All Clear 7 Unit 4

Додано: 27 листопада 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
6 запитань
Запитання 1

1 Complete the sentences with the words

castle- cave- coastline- house- lighthouse opera- rainforest -reef- tomb

1 Spain has an Atlantic and a Mediterranean ______________ .

2 The most famous ______________ in the world is off the east coast of Australia.

3 The function of a ______________ is to protect ships from dangerous rocks.

4 When people die, they are buried in a ______________.

5 There is a famous ______________ in France with pre-historic paintings.

6 A lot of people are trying to protect the ______________ in Brazil.

7 La Scala is the most famous ______________ in the world.

8 Dracula’s ______________ is in Romania.

варіанти відповідей

1 lighthouse 2 reef 3 coastline 4 tomb 5 cave 6 rainforest 7 opera house 8 castle

1 coastline 2 reef 3 lighthouse 4 tomb 5 cave 6 rainforest 7 opera house 8 castle

1 coastline 2 cave 3 lighthouse 4 tomb 5reef 6 rainforest 7 opera house 8 castle

Запитання 2

2 Rewrite the sentences in a different form.

1 My father is a careful driver. My father drives ______________ .

2 She sings beautifully. She’s a ______________ singer.

3 He’s a hard worker. He works ______________ .

4 She’s a good guitarist. She plays the guitar ______________ .

5 He’s a noisy eater. He eats ______________ .

6 She runs fast. She’s a ______________ runner.

варіанти відповідей

1 carefully 2 beautiful 3 hard 4 well 5 noisily 6 fast

1 carefully 2 beautiful 3 hard 4 well 5 noisy 6 fast

1 carefully 2 beautifully 3 hard 4 well 5 noisily 6 fast

Запитання 3

3 Complete the text with the words - easily- fast- good- hard- quick- well

My friend Paul is a really (1) _______ singer. He sings so (2) __________ that he sometimes appears in concerts on television. He’s also good at sports. He can run very (3)_________ and he usually wins races (4) ________. I’m not good at music or sports, but at school I’m a (5) _______ learner and I always work (6) _________.

варіанти відповідей

1 good 2 well 3 fast 4 quick 5 easily 6 hard

1well 2 good 3 fast 4 easily 5 quick 6 hard

1 good 2 well 3 fast 4 easily 5 quick 6 hard

Запитання 4

4 Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjective in brackets.

1 London is ______________ (big) than Madrid.

2 Football is ______________ (popular) than tennis.

3 My father is ______________ (old) than my mother.

4 Italian food is ______________ (good) than American food.

5 The weather in Spain is ______________ (hot) than in England.

6 English is ______________ (easy) than Japanese.

варіанти відповідей

1 bigger 2 more popular 3 older 4 better 5 hotter 6 easier

1 biggest 2 more popular 3 older 4 better 5 hotter 6 easier

1 bigger 2 more popular 3 older 4 better 5 more hot 6 easier

Запитання 5

5 Complete the sentences with as … as, not as … as and the adjectives in brackets.

1 Malaga is ________________________ (big) Madrid.

2 My sister is almost ________________________ (tall) my mother.

3 I don’t know this word in English. My English is ________________(good) yours.

4 Mont Blanc is ________________________ (high) Mount Everest.

5 London is _________________ (beautiful) Rome. They are my favourite cities.

6 The weather in winter is ___________________ (warm) the weather in summer.

варіанти відповідей

1 not as big as 2 as tall as 3 as good as 4 not as high as 5 as beautiful as 6 not as warm as

1 not as big as 2 as tall as 3 not as good as 4 not as high as 5 as beautiful as 6 as warm as

1 not as big as 2 as tall as 3 not as good as 4 not as high as 5 as beautiful as 6 not as warm as

Запитання 6

6. Complete the sentences with too, enough or not enough.

1 The shoes were ______________ expensive so I couldn’t buy them.

2 I didn’t have ______________ money.

3 There are ______________ good programmes on TV. It’s really boring!

4 It’s ______________ cold to go swimming today.

5 The water is ______________ warm ______________ to swim.

6 I don’t want to walk to the park. It’s ______________ far!

варіанти відповідей

1 too 2 enough 3 not enough 4 too 5 not … enough 6 too

1 too 2 enough 3 not enough 4 too 5 not … enough 6 enough

1 too 2 enough 3 not enough 4 too 5 enough 6 too

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