A healthy lifestyle

Додано: 15 листопада 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 47 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Every person goes through................... stages of sleep.

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Запитання 2

.......................... wakes you up. Don’t exercise before bedtime.

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Запитання 3

At night our body produces the ‘darkness hormone’............................ which helps us to fall asleep.

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Запитання 4

You should take an aspirin.

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Тобі не варто приймати аспірин.

Тобі варто прийняти аспірин.

Не думаю, що це хороша ідея приймати аспірин.

Запитання 5

He ..................... (go) jogging three times a week. 

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Запитання 6

Mother ...................... (read) the paper at the moment.

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is reading

was reading

Запитання 7

I usually ......................(have breakfast) in the morning. 

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am having breakfast

have breakfast

had breakfast

Запитання 8

It's cold. I.............................(close) the window

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am closing

will close

will be closing

Запитання 9

A: Costas and I ............... (get married) in April.

B: Really? Congratulations! 

варіанти відповідей

are going to get married

aren't going to get married

am going to get married

Запитання 10

Прочитайте текст. Позначте T/F до речень поданих після тексту.

It's difficult fot teens to wake up early and to go to sleep early. Often they feel lively at night when adults feel sleepy. That's because teenagers' brains produce melatonin later in the day. When you see bright lights, your brain stops making melatonin. That means you can't sleep well. So during the school week you shouldn't surf the internet or watch too many TV programmes before bedtime. It's better to read or listen to music. And during tha day don't drink too much tea or coffee.

1.It's not difficult fot teens to wake up early and to go to sleep early.

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Запитання 11

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It's difficult fot teens to wake up early and to go to sleep early. Often they feel lively at night when adults feel sleepy. That's because teenagers' brains produce melatonin later in the day. When you see bright lights, your brain stops making melatonin. That means you can't sleep well. So during the school week you shouldn't surf the internet or watch too many TV programmes before bedtime. It's better to read or listen to music. And during tha day don't drink too much tea or coffee.

2. Your brain starts making melatonin when you see bright lights.

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Запитання 12

Прочитайте текст. Позначте T/F до речень поданих після тексту.

It's difficult fot teens to wake up early and to go to sleep early. Often they feel lively at night when adults feel sleepy. That's because teenagers' brains produce melatonin later in the day. When you see bright lights, your brain stops making melatonin. That means you can't sleep well. So during the school week you shouldn't surf the internet or watch too many TV programmes before bedtime. It's better to read or listen to music. And during tha day don't drink too much tea or coffee.

3. You shouldn't surf the internet or watch too many TV programmes before bedtime because it won't be easy for you to fall asleep.

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