A trip to Kiev

Додано: 20 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова
Тест виконано: 32 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Kiev is one of the biggest, and the most beautiful European cities. The population of the city is about 3 million people. It is also the main administrative, political, cultural and scientific centre of the country. Kiev is situated on both banks of the Dnieper. It is one of the largest and most beautiful rivers in Europe. Kiev has a well-developed industry. Its enterprises produce TV-sets, computers, planes and all Kinds of consumer goods.

Kiev is also one of the largest scientific centres. Here the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences is located. Its research institutes are famous for their discoveries. Thousands of young people come to the capital each year in order to become students of the famous Kiev Shevchenko National University and other higher educational establishments of the city. Many people from all over Ukraine come to Kiev in order to visit its museums, libraries, theatres and parks.

Kiev is often called a garden city. Thousands of tourists come to see its beauty each year. It is very beautiful in spring, when the trees are in blossom and the streets and parks of the city look very attractive. There are many places of historical interest in the capital. The Golden Gates, the Andreyevskaya Church, the monument to Bohdan Khmelnitsky and Taras Shevchenko are a must with everyone who visits Kiev for the first time. If you visit this city once, you’ll dream to visit it once more.

Kiev is one of the biggest, and the most beautiful European towns

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I do not know

Запитання 2

The population of the city is less 3 million people

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I do not know

Запитання 3

Kiev is situated on three banks of the Dnieper.

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I do not know


Запитання 4

Kiev has a____________ industry

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a well-known

a well-developed

a well-famous

a well-- concentrated

Запитання 5

What is there in Kiev?

варіанти відповідей

TV-sets, computers, planes and all Kinds of consumer goods

TV-sets, computers, bikes and all Kinds of consumer goods

TV-sets, cars, planes and all Kinds of consumer goods

TV-sets, computers, planes and all Kinds of modern goods

Запитання 6

Here the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences is located

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I do not know



Запитання 7

Hundreds of young people come to the capital each year in order to become students of the famous Kiev Shevchenko National University

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I do not know

Запитання 8

What places do people visit each year?

варіанти відповідей

shops, libraries, theatres and parks.

museums,cafes, theatres and parks.

museums, libraries, theatres and gardens.

museums, libraries, theatres and parks.

Запитання 9

Kiev is often called a garden city

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I do not know

Запитання 10

It is very beautiful in summer, when the trees are in blossom and the streets and parks of the city look very attractive.

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I do not know

Запитання 11

The Golden Gates, the Andreyevskaya Church, the monument to Ivan Franko and Taras Shevchenko are a must with everyone who visits Kiev for the first time.

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I do not know

Запитання 12

Thousands of tourists come to see its beauty each year

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I do not know

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