Are you an animal lover? How much do you know about rhinos?

Додано: 1 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 13 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

What does the name rhinoceros mean?

варіанти відповідей

The name rhinoceros means ‘long nose’ and is often shortened to rhino.

The name rhinoceros means ‘nose horn’ and is often shortened to rhino.

The name rhinoceros means ‘horn nose’ and is often shortened to rhino.

The name rhinoceros means ‘short horn’ and is often shortened to rhino.

Запитання 2

How many different species of rhinoceros are there in the world?

варіанти відповідей

There are two different species of rhinoceros

There are three different species of rhinoceros

There are four different species of rhinoceros

There are five different species of rhinoceros

Запитання 3

Where do rhinoceros live?

варіанти відповідей

They live in Asia and Africa.

They live in Asia.

They live in Africa.

They live in America.

Запитання 4

How is a group of rhinocores called?

варіанти відповідей

A group of rhinoceros is called a ‘herd’ or a ‘crash’.

A group of rhinoceros is called a ‘flock’ or a ‘crash’.

A group of rhinoceros is called a ‘pride’ or a ‘crash’.

A group of rhinoceros is called a ‘tribe’ or a ‘crash’.

Запитання 5

What kind of skin do they have?

варіанти відповідей

Rhinoceros have thin, protective skin.

Rhinoceros have rough, protective skin.

Rhinoceros have thick, protective skin.

Rhinoceros have smooth, protective skin.

Запитання 6

Why are rhinoceros often hunted by humans?

варіанти відповідей

Rhinoceros are often hunted by humans for their skin.

Rhinoceros are often hunted by humans for their fur.

Rhinoceros are often hunted by humans for their teeth .

Rhinoceros are often hunted by humans for their horns.

Запитання 7

What are rhinoceros horns made from?

варіанти відповідей

Rhinoceros horns are made from keratin.

Rhinoceros horns are made from a protein called keratin, the same substance that fingernails and hair are made of.

Rhinoceros horns are made from hair.

Rhinoceros horns are made from a rough skin.

Запитання 8

What kind of eaters are they?

варіанти відповідей

They are plant eaters.

They are meat eaters.

They are fruit eaters.

They are fish eaters.

Запитання 9

How much can they weigh?

варіанти відповідей

All species of rhinoceros can grow to weigh over 4000 kg.

All species of rhinoceros can grow to weigh over 3000 kg.

All species of rhinoceros can grow to weigh over 2000 kg.

All species of rhinoceros can grow to weigh over 1000 kg.

Запитання 10

What kind of rhinos do you know?

варіанти відповідей

They are the Grey Rhinoceros, White Rhinoceros, Indian Rhinoceros, Javan Rhinoceros and Sumatran Rhinoceros.

They are the Black Rhinoceros, White Rhinoceros, African Rhinoceros, Javan Rhinoceros and Sumatran Rhinoceros.

They are the Black Rhinoceros, White Rhinoceros, Indian Rhinoceros, Javan Rhinoceros and African Rhinoceros.

They are the Black Rhinoceros, White Rhinoceros, Indian Rhinoceros, Javan Rhinoceros and Sumatran Rhinoceros.

Запитання 11

Which brains do rhonoceros have?

варіанти відповідей

Relative to their large body size, rhinoceros have small brains.

Relative to their large body size, rhinoceros have tiny brains.

Relative to their large body size, rhinoceros have big brains.

Relative to their large body size, rhinoceros have huge brains.

Запитання 12

How fast do rhinos run?

варіанти відповідей

White rhinoceros: 60 km/h, Black rhinoceros: 65 km/h, Indian rhinoceros: 75 km/h

White rhinoceros: 50 km/h, Black rhinoceros: 55 km/h, Indian rhinoceros: 55 km/h

White rhinoceros: 70 km/h, Black rhinoceros: 75 km/h, Indian rhinoceros: 55 km/h

White rhinoceros: 30 km/h, Black rhinoceros: 35 km/h, Indian rhinoceros: 45 km/h

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