All Clear 7 Unit 8

Додано: 22 квітня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Копія з тесту: All Clear 7 Unit 8
6 запитань
Запитання 1

1 My father ___hands with the president when he visited his company.

2 In the UK, it’s rude to __at people in the street.

3 In some countries people ___ ___their shoes when they enter someone’s house.

4 If you are invited to someone’s house, you must ____ __ late. 

варіанти відповідей

1 shook 2 point 3 take off 4 was

1 shook 2 point 3 take off 4 be

1 shook 2 point 3 took off 4 be

Запитання 2

5 You will make everyone angry if you _________ the queue.

6 A boy in our class _______ very funny jokes. He makes everyone laugh.

7 I was talking to my friend when a stranger ______our conversation. He wanted to know the way to the station.

8 We usually _____ some flowers when we go to someone’s house for dinner. 

варіанти відповідей

5 jump 6 tells 7 interrupted 8 bring 

5 jump 6 tell 7 interrupted 8 bring 

5 interrupted 6 tells 7 jumped 8 bring 

Запитання 3

1 My sister and her boyfriend had an _________ last night. She’s still angry today. 2 My brother doesn’t like to _______ money on clothes. He prefers to buy computer games.

3 I received a lot of _______ for my birthday. The best one was a new MP3 player. 4 I ______________ presents to my family every Christmas. 

варіанти відповідей

1 argument 2 spend 3 presents 4 given

1 argument 2 spent 3 presents 4 give

1 argument 2 spend 3 presents 4 give

Запитання 4

5 I received some good ____ from my grandmother. She was very clever and wise.

6 My younger brother spends a lot of _________online. He likes playing computer games with his friends.

7 It’s important to tell the _________. You should never tell ______________ .

8 I like having ______and going to parties.

9 She wants to spend __________with her boyfriend before he leaves town.

варіанти відповідей

5 present 6 time 7 truth / lies 8 fun 9 time

5 advice 6 time 7 truth / lies 8 fun 9 times

5 advice 6 time 7 truth / lies 8 fun 9 time

Запитання 5

Complete the school rules.

1 You __________ eat food in the classroom.

2 All students __________ arrive at school on time.

3 We ______________ run in the corridors at school.

4 You ______________ speak English in the English class.

5 Students __________ smoke at school.

6 You ___________ come to school at the weekend. 

варіанти відповідей

1 mustn’t 2 must (have to) 3 mustn’t 4 must (have to) 5 mustn’t 6 mustn’t

1 have to 2 must (have to) 3 mustn’t 4 must (have to) 5 mustn’t 6 don’t have to 

1 mustn’t 2 must (have to) 3 mustn’t 4 must (have to) 5 mustn’t 6 don’t have to 

Запитання 6

Complete the sentences with suitable verbs.

1 If I _________ in a big city, I would be very happy.

2 If the weather was better, we ___________swimming.

3 I don’t have any time this evening but if I _______time, I would go to the cinema.

4 If she studied harder, she _________ the exam easily.

5 If she __________ a dog, she would have a cat.

6 We’re going to the park but we would have more fun if we _______ to the beach

варіанти відповідей

1 lived 2 would go 3 had 4 would pass 5 didn’t have 6 went

1 would lived 2 would go 3 had 4 would pass 5 didn’t have 6 went

1 lived 2 would go 3 had 4 passed 5 didn’t have 6 went

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