Додано: 16 жовтня 2022
Тест виконано: 142 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

A 12-lead ECG should be obtained and analyzed within____minutes of the patient’s arrival in the ED (emergency department).

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 2

Which of the following patients would you avoid administering nitroglycerin to?

варіанти відповідей

A patient with a heart rate of 60 beats per minute

A patient that admits to taking Viagra (sildenafil nitrate) in the last 12 hours

A patient with a systolic blood pressure of 98mm Hg

A patient experiencing an anterolateral infarction

Запитання 3

Which intervention is at the center of the decision pathway in the management of ischemic chest pain, according to the ACS Algorithm?

варіанти відповідей

 Fibrinolytic checklist

 Initial cardiac marker levels

 Targeted history

12-lead ECG (ECG interpretation)

Запитання 4

For a patient with STEMI, goals of reperfusion include giving fibrinolytics or performing PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) within a certain timeframe of the patient’s arrival in the ED. What are these time parameters?

варіанти відповідей

 Fibrinolytics within 15 minutes, PCI within 30 minutes

Fibrinolytics within 90 minutes, PCI within 30 minutes

Fibrinolytics within 30 minutes, PCI within 90 minutes

Fibrinolytics within 20 minutes, PCI within 60 minutes

Запитання 5

A major contraindication to the administration of both nitroglycerin and morphine is:

варіанти відповідей


Recent GI bleed

Recent CVA

Recent phosphodiesterase inhibitor use

Запитання 6

STEMI is characterized by:

варіанти відповідей

 ST-segment elevation in 2 or more contiguous leads OR new LBBB

 Ischemic ST-segment depression greater than or equal to 0.5mm OR dynamic T-wave inversion with pain or discomfort

Nondiagnostic changes in the ST segment or T-wave

Nonpersistent/transient ST elevation greater than or equal to 0.5mm for less than 20 minutes

Запитання 7

Which of the following drugs is not included as part of ED general treatment for chest pain?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 8

An acute coronary syndrome with total occlusion is most consistent with which of the following?

варіанти відповідей

Plaque Rupture

Unstable Angina

Non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction

ST segment elevation myocardial infarction

Запитання 9

Which of the following is NOT classified as an acute coronary syndrome (ACS)?

варіанти відповідей

Unstable angina


Non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

Запитання 10

Which is not a goal in unstable angina?

варіанти відповідей

Prevent total occlusion

Limit infarct size

Control chest pain

Control other symptoms

Запитання 11

Which is not an ABSOLUTE contraindication to fibrinolytic?

варіанти відповідей

Previous intracranial hemorrhage

Suspected aortic dissection

Current use of anticoagulants

Known structural vascular lesion

Запитання 12

Which antiplatelet is indicated for PCI only?

варіанти відповідей





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