A Laconic Answer

Додано: 6 червня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the story. Agree or disagree with the statements below: True/False

A laconic answer


The Lacons lived in a part of Southern Greece called Laconia, and were known for the bravery and the simplicity of their life. One of their rules was always to speak briefly, using no more words than were needed. This was carried so far that to this day, a very short answer is often called laconic. There was in Northern Greece a land called Macedonia, which was once ruled by a king named Philip. Philip wanted to become master of all Greece. He therefore collected a great army and conquered all Greece, until only Laconia remained unconquered. Then he sent a letter to the brave Lacons saying: "If I invade your country, I will destroy your great city." In a few days an answer came. He found only one word written in it. That word was "If'.

1. The Lacons were brave and had a simple life style.

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Запитання 2

Read the story. Agree or disagree with the statements below: True/False

A laconic answer


The Lacons lived in a part of Southern Greece called Laconia, and were known for the bravery and the simplicity of their life. One of their rules was always to speak briefly, using no more words than were needed. This was carried so far that to this day, a very short answer is often called laconic. There was in Northern Greece a land called Macedonia, which was once ruled by a king named Philip. Philip wanted to become master of all Greece. He therefore collected a great army and conquered all Greece, until only Laconia remained unconquered. Then he sent a letter to the brave Lacons saying: "If I invade your country, I will destroy your great city." In a few days an answer came. He found only one word written in it. That word was "If'.

2. The Lacons spoke much because they had such a rule.

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Запитання 3

Read the story and agree or disagree with the statements below:True/False

A laconic answer


The Lacons lived in a part of Southern Greece called Laconia, and were known for the bravery and the simplicity of their life. One of their rules was always to speak briefly, using no more words than were needed. This was carried so far that to this day, a very short answer is often called laconic. There was in Northern Greece a land called Macedonia, which was once ruled by a king named Philip. Philip wanted to become master of all Greece. He therefore collected a great army and conquered all Greece, until only Laconia remained unconquered. Then he sent a letter to the brave Lacons saying: "If I invade your country, I will destroy your great city." In a few days an answer came. He found only one word written in it. That word was "If'.

3. Macedonia was located in Southern Greece.

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Запитання 4

Read the story and agree or disagree with the statements:True/False

A laconic answer


The Lacons lived in a part of Southern Greece called Laconia, and were known for the bravery and the simplicity of their life. One of their rules was always to speak briefly, using no more words than were needed. This was carried so far that to this day, a very short answer is often called laconic. There was in Northern Greece a land called Macedonia, which was once ruled by a king named Philip. Philip wanted to become master of all Greece. He therefore collected a great army and conquered all Greece, until only Laconia remained unconquered. Then he sent a letter to the brave Lacons saying: "If I invade your country, I will destroy your great city." In a few days an answer came. He found only one word written in it. That word was "If'.

4. Southern Greece was ruled by a king Philip.

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Запитання 5

Read the story and agree or disagree with the statements below :True/False

A laconic answer


The Lacons lived in a part of Southern Greece called Laconia, and were known for the bravery and the simplicity of their life. One of their rules was always to speak briefly, using no more words than were needed. This was carried so far that to this day, a very short answer is often called laconic. There was in Northern Greece a land called Macedonia, which was once ruled by a king named Philip. Philip wanted to become master of all Greece. He therefore collected a great army and conquered all Greece, until only Laconia remained unconquered. Then he sent a letter to the brave Lacons saying: "If I invade your country, I will destroy your great city." In a few days an answer came. He found only one word written in it. That word was "If'.

5. Philip was the master of all Greece.

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Запитання 6

Read the story and agree or disagree with the statements below :True/False

A laconic answer


The Lacons lived in a part of Southern Greece called Laconia, and were known for the bravery and the simplicity of their life. One of their rules was always to speak briefly, using no more words than were needed. This was carried so far that to this day, a very short answer is often called laconic. There was in Northern Greece a land called Macedonia, which was once ruled by a king named Philip. Philip wanted to become master of all Greece. He therefore collected a great army and conquered all Greece, until only Laconia remained unconquered. Then he sent a letter to the brave Lacons saying: "If I invade your country, I will destroy your great city." In a few days an answer came. He found only one word written in it. That word was "If'.

6. Laconia was the only country which Philip couldn't conquer.


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Запитання 7

Read the story and agree or disagree with the statements below: True/ False

A laconic answer


The Lacons lived in a part of Southern Greece called Laconia, and were known for the bravery and the simplicity of their life. One of their rules was always to speak briefly, using no more words than were needed. This was carried so far that to this day, a very short answer is often called laconic. There was in Northern Greece a land called Macedonia, which was once ruled by a king named Philip. Philip wanted to become master of all Greece. He therefore collected a great army and conquered all Greece, until only Laconia remained unconquered. Then he sent a letter to the brave Lacons saying: "If I invade your country, I will destroy your great city." In a few days an answer came. He found only one word written in it. That word was "If'.

7.Philip wanted to invade Laconia and sent them a letter.


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Запитання 8

Read the story and agree or disagree with the statements below: True/False

A laconic answer


The Lacons lived in a part of Southern Greece called Laconia, and were known for the bravery and the simplicity of their life. One of their rules was always to speak briefly, using no more words than were needed. This was carried so far that to this day, a very short answer is often called laconic. There was in Northern Greece a land called Macedonia, which was once ruled by a king named Philip. Philip wanted to become master of all Greece. He therefore collected a great army and conquered all Greece, until only Laconia remained unconquered. Then he sent a letter to the brave Lacons saying: "If I invade your country, I will destroy your great city." In a few days an answer came. He found only one word written in it. That word was "If'.

8. Philip found a few words in the answer .


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Запитання 9

Read the story and choose the correct answer on the question below:

A laconic answer


The Lacons lived in a part of Southern Greece called Laconia, and were known for the bravery and the simplicity of their life. One of their rules was always to speak briefly, using no more words than were needed. This was carried so far that to this day, a very short answer is often called laconic. There was in Northern Greece a land called Macedonia, which was once ruled by a king named Philip. Philip wanted to become master of all Greece. He therefore collected a great army and conquered all Greece, until only Laconia remained unconquered. Then he sent a letter to the brave Lacons saying: "If I invade your country, I will destroy your great city." In a few days an answer came. He found only one word written in it. That word was "If'.

9. What was one of the rules which the Lacons followed?


варіанти відповідей

It was to use as many words as they needed

It was not to use any words

Запитання 10

Read the story and choose the correct answer on the question below:

A laconic answer


The Lacons lived in a part of Southern Greece called Laconia, and were known for the bravery and the simplicity of their life. One of their rules was always to speak briefly, using no more words than were needed. This was carried so far that to this day, a very short answer is often called laconic. There was in Northern Greece a land called Macedonia, which was once ruled by a king named Philip. Philip wanted to become master of all Greece. He therefore collected a great army and conquered all Greece, until only Laconia remained unconquered. Then he sent a letter to the brave Lacons saying: "If I invade your country, I will destroy your great city." In a few days an answer came. He found only one word written in it. That word was "If'.

10. Why did Philip conquer all Greece?


варіанти відповідей

He could speak briefly

He collected a great army

Запитання 11

Read the story and choose the correct answer on the question below:

A laconic answer


The Lacons lived in a part of Southern Greece called Laconia, and were known for the bravery and the simplicity of their life. One of their rules was always to speak briefly, using no more words than were needed. This was carried so far that to this day, a very short answer is often called laconic. There was in Northern Greece a land called Macedonia, which was once ruled by a king named Philip. Philip wanted to become master of all Greece. He therefore collected a great army and conquered all Greece, until only Laconia remained unconquered. Then he sent a letter to the brave Lacons saying: "If I invade your country, I will destroy your great city." In a few days an answer came. He found only one word written in it. That word was "If'.

 11. Why did Laconia remain unconquered ?

варіанти відповідей

The Lacons lived far from Greece.

The Lacons were brave.

Запитання 12

Read the story and choose the correct answer on the question below:

A laconic answer


The Lacons lived in a part of Southern Greece called Laconia, and were known for the bravery and the simplicity of their life. One of their rules was always to speak briefly, using no more words than were needed. This was carried so far that to this day, a very short answer is often called laconic. There was in Northern Greece a land called Macedonia, which was once ruled by a king named Philip. Philip wanted to become master of all Greece. He therefore collected a great army and conquered all Greece, until only Laconia remained unconquered. Then he sent a letter to the brave Lacons saying: "If I invade your country, I will destroy your great city." In a few days an answer came. He found only one word written in it. That word was "If'.

12. What does the expression " a laconic answer" mean?


варіанти відповідей

It means you are brave .

It means a brief answer.

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