Англійська мова 8 клас Unit 1 Reading

Додано: 20 вересня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 348 разів
7 запитань
Запитання 1

Read and choose the best answers, A, B or C.

Mobile phones are an important part of our lives and most of us can’t imagine life without one. They keep us in contact with friends and family at all times and when we have a problem we can call immediately for help. Now parents can buy a special mobile phone for their four-year-old children. Is this a way to help protect our young children or is it a silly idea?

The phone is called ‘My Moby’ and it looks like a toy, but it isn’t. It comes in many colours and young children love it. It has five buttons and two of them call ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’. Of course, the parents control all the numbers in the phone and the idea is that the child can call their parents when they want to. And of course the parents can call the child too.

Many parents like the idea and they think it’s good for their children’s safety. For example, if they’re worried, the parents can phone their child, and if the child gets lost, they can call home! They also think it’s a good idea if children learn how to use modern technology like mobile phones.

However, not everyone agrees that it’s a good idea and some people are angry about the idea. They think children today are growing up too fast. They want to be like adults when they are very young and this isn’t good for them. They believe that children need to enjoy their childhood and they think it’s a very bad idea to give a four-year-old a mobile phone. They say it’s unnecessary and it can be dangerous for their health. They also say that young children don’t need a phone because they are always with an adult.

So, is it a good idea or not? Can phones be good for protecting our children or are they just good for the phone company? What do you think? Send us your comments.

1. The writer says mobile phones ...

варіанти відповідей

protect young children.

are important for many people.

cause problems for many people.

Запитання 2

Read and choose the best answers, A, B or C.

Mobile phones are an important part of our lives and most of us can’t imagine life without one. They keep us in contact with friends and family at all times and when we have a problem we can call immediately for help. Now parents can buy a special mobile phone for their four-year-old children. Is this a way to help protect our young children or is it a silly idea?

The phone is called ‘My Moby’ and it looks like a toy, but it isn’t. It comes in many colours and young children love it. It has five buttons and two of them call ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’. Of course, the parents control all the numbers in the phone and the idea is that the child can call their parents when they want to. And of course the parents can call the child too.

Many parents like the idea and they think it’s good for their children’s safety. For example, if they’re worried, the parents can phone their child, and if the child gets lost, they can call home! They also think it’s a good idea if children learn how to use modern technology like mobile phones.

However, not everyone agrees that it’s a good idea and some people are angry about the idea. They think children today are growing up too fast. They want to be like adults when they are very young and this isn’t good for them. They believe that children need to enjoy their childhood and they think it’s a very bad idea to give a four-year-old a mobile phone. They say it’s unnecessary and it can be dangerous for their health. They also say that young children don’t need a phone because they are always with an adult.

So, is it a good idea or not? Can phones be good for protecting our children or are they just good for the phone company? What do you think? Send us your comments.

2. The writer says ...

варіанти відповідей

children like My Moby

My Moby is a silly idea.

My Moby is a toy.

Запитання 3

Read and choose the best answers, A, B or C.

Mobile phones are an important part of our lives and most of us can’t imagine life without one. They keep us in contact with friends and family at all times and when we have a problem we can call immediately for help. Now parents can buy a special mobile phone for their four-year-old children. Is this a way to help protect our young children or is it a silly idea?

The phone is called ‘My Moby’ and it looks like a toy, but it isn’t. It comes in many colours and young children love it. It has five buttons and two of them call ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’. Of course, the parents control all the numbers in the phone and the idea is that the child can call their parents when they want to. And of course the parents can call the child too.

Many parents like the idea and they think it’s good for their children’s safety. For example, if they’re worried, the parents can phone their child, and if the child gets lost, they can call home! They also think it’s a good idea if children learn how to use modern technology like mobile phones.

However, not everyone agrees that it’s a good idea and some people are angry about the idea. They think children today are growing up too fast. They want to be like adults when they are very young and this isn’t good for them. They believe that children need to enjoy their childhood and they think it’s a very bad idea to give a four-year-old a mobile phone. They say it’s unnecessary and it can be dangerous for their health. They also say that young children don’t need a phone because they are always with an adult.

So, is it a good idea or not? Can phones be good for protecting our children or are they just good for the phone company? What do you think? Send us your comments.

3.The writer says children ...

варіанти відповідей

can’t make calls with My Moby.

 can call anyone with My Moby.

can call their parents with My Moby.

Запитання 4

Read and choose the best answers, A, B or C.

Mobile phones are an important part of our lives and most of us can’t imagine life without one. They keep us in contact with friends and family at all times and when we have a problem we can call immediately for help. Now parents can buy a special mobile phone for their four-year-old children. Is this a way to help protect our young children or is it a silly idea?

The phone is called ‘My Moby’ and it looks like a toy, but it isn’t. It comes in many colours and young children love it. It has five buttons and two of them call ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’. Of course, the parents control all the numbers in the phone and the idea is that the child can call their parents when they want to. And of course the parents can call the child too.

Many parents like the idea and they think it’s good for their children’s safety. For example, if they’re worried, the parents can phone their child, and if the child gets lost, they can call home! They also think it’s a good idea if children learn how to use modern technology like mobile phones.

However, not everyone agrees that it’s a good idea and some people are angry about the idea. They think children today are growing up too fast. They want to be like adults when they are very young and this isn’t good for them. They believe that children need to enjoy their childhood and they think it’s a very bad idea to give a four-year-old a mobile phone. They say it’s unnecessary and it can be dangerous for their health. They also say that young children don’t need a phone because they are always with an adult.

So, is it a good idea or not? Can phones be good for protecting our children or are they just good for the phone company? What do you think? Send us your comments.

4. Many parents think My Moby...

варіанти відповідей

will get lost.

helps keep children safe

will make them worry.

Запитання 5

Read and choose the best answers, A, B or C.

Mobile phones are an important part of our lives and most of us can’t imagine life without one. They keep us in contact with friends and family at all times and when we have a problem we can call immediately for help. Now parents can buy a special mobile phone for their four-year-old children. Is this a way to help protect our young children or is it a silly idea?

The phone is called ‘My Moby’ and it looks like a toy, but it isn’t. It comes in many colours and young children love it. It has five buttons and two of them call ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’. Of course, the parents control all the numbers in the phone and the idea is that the child can call their parents when they want to. And of course the parents can call the child too.

Many parents like the idea and they think it’s good for their children’s safety. For example, if they’re worried, the parents can phone their child, and if the child gets lost, they can call home! They also think it’s a good idea if children learn how to use modern technology like mobile phones.

However, not everyone agrees that it’s a good idea and some people are angry about the idea. They think children today are growing up too fast. They want to be like adults when they are very young and this isn’t good for them. They believe that children need to enjoy their childhood and they think it’s a very bad idea to give a four-year-old a mobile phone. They say it’s unnecessary and it can be dangerous for their health. They also say that young children don’t need a phone because they are always with an adult.

So, is it a good idea or not? Can phones be good for protecting our children or are they just good for the phone company? What do you think? Send us your comments.

5. Some people believe ...

варіанти відповідей

many children are angry.

children don’t like adults.

it’s important to enjoy childhood.

Запитання 6

Read and choose the best answers, A, B or C.

Mobile phones are an important part of our lives and most of us can’t imagine life without one. They keep us in contact with friends and family at all times and when we have a problem we can call immediately for help. Now parents can buy a special mobile phone for their four-year-old children. Is this a way to help protect our young children or is it a silly idea?

The phone is called ‘My Moby’ and it looks like a toy, but it isn’t. It comes in many colours and young children love it. It has five buttons and two of them call ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’. Of course, the parents control all the numbers in the phone and the idea is that the child can call their parents when they want to. And of course the parents can call the child too.

Many parents like the idea and they think it’s good for their children’s safety. For example, if they’re worried, the parents can phone their child, and if the child gets lost, they can call home! They also think it’s a good idea if children learn how to use modern technology like mobile phones.

However, not everyone agrees that it’s a good idea and some people are angry about the idea. They think children today are growing up too fast. They want to be like adults when they are very young and this isn’t good for them. They believe that children need to enjoy their childhood and they think it’s a very bad idea to give a four-year-old a mobile phone. They say it’s unnecessary and it can be dangerous for their health. They also say that young children don’t need a phone because they are always with an adult.

So, is it a good idea or not? Can phones be good for protecting our children or are they just good for the phone company? What do you think? Send us your comments.

6.These people also believe that...

варіанти відповідей

young children need a mobile phone.

young children don’t need adults

mobile phones can be bad for children’s health.

Запитання 7

Read and choose the best answers, A, B or C.

Mobile phones are an important part of our lives and most of us can’t imagine life without one. They keep us in contact with friends and family at all times and when we have a problem we can call immediately for help. Now parents can buy a special mobile phone for their four-year-old children. Is this a way to help protect our young children or is it a silly idea?

The phone is called ‘My Moby’ and it looks like a toy, but it isn’t. It comes in many colours and young children love it. It has five buttons and two of them call ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’. Of course, the parents control all the numbers in the phone and the idea is that the child can call their parents when they want to. And of course the parents can call the child too.

Many parents like the idea and they think it’s good for their children’s safety. For example, if they’re worried, the parents can phone their child, and if the child gets lost, they can call home! They also think it’s a good idea if children learn how to use modern technology like mobile phones.

However, not everyone agrees that it’s a good idea and some people are angry about the idea. They think children today are growing up too fast. They want to be like adults when they are very young and this isn’t good for them. They believe that children need to enjoy their childhood and they think it’s a very bad idea to give a four-year-old a mobile phone. They say it’s unnecessary and it can be dangerous for their health. They also say that young children don’t need a phone because they are always with an adult.

So, is it a good idea or not? Can phones be good for protecting our children or are they just good for the phone company? What do you think? Send us your comments.

7. The writer asks readers to...

варіанти відповідей

give their opinions.

protect their children.

talk to their phone company

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