Англійська мова Екстернат 10 клас річна

Додано: 30 листопада 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 189 разів
23 запитання
Запитання 1

What is the best summary of this text?


Jenna and her sister Ann peered out the window at the lemonade stand sitting vacant by the street. It had been raining for two days, and the weather forecast just predicted more wet weather. The girls had planned to earn money to buy tickets for the amusement park, but they couldn’t sell lemonade in the rain.


Ann counted up their money and calculated that the sisters needed ten more dollars to afford their tickets. She wondered if there was a way the girls could still earn the money, despite the rain.


Jenna thought about it. They couldn’t offer to walk the neighbours’ dogs or wash their automobiles. No one would pay them to do those things in such dismal weather. She and Ann tried to think of what they could do. Just then, their mother entered the room and, overhearing their problem, offered a suggestion.


“You know, that’s a pretty soft, gentle rain outside,” she said. “There’s no thunder or lightning, and a lightweight raincoat would be enough to protect you from getting soaked. Why don’t you offer to pull weeds in the neighbours’ gardens? The earth will be soft and moist from the rain, so the weeds should come out easily.”


The girls thought that was a terrific idea. They decided to charge three dollars per hour to pull weeds. They went down the street, knocking on doors and offering their weeding services. Before long, three neighbours had hired them to maintain their gardens. Jenna and Ann got right to work cleaning out the planting beds.


“Mom was right about a rainy day being the right time for this,” announced Ann, as she pulled crabgrass and other weeds easily from the moist soil. “The rain makes weed pulling easier, and keeps us from getting too hot."


By late afternoon, the girls had earned enough money to pay for their tickets. They also knew just how they’d spend rainy days for the rest of the summer.

варіанти відповідей

This is a story of two sisters who are trying to make enough money to go to an amusement park. However, the rain has made it difficult to run their lemonade stand so they decide to get the money by weeding their neighbours yards.

This is a story about how rain ruined the party plans of two young sisters. Jenna and Ann wanted to throw a party for their mother but didn't have enough money because of the rain.

This story focused on how weeds should be pulled. It is better to do it in soft soil then it is hard soil and the roots should never be left in otherwise they will just grow back.

The story is about a mom who makes her daughters work all the time. The mother needs money for groceries and rent but can't find a job so she tells her daughters to work instead.

Запитання 2

He was covered in oil because he ... the car

варіанти відповідей

has repaired

had been repairing

will be repairing

Запитання 3

I felt completely ... after some sleepless nights

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Запитання 4

... sick I went home and took some pills

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Запитання 5

... in Vermount, I was used to cold winters

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Запитання 6

You ... talk with your mouth full

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Запитання 7

That's Steve ... brother works with me

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Запитання 8

A successful athlete needs to ... a lot of time to training.

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Запитання 9

If the weather ... fine next weekend, we ... go skiing

варіанти відповідей

be, would

will be , will

is, will

Запитання 10

They ... a cat when I was a child

варіанти відповідей

use to have

used having

used to have

Запитання 11

He ... the job. He has already accepted another offer.

варіанти відповідей

doesn't take

isn't going to take

will be taking

Запитання 12

How long ... your car? 

варіанти відповідей

did you have

have you been having

Have you had

Запитання 13

When you next see me I ... my new hat.

варіанти відповідей

will be wearing

will wear

going to wear

Запитання 14

We ... stay hungry if we ... prepare our meals ourselves 

варіанти відповідей

will, doesn't

would, don't

would, didn't

Запитання 15

This time next month I ... in Cannes

варіанти відповідей

Will sunbathe

Will be sunbathing

Will have sunbathing

Запитання 16

To start on a journey is ...

варіанти відповідей

to set in

to set by

to set off

Запитання 17

When the aircraft leaves the ground it ...

варіанти відповідей

takes over

takes off

takes in

Запитання 18

... then , the Olympic Games have continued to increase in popularity

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Запитання 19

I can see you tonight because I ... dinner with Tina

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was having

am having

Запитання 20

He's lost ... much weight that I hardly recognized him

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such as

Запитання 21

She was killed ... a knife

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Запитання 22

Do you fancy ... to Ann's party?

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to go


Запитання 23

The winds of tornado are the ... violent that occur on the earth

варіанти відповідей




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