____ emblem.
5. Scotland, as you may ____, is now part of Great Britain.
6. Why did the Sctottish people ____ this thorny plant as the national emlem of the country?
7. The answer is interesting and it can ____ in the history of Scotland.
8. The people of that country chose the thistle as their national emblem because it ____ their land from foreign invaders many years ago.
9. People say that during a surprise attack by the invaders the Scottish soldiers ___ by the shouts of the invaders as their bare feet touched the thorns of the thistles in the field they were crossing.
10. This, of course, was a good reason ____ the thistle as a national emblem!
11. This tradition _____ in Scotland.
12. National songs ____ during different festivals and celabrations.
13. The Scots also ____ them at special occasions.
14. Of course, they ____ a lot of other traditions.
15. The Scotts ____ in the North of the country many years ago.
16. They ____ their native land courageously.
17. The British Isles ____ by different peoples.
18. The Romans ____ the country in AD 43.
19. The British ____ for their traditions.
20. The British traditions ____ with great honour.
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