9.Unit 6. Your Media Literacy.(6.4- Reading)

Додано: 8 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 656 разів
8 запитань
Запитання 1

Complete the gaps by choosing A, B,C or D to obtain a logical and grammatically correct text.

How healthy are your leisure activities? For some time,theWorld Health Organisation and UNICEF have been 1 ______an eye on the low level of physical exercise among young people, and this is something which affects Ukraine too. UNICEF has said that only 35% of ten-year-old children get exercise on a daily basis.This figure drops to 18% among Ukrainians aged 17. From one point of view, anything you can do to relax, 2______ fun and take your mind off the stress of school work is healthy. After all, stress is one oft he biggest health problems we all face. But the worry is that too much time is 3_____ doing passive free-time activities, like watching television. Apparently, 37% of all 14-17-year-olds in Ukraine watch between three and six hours of television a day, and this figure is even higher at weekends. It looks as if television 4____nearly all their leisure time.

Television is not the only problem. If we include computers and gadgets like mobile phones,the total screen time goes up considerably. Among 16-17-year-olds,for example, more than 33% of them are on their gadgets for over four hours a day. If we add the various home-based hobbies and pastimes that people are 5_____,it is easy to see how physical exercise could get forgotten. But the news is not all bad. According to various surveys, a significant number of Ukrainian teens are 6 ____ attention to health advice. They get exercise,take part in sports or visit the countryside regularly. Around half of teenagers walk regularly -either to get places, or simply for pleasure, like 7 ____a stroll in the park. When we add activities like cycling and skateboarding, most experts 8 ____that there are plenty of teens who are doing enough to stay healthy.

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Запитання 2

Complete the gaps by choosing A, B,C or D to obtain a logical and grammatically correct text.

How healthy are your leisure activities? For some time,theWorld Health Organisation and UNICEF have been 1 ______an eye on the low level of physical exercise among young people, and this is something which affects Ukraine too. UNICEF has said that only 35% of ten-year-old children get exercise on a daily basis.This figure drops to 18% among Ukrainians aged 17. From one point of view, anything you can do to relax, 2______ fun and take your mind off the stress of school work is healthy. After all, stress is one oft he biggest health problems we all face. But the worry is that too much time is 3_____ doing passive free-time activities, like watching television. Apparently, 37% of all 14-17-year-olds in Ukraine watch between three and six hours of television a day, and this figure is even higher at weekends. It looks as if television 4____nearly all their leisure time.

Television is not the only problem. If we include computers and gadgets like mobile phones,the total screen time goes up considerably. Among 16-17-year-olds,for example, more than 33% of them are on their gadgets for over four hours a day. If we add the various home-based hobbies and pastimes that people are 5_____,it is easy to see how physical exercise could get forgotten. But the news is not all bad. According to various surveys, a significant number of Ukrainian teens are 6 ____ attention to health advice. They get exercise,take part in sports or visit the countryside regularly. Around half of teenagers walk regularly -either to get places, or simply for pleasure, like 7 ____a stroll in the park. When we add activities like cycling and skateboarding, most experts 8 ____that there are plenty of teens who are doing enough to stay healthy.

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Запитання 3

Complete the gaps by choosing A, B,C or D to obtain a logical and grammatically correct text.

How healthy are your leisure activities? For some time,theWorld Health Organisation and UNICEF have been 1 ______an eye on the low level of physical exercise among young people, and this is something which affects Ukraine too. UNICEF has said that only 35% of ten-year-old children get exercise on a daily basis.This figure drops to 18% among Ukrainians aged 17. From one point of view, anything you can do to relax, 2______ fun and take your mind off the stress of school work is healthy. After all, stress is one oft he biggest health problems we all face. But the worry is that too much time is 3_____ doing passive free-time activities, like watching television. Apparently, 37% of all 14-17-year-olds in Ukraine watch between three and six hours of television a day, and this figure is even higher at weekends. It looks as if television 4____nearly all their leisure time.

Television is not the only problem. If we include computers and gadgets like mobile phones,the total screen time goes up considerably. Among 16-17-year-olds,for example, more than 33% of them are on their gadgets for over four hours a day. If we add the various home-based hobbies and pastimes that people are 5_____,it is easy to see how physical exercise could get forgotten. But the news is not all bad. According to various surveys, a significant number of Ukrainian teens are 6 ____ attention to health advice. They get exercise,take part in sports or visit the countryside regularly. Around half of teenagers walk regularly -either to get places, or simply for pleasure, like 7 ____a stroll in the park. When we add activities like cycling and skateboarding, most experts 8 ____that there are plenty of teens who are doing enough to stay healthy.

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Запитання 4

Complete the gaps by choosing A, B,C or D to obtain a logical and grammatically correct text.

How healthy are your leisure activities? For some time,theWorld Health Organisation and UNICEF have been 1 ______an eye on the low level of physical exercise among young people, and this is something which affects Ukraine too. UNICEF has said that only 35% of ten-year-old children get exercise on a daily basis.This figure drops to 18% among Ukrainians aged 17. From one point of view, anything you can do to relax, 2______ fun and take your mind off the stress of school work is healthy. After all, stress is one oft he biggest health problems we all face. But the worry is that too much time is 3_____ doing passive free-time activities, like watching television. Apparently, 37% of all 14-17-year-olds in Ukraine watch between three and six hours of television a day, and this figure is even higher at weekends. It looks as if television 4____nearly all their leisure time.

Television is not the only problem. If we include computers and gadgets like mobile phones,the total screen time goes up considerably. Among 16-17-year-olds,for example, more than 33% of them are on their gadgets for over four hours a day. If we add the various home-based hobbies and pastimes that people are 5_____,it is easy to see how physical exercise could get forgotten. But the news is not all bad. According to various surveys, a significant number of Ukrainian teens are 6 ____ attention to health advice. They get exercise,take part in sports or visit the countryside regularly. Around half of teenagers walk regularly -either to get places, or simply for pleasure, like 7 ____a stroll in the park. When we add activities like cycling and skateboarding, most experts 8 ____that there are plenty of teens who are doing enough to stay healthy.

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Запитання 5

Complete the gaps by choosing A, B,C or D to obtain a logical and grammatically correct text.

How healthy are your leisure activities? For some time,theWorld Health Organisation and UNICEF have been 1 ______an eye on the low level of physical exercise among young people, and this is something which affects Ukraine too. UNICEF has said that only 35% of ten-year-old children get exercise on a daily basis.This figure drops to 18% among Ukrainians aged 17. From one point of view, anything you can do to relax, 2______ fun and take your mind off the stress of school work is healthy. After all, stress is one oft he biggest health problems we all face. But the worry is that too much time is 3_____ doing passive free-time activities, like watching television. Apparently, 37% of all 14-17-year-olds in Ukraine watch between three and six hours of television a day, and this figure is even higher at weekends. It looks as if television 4____nearly all their leisure time.

Television is not the only problem. If we include computers and gadgets like mobile phones,the total screen time goes up considerably. Among 16-17-year-olds,for example, more than 33% of them are on their gadgets for over four hours a day. If we add the various home-based hobbies and pastimes that people are 5_____,it is easy to see how physical exercise could get forgotten. But the news is not all bad. According to various surveys, a significant number of Ukrainian teens are 6 ____ attention to health advice. They get exercise,take part in sports or visit the countryside regularly. Around half of teenagers walk regularly -either to get places, or simply for pleasure, like 7 ____a stroll in the park. When we add activities like cycling and skateboarding, most experts 8 ____that there are plenty of teens who are doing enough to stay healthy.

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Запитання 6

Complete the gaps by choosing A, B,C or D to obtain a logical and grammatically correct text.

How healthy are your leisure activities? For some time,theWorld Health Organisation and UNICEF have been 1 ______an eye on the low level of physical exercise among young people, and this is something which affects Ukraine too. UNICEF has said that only 35% of ten-year-old children get exercise on a daily basis.This figure drops to 18% among Ukrainians aged 17. From one point of view, anything you can do to relax, 2______ fun and take your mind off the stress of school work is healthy. After all, stress is one oft he biggest health problems we all face. But the worry is that too much time is 3_____ doing passive free-time activities, like watching television. Apparently, 37% of all 14-17-year-olds in Ukraine watch between three and six hours of television a day, and this figure is even higher at weekends. It looks as if television 4____nearly all their leisure time.

Television is not the only problem. If we include computers and gadgets like mobile phones,the total screen time goes up considerably. Among 16-17-year-olds,for example, more than 33% of them are on their gadgets for over four hours a day. If we add the various home-based hobbies and pastimes that people are 5_____,it is easy to see how physical exercise could get forgotten. But the news is not all bad. According to various surveys, a significant number of Ukrainian teens are 6 ____ attention to health advice. They get exercise,take part in sports or visit the countryside regularly. Around half of teenagers walk regularly -either to get places, or simply for pleasure, like 7 ____a stroll in the park. When we add activities like cycling and skateboarding, most experts 8 ____that there are plenty of teens who are doing enough to stay healthy.

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Запитання 7

Complete the gaps by choosing A, B,C or D to obtain a logical and grammatically correct text.

How healthy are your leisure activities? For some time,theWorld Health Organisation and UNICEF have been 1 ______an eye on the low level of physical exercise among young people, and this is something which affects Ukraine too. UNICEF has said that only 35% of ten-year-old children get exercise on a daily basis.This figure drops to 18% among Ukrainians aged 17. From one point of view, anything you can do to relax, 2______ fun and take your mind off the stress of school work is healthy. After all, stress is one oft he biggest health problems we all face. But the worry is that too much time is 3_____ doing passive free-time activities, like watching television. Apparently, 37% of all 14-17-year-olds in Ukraine watch between three and six hours of television a day, and this figure is even higher at weekends. It looks as if television 4____nearly all their leisure time.

Television is not the only problem. If we include computers and gadgets like mobile phones,the total screen time goes up considerably. Among 16-17-year-olds,for example, more than 33% of them are on their gadgets for over four hours a day. If we add the various home-based hobbies and pastimes that people are 5_____,it is easy to see how physical exercise could get forgotten. But the news is not all bad. According to various surveys, a significant number of Ukrainian teens are 6 ____ attention to health advice. They get exercise,take part in sports or visit the countryside regularly. Around half of teenagers walk regularly -either to get places, or simply for pleasure, like 7 ____a stroll in the park. When we add activities like cycling and skateboarding, most experts 8 ____that there are plenty of teens who are doing enough to stay healthy.

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Запитання 8

Complete the gaps by choosing A, B,C or D to obtain a logical and grammatically correct text.

How healthy are your leisure activities? For some time,theWorld Health Organisation and UNICEF have been 1 ______an eye on the low level of physical exercise among young people, and this is something which affects Ukraine too. UNICEF has said that only 35% of ten-year-old children get exercise on a daily basis.This figure drops to 18% among Ukrainians aged 17. From one point of view, anything you can do to relax, 2______ fun and take your mind off the stress of school work is healthy. After all, stress is one oft he biggest health problems we all face. But the worry is that too much time is 3_____ doing passive free-time activities, like watching television. Apparently, 37% of all 14-17-year-olds in Ukraine watch between three and six hours of television a day, and this figure is even higher at weekends. It looks as if television 4____nearly all their leisure time.

Television is not the only problem. If we include computers and gadgets like mobile phones,the total screen time goes up considerably. Among 16-17-year-olds,for example, more than 33% of them are on their gadgets for over four hours a day. If we add the various home-based hobbies and pastimes that people are 5_____,it is easy to see how physical exercise could get forgotten. But the news is not all bad. According to various surveys, a significant number of Ukrainian teens are 6 ____ attention to health advice. They get exercise,take part in sports or visit the countryside regularly. Around half of teenagers walk regularly -either to get places, or simply for pleasure, like 7 ____a stroll in the park. When we add activities like cycling and skateboarding, most experts 8 ____that there are plenty of teens who are doing enough to stay healthy.

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