All Clear 7 Unit 6 V

Додано: 4 лютого
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
3 запитання
Запитання 1

1 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.

1 Do you usually ______________ postcards to your friends when you go on holiday?

2 I always ______________ a guidebook before I visit a new country, to plan where to go.

3 I usually ______________ some souvenirs when I am on holiday.

4 My parents always ______________ their journeys very carefully. They read about all the places to


5 When we go to the airport we always ______________ early because there is a lot of traffic.

6 What time does this train ______________ in Madrid?

7 I like travelling but I’m always happy when I ______________ back home.

8 We ______________ a lot of adventures when we went to the USA.

9 We also ______________ a lot of interesting people there.

10 Always ______________ your suitcase carefully before you go on holiday.

варіанти відповідей

1 buy

2 send

3 buy

4 plan

5 set off

6 arrive

7 come

8 had

9 met

10 pack

1 send

2 buy

3 buy

4 plan

5 set off

6 arrive

7 come

8 had

9 met

10 pack

1 send

2 buy

3 buy

4 plan

5 set off

6 come

7 arrive

8 had

9 met

10 pack

Запитання 2

2 Choose the correct words.

1 Can I borrow your coat? I’m absolutely boiling / awful / freezing .

2 We were exhausted / awful / freezing after the long journey.

3 My parents are delighted / terrifying / amazing with their new car.

4 The museum was delighted / terrifying / enormous. We walked around for four hours and we

only saw part of it.

5 It’s enormous / boiling / freezing in this room. Can you open a window?

варіанти відповідей

1 boiling

2 exhausted

3 delighted

4 enormous

5 boiling

1 freezing

2 exhausted

3 delighted

4 enormous

5 freezing

1 freezing

2 exhausted

3 delighted

4 enormous

5 boiling

Запитання 3

3 Complete the sentences with extreme adjectives.

1 Our hotel room was _________. There was just room for a bed and a wardrobe. It was one of

the smallest rooms I’ve ever seen.

2 It was _______when we were at the beach yesterday. The temperature was nearly 40


3 She was so happy when she got a new bike for her birthday. She was ______with it. It’s

exactly what she wanted.

4 The food in the restaurant was ________. It was so bad that none of us finished our meals.

I’m never going there again.

5 The film was _________! I couldn’t sleep after seeing it because I was so scared.

варіанти відповідей

1 tiny

2 boiling

3 delighted

4 terrifying

5 awful

1 tiny

2 boiling

3 terrifying

4 awful

5 delighted

1 tiny

2 boiling

3 delighted

4 awful

5 terrifying

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