all clear Reading

Додано: 27 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 143 рази
10 запитань
Запитання 1

If you like animals you’ll love Manish Pandey’s job. He’s a vet at Chester Zoo, the largest zoo in England, and one of the biggest in the world. In his job, Manish must look after some incredible wild animals, including spiders with broken legs and giraffes with sore throats.

On a typical day, Manish gets to work at eight o’clock, and has a meeting with the zoo hospital team before he goes to see the animals. He visits sick animals and talks to the zookeepers. He’ll do operations in the morning if any animals have an injury.

Manish grew up India and always wanted to be a vet. He came to England to train and worked in South Africa before he got his present job. He doesn’t earn much money in his job because zoos don’t make a lot of money, but he really enjoys it. Being a vet in a zoo isn’t more difficult than looking after dogs and cats but it’s a lot more interesting.

Q1 Manish Pandey works at a large zoo in England.

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Запитання 2

If you like animals you’ll love Manish Pandey’s job. He’s a vet at Chester Zoo, the largest zoo in England, and one of the biggest in the world. In his job, Manish must look after some incredible wild animals, including spiders with broken legs and giraffes with sore throats.

On a typical day, Manish gets to work at eight o’clock, and has a meeting with the zoo hospital team before he goes to see the animals. He visits sick animals and talks to the zookeepers. He’ll do operations in the morning if any animals have an injury.

Manish grew up India and always wanted to be a vet. He came to England to train and worked in South Africa before he got his present job. He doesn’t earn much money in his job because zoos don’t make a lot of money, but he really enjoys it. Being a vet in a zoo isn’t more difficult than looking after dogs and cats but it’s a lot more interesting.

Q2 Manish only looks after large animals like lions and giraffes

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Запитання 3

If you like animals you’ll love Manish Pandey’s job. He’s a vet at Chester Zoo, the largest zoo in England, and one of the biggest in the world. In his job, Manish must look after some incredible wild animals, including spiders with broken legs and giraffes with sore throats.

On a typical day, Manish gets to work at eight o’clock, and has a meeting with the zoo hospital team before he goes to see the animals. He visits sick animals and talks to the zookeepers. He’ll do operations in the morning if any animals have an injury.

Manish grew up India and always wanted to be a vet. He came to England to train and worked in South Africa before he got his present job. He doesn’t earn much money in his job because zoos don’t make a lot of money, but he really enjoys it. Being a vet in a zoo isn’t more difficult than looking after dogs and cats but it’s a lot more interesting.

Q3 Manish starts his working day with a meeting.

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Запитання 4

If you like animals you’ll love Manish Pandey’s job. He’s a vet at Chester Zoo, the largest zoo in England, and one of the biggest in the world. In his job, Manish must look after some incredible wild animals, including spiders with broken legs and giraffes with sore throats.

On a typical day, Manish gets to work at eight o’clock, and has a meeting with the zoo hospital team before he goes to see the animals. He visits sick animals and talks to the zookeepers. He’ll do operations in the morning if any animals have an injury.

Manish grew up India and always wanted to be a vet. He came to England to train and worked in South Africa before he got his present job. He doesn’t earn much money in his job because zoos don’t make a lot of money, but he really enjoys it. Being a vet in a zoo isn’t more difficult than looking after dogs and cats but it’s a lot more interesting.

Q4 Manish’s present job is also his first job.

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Запитання 5

If you like animals you’ll love Manish Pandey’s job. He’s a vet at Chester Zoo, the largest zoo in England, and one of the biggest in the world. In his job, Manish must look after some incredible wild animals, including spiders with broken legs and giraffes with sore throats.

On a typical day, Manish gets to work at eight o’clock, and has a meeting with the zoo hospital team before he goes to see the animals. He visits sick animals and talks to the zookeepers. He’ll do operations in the morning if any animals have an injury.

Manish grew up India and always wanted to be a vet. He came to England to train and worked in South Africa before he got his present job. He doesn’t earn much money in his job because zoos don’t make a lot of money, but he really enjoys it. Being a vet in a zoo isn’t more difficult than looking after dogs and cats but it’s a lot more interesting.

Q5 Manish isn’t paid a lot of money in his job.

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Запитання 6

If you like animals you’ll love Manish Pandey’s job. He’s a vet at Chester Zoo, the largest zoo in England, and one of the biggest in the world. In his job, Manish must look after some incredible wild animals, including spiders with broken legs and giraffes with sore throats.

On a typical day, Manish gets to work at eight o’clock, and has a meeting with the zoo hospital team before he goes to see the animals. He visits sick animals and talks to the zookeepers. He’ll do operations in the morning if any animals have an injury.

Manish grew up India and always wanted to be a vet. He came to England to train and worked in South Africa before he got his present job. He doesn’t earn much money in his job because zoos don’t make a lot of money, but he really enjoys it. Being a vet in a zoo isn’t more difficult than looking after dogs and cats but it’s a lot more interesting.

Q6 Chester Zoo is bigger than all other zoos in ____ .

варіанти відповідей


the world

Запитання 7

If you like animals you’ll love Manish Pandey’s job. He’s a vet at Chester Zoo, the largest zoo in England, and one of the biggest in the world. In his job, Manish must look after some incredible wild animals, including spiders with broken legs and giraffes with sore throats.

On a typical day, Manish gets to work at eight o’clock, and has a meeting with the zoo hospital team before he goes to see the animals. He visits sick animals and talks to the zookeepers. He’ll do operations in the morning if any animals have an injury.

Manish grew up India and always wanted to be a vet. He came to England to train and worked in South Africa before he got his present job. He doesn’t earn much money in his job because zoos don’t make a lot of money, but he really enjoys it. Being a vet in a zoo isn’t more difficult than looking after dogs and cats but it’s a lot more interesting.

Q7 Manish meets the hospital team before ____ .

варіанти відповідей

eight o’clock

visiting the animals

Запитання 8

If you like animals you’ll love Manish Pandey’s job. He’s a vet at Chester Zoo, the largest zoo in England, and one of the biggest in the world. In his job, Manish must look after some incredible wild animals, including spiders with broken legs and giraffes with sore throats.

On a typical day, Manish gets to work at eight o’clock, and has a meeting with the zoo hospital team before he goes to see the animals. He visits sick animals and talks to the zookeepers. He’ll do operations in the morning if any animals have an injury.

Manish grew up India and always wanted to be a vet. He came to England to train and worked in South Africa before he got his present job. He doesn’t earn much money in his job because zoos don’t make a lot of money, but he really enjoys it. Being a vet in a zoo isn’t more difficult than looking after dogs and cats but it’s a lot more interesting.

Q8 Manish studied to be a vet in ____ .

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Запитання 9

If you like animals you’ll love Manish Pandey’s job. He’s a vet at Chester Zoo, the largest zoo in England, and one of the biggest in the world. In his job, Manish must look after some incredible wild animals, including spiders with broken legs and giraffes with sore throats.

On a typical day, Manish gets to work at eight o’clock, and has a meeting with the zoo hospital team before he goes to see the animals. He visits sick animals and talks to the zookeepers. He’ll do operations in the morning if any animals have an injury.

Manish grew up India and always wanted to be a vet. He came to England to train and worked in South Africa before he got his present job. He doesn’t earn much money in his job because zoos don’t make a lot of money, but he really enjoys it. Being a vet in a zoo isn’t more difficult than looking after dogs and cats but it’s a lot more interesting.

Q9 Manish has worked in ____ .

варіанти відповідей

England and South Africa

India and England

Запитання 10

If you like animals you’ll love Manish Pandey’s job. He’s a vet at Chester Zoo, the largest zoo in England, and one of the biggest in the world. In his job, Manish must look after some incredible wild animals, including spiders with broken legs and giraffes with sore throats.

On a typical day, Manish gets to work at eight o’clock, and has a meeting with the zoo hospital team before he goes to see the animals. He visits sick animals and talks to the zookeepers. He’ll do operations in the morning if any animals have an injury.

Manish grew up India and always wanted to be a vet. He came to England to train and worked in South Africa before he got his present job. He doesn’t earn much money in his job because zoos don’t make a lot of money, but he really enjoys it. Being a vet in a zoo isn’t more difficult than looking after dogs and cats but it’s a lot more interesting.

Q10 Looking after wild animals is more ____ than looking after pets.

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