Англійська Залік 2 kurs 1-25

Додано: 7 листопада 2023
25 запитань
Запитання 1

1. A 39-year-old patient consulted a dentist about having a dry area of the oral mucosa beneath the tongue on the right. The dentist revealed a compression of chorda tympani as it exits to the right infratemporal fossa through the following fissura:

варіанти відповідей

A) Sphenopetrosa

B) Tympanomastoidea

C) Petroocipitalis

D) Petrotympanica

E) Petrosguamosa

Запитання 2

2. An animal had been intensively fed with carbohydrates. Histological examination of its liver revealed a significant number of glycogen granules. Glycogen relates to the following group of cell structures:

варіанти відповідей

A) Pigment granules

B) Trophic granules

C) Secretory granules

D) Excretory granules

E) Special-purpose organelles

Запитання 3

3. As a result of treatment of viral RNA with nitrous acid, UCA triplet mutated to UGA triplet. What kind of mutation occurred?

варіанти відповідей

A) Nucleotide insertion

B) Missense

C) Nucleotide deletion

D) Transition

E) Inversion 

Запитання 4

4. Patients with erythropoietic porphyria (Gunther’s disease ) have teeth that fluoresce red on exposure to ultraviolet light; photosensitive skin; red urine. This disease is associated with the lack of the following enzyme:

варіанти відповідей

A) Ferrochelatase

B) Uroporphyrinogen-I synthase

C) Delta-aminolevulinate synthase

D) Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase

E) Uroporphyrinogen-III cosynthase 

Запитання 5

5. A 45-year-old patient with an 8year history of tuberculosis died in a hospital of chronic renal failure. At autopsy, the kidneys were enlarged, the cross-section surface looked greasy, histological study revealed profuse deposits of structureless homogeneous eosinophilic masses exhibiting marked metachromasia when stained with Congo red. What pathological process developed in the kidneys?

варіанти відповідей

A) Secondary amyloidosis

B) Acute glomerulonephritis  

C) Hematogenous renal tuberculosis

D) Nephrosclerosis

E) Toxic nephritis against the background of antibiotic therapy

Запитання 6

6. A 23-year-old patient consulted an oculist about vision impairment. Visual activity was corrected by means of lenticular lenses. Specify the type of dysfunction of the visual analyzer in this patient:

варіанти відповідей

A) Daltonism

B) Hyperopia

C) Myopia

D) Night-blindness

E) Astigmatism 

Запитання 7

7. 6 hours after the initial inoculation of water sample into 1% peptone water, the growth of a culture in form of a thin pellicle on the medium surface was registered. Such cultural properties are typical for the causative agent of the following disease:

варіанти відповідей

A) Plague

B) Dysentery

C) Cholera

D) Pseudotuberculosis

E) Tuberculosis

Запитання 8

8. Examination of a 23-year-old patient reveals that when his tongue is protruded, its tip deviates to the side. This is caused by the dysfunction of the following tongue muscle:

варіанти відповідей

A) Inferior longitudinal

B) Styloglossus

C) Genioglossus

D) Superior longitudinal

E) Hyoid

Запитання 9

9. Osteolaterism is characterized by a decrease in collagen strength caused by much less intensive formation of cross-links in the collagen fibrils. This phenomenon is caused by hypoactivity of the following enzyme:

варіанти відповідей

A) Monoamino-oxidase

B) Lysyl hydroxylase

C) Prolyl hydroxylase

D) Collagenase

E) Lysyl oxidase

Запитання 10

10. A boy has been diagnosed with a hydrocele (fluid collection within the scrotum). Which scrotum tunica contains this liquid?

варіанти відповідей

A) Tunica vaginalis

B) Tunica albuginea

C) Internal spermatic fascia

D) Tunica dartos

E) External spermatic fascia

Запитання 11

11. In the histological specimen of a tooth germ the outer surface of the enamel organ is uneven, the cells of the inner layer show the reversal of polarity (inversion). These changes precede the beginning of the following process:

варіанти відповідей

A) Pulp genesis

B) Amelogenesis

C) Cementogenesis

D) Periodont development

E) Dentinogenesis

Запитання 12

12. A 32-year-old patient undergoing dental examination was found to have some rash-like lesions resembling secondary syphilis in the oral cavity. The patient was referred for the serological study with the purpose of diagnosis confirmation. In order to detect antibodies in the serum, living Treponema were used as diagnosticum. What serological test was performed?

варіанти відповідей

A) Passive hemagglutination

B) Complement binding

C) Neutralization

D) Immobilization

E) Precipitation

Запитання 13

13. A patient with arterial hypertension has developed a bronchial asthma attack. Which of the following bronchodilators may provoke a hypertensive crisis?

варіанти відповідей

A) Ephedrine hydrochloride

B) Salbutamol

C) Berotec

D) Isadrine

E) Aminophylline

Запитання 14

14. A 49-year-old patient has a tumor of the ventral surface of the pons. An impaired blood flow will be observed in the following artery:

варіанти відповідей

A) A. communicans posterior

B) A. cerebri anterior

C) A. carotis interna

D) A. basilaris

E) A. cerebri media

Запитання 15

15. In a specimen from the ovary stained with hematoxylin-eosin a follicle can be seen. The follicular epithelial cells are arranged in 1-2 layers and have cubic shape, around the oocyte the bright red membrane can be seen. Specify the follicle:

варіанти відповідей

A) Primary

B) Mature

C) Atresial

D) Secondary

E) Primordial

Запитання 16

16. A 36-year-old injured with a knife wound of neck has bleeding. The blood is dark. During the wound management it was revealed that a vessel in the anterior part of the neck below the hyoid bone was damaged. Identify this vessel:

варіанти відповідей

A) A. carotis externa

B) V. jugularis anterior

C) V. jugularis externa

D) A. carotis communis

E) V. jugularis interna

Запитання 17

17. Autopsy of a dead 6-year-old child revealed a marked edema of the soft tissues of neck and enlarged tonsils. Pharyngeal mucosa was covered with numerous dense whitish-yellow pellicles exposing deep ulcers after their removal. Histological examination of the pharyngeal mucosa revealed necrosis of the upper epithelial layers, impregnation of the mucous memrane with the fibrinous exudate and moderate leukocyte infiltration. What infectious disease caused the death of the child?

варіанти відповідей

A) Measles

B) Scarlet fever

C) Parainfluenza

D) Diphtheria

E) Whooping cough

Запитання 18

18. A 69-year-old male patient got a small plaque with subsequent ulceration on the skin of the lower eyelid. The formation was removed. Microscopic examination of dermis revealed complexes of atypical epithelial cells arranged perpendicularly to the basal membrane on the periphery. The cells were dark, of polygonal prismatic shape with hyperchromic nuclei with a high mitotic rate. What is the histological form of carcinoma in this patient?

варіанти відповідей

A) Undifferentiated

B) Adenocarcinoma

C) Basal cell carcinoma

D) Nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma

E) Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma

Запитання 19

19. A 12-year-old girl has a bleeding ulcer 5 mm in diameter which is localized on the mouth floor. The ulcer is surrounded by bright-red tissue that turns white when pressed. Microscopic examination of a biopsy sample reveals a tumor constituted by a number of large cavities filled with blood. The cavities are lined with endothelial cells. Between the cavities there is stroma represented by the loose connective tissue. What is the most likely diagnosis?

варіанти відповідей

A) Squamous cell non-keratinizing carcinoma

B) Ulcerated melanoma

C) Ulcerated cavernous hemangioma

D) Osteoblastoclastoma

E) Secondary rhabdomyosarcoma

Запитання 20

20. A patient with inflammation of tongue mucosa (glossitis) complains of taste sensitivity disorder in the two anterior thirds of his tongue. This is caused by the damage of the following nerve:

варіанти відповідей

A) Tympanichord

B) Glossopharyngeal

C) Lingual

D) Tympanic

E) Lesser petrosal

Запитання 21

21. Autopsy of a dead man with no fixed abode revealed the aneurysm of the ascending aorta. Microscopy of the middle tunica of aorta revealed lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrates, plasma cells, fibroblast cells with some Pirogov-Langhans cells, endovasculitis. What disease should be suspected?

варіанти відповідей

A) Atherosclerosis

B) Tuberculosis

C) Essential hypertension

D) Syphilis

E) Rheumatism

Запитання 22

22. A 24-year-old patient with catarrhal tonsillitis has ben administered a drug from the group of sulfonamides. Specify the mechanism of sulfonamide antibacterial action:  

варіанти відповідей

A) Protein coagulation

B) Competitive antagonism of PABA

C) Disruption of the cell wall protein synthesis

D) Reduction of membrane permeability

E) Inhibition of sulfhydryl groups of thiol enzymes

Запитання 23

23. A 39-year-old patient with arthritis of the temporomandibular joint has been administered diclofenac sodium. It must be kept in mind that the side effect of prolonged use of this drug is: 

варіанти відповідей

A) Ototoxicity

B) Drug dependence

C) Ulcerogenicity

D) Carcinogenicity

E) Teratogenicity

Запитання 24

24. A physician collects the patient’s history of the post-embryonic period of ontogenesis from birth to puberty. In this case we are talking about:

варіанти відповідей

A) Juvenile period

B) Senium

C) The first period of adulthood

D) The second period of adulthood

E) Advanced age

Запитання 25

25. As a result of injury of tongue a 32-year-old male had a heavy bleeding. The bleeding can be stopped by ligating an artery in the following topographic anatomic region (triangle):

варіанти відповідей

A) Omotracheal triangle

B) Omotrapezoid triangle

C) Pirogov’s triangle

D) Omoclavicular triangle

E) Carotid triangle

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