Animals. Reading.

Тест створений для контролю навичок розуміння читання учнів 2 класу.

Систематизація знань з тем " Тваринки". " Кольори", " Зовнішність"

Додано: 27 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 2 клас
Тест виконано: 302 рази
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Read and choose. What animal is it?

Прочитай і вибери.

It is little. It is grey. It can run.

It has got small ears and a long tail. It likes cheese.

варіанти відповідей

It is a cat.

It is an elephant.

It is a rabbit.

It is a mouse.

Запитання 2

Read and choose. What animal is it?

Прочитай і вибери.

It is little. It is red. It can run , jump and climb a tree.

It has got small ears and a long tail. It likes nuts.

варіанти відповідей

It is a fox.

It is a cat.

It is a squirrel.

It is a bear.

Запитання 3

Read and choose. Guess the animal.

Прочитай і вибери.

It is big or little. It is white and black.

It has got short legs. It cannot fly. It likes to eat fish.

варіанти відповідей

It is a hippo.

It is a zebra.

It is a cat.

It is a penguin.

Запитання 4

Read and choose. Guess the animal.

Прочитай і вибери.

It is a big animal.It is yellow and brown.

It has got a long neck. It can walk. It cannot jump. It likes leaves.

варіанти відповідей

It is a deer.

It is a squirrel.

It is a lion.

It is a giraffe.

Запитання 5

Вибери текстик, в якому описується тваринка на малюнку.

варіанти відповідей

It is little. It is black and white.

It can swim. It cannot run. It has got short legs.

It is big. It is black and white.

It can run. It has got long legs.It likes grass.

Запитання 6

Вибери текстик, в якому описується тваринка на малюнку.

Будь уважним!

варіанти відповідей

It is little. It is white, blue and brown.

It can run. It has got long tail.It likes carrots.

It is little. It is grey, white and brown.

It can run and jump. It has got long ears.It likes carrots.

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