Додано: 15 січня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 197 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Some children say that school is (1)... and (2) ... . But I don’t agree with them. I like school and on holiday I (3) ... my friends and teachers and I always (4) ... to school. Our school life is interesting. We have got a lot of interesting after-school (5) ... during the year. We (6) ... sports competitions. We often go on (7) ... to do tasks for History and Geography. Each term we go on (8) ... to interesting historical places and museums. I do well in many subjects but my favourite is History. I can’t say I like French because we have to learn a lot (9) ... . I think I can (10) ... French. I like going to school because I (11) ... with my friends there and (12) ... new things in the lessons. 

In 1 I choose...?

варіанти відповідей



do without


Запитання 2

Some children say that school is (1)... and (2) ... . But I don’t agree with them. I like school and on holiday I (3) ... my friends and teachers and I always (4) ... to school. Our school life is interesting. We have got a lot of interesting after-school (5) ... during the year. We (6) ... sports competitions. We often go on (7) ... to do tasks for History and Geography. Each term we go on (8) ... to interesting historical places and museums. I do well in many subjects but my favourite is History. I can’t say I like French because we have to learn a lot (9) ... . I think I can (10) ... French. I like going to school because I (11) ... with my friends there and (12) ... new things in the lessons. 

Іn 2 I choose...?

варіанти відповідей


look forward

waste of time


Запитання 3

Some children say that school is (1)... and (2) ... . But I don’t agree with them. I like school and on holiday I (3) ... my friends and teachers and I always (4) ... to school. Our school life is interesting. We have got a lot of interesting after-school (5) ... during the year. We (6) ... sports competitions. We often go on (7) ... to do tasks for History and Geography. Each term we go on (8) ... to interesting historical places and museums. I do well in many subjects but my favourite is History. I can’t say I like French because we have to learn a lot (9) ... . I think I can (10) ... French. I like going to school because I (11) ... with my friends there and (12) ... new things in the lessons. 

Іn 3 I choose...?

варіанти відповідей


waste of time


field trips

Запитання 4

Some children say that school is (1)... and (2) ... . But I don’t agree with them. I like school and on holiday I (3) ... my friends and teachers and I always (4) ... to school. Our school life is interesting. We have got a lot of interesting after-school (5) ... during the year. We (6) ... sports competitions. We often go on (7) ... to do tasks for History and Geography. Each term we go on (8) ... to interesting historical places and museums. I do well in many subjects but my favourite is History. I can’t say I like French because we have to learn a lot (9) ... . I think I can (10) ... French. I like going to school because I (11) ... with my friends there and (12) ... new things in the lessons. 

Іn 4 I choose...?

варіанти відповідей

by heart

look forward



Запитання 5

Some children say that school is (1)... and (2) ... . But I don’t agree with them. I like school and on holiday I (3) ... my friends and teachers and I always (4) ... to school. Our school life is interesting. We have got a lot of interesting after-school (5) ... during the year. We (6) ... sports competitions. We often go on (7) ... to do tasks for History and Geography. Each term we go on (8) ... to interesting historical places and museums. I do well in many subjects but my favourite is History. I can’t say I like French because we have to learn a lot (9) ... . I think I can (10) ... French. I like going to school because I (11) ... with my friends there and (12) ... new things in the lessons. 

Іn 5 I choose...?

варіанти відповідей


look forward


take part in

Запитання 6

Some children say that school is (1)... and (2) ... . But I don’t agree with them. I like school and on holiday I (3) ... my friends and teachers and I always (4) ... to school. Our school life is interesting. We have got a lot of interesting after-school (5) ... during the year. We (6) ... sports competitions. We often go on (7) ... to do tasks for History and Geography. Each term we go on (8) ... to interesting historical places and museums. I do well in many subjects but my favourite is History. I can’t say I like French because we have to learn a lot (9) ... . I think I can (10) ... French. I like going to school because I (11) ... with my friends there and (12) ... new things in the lessons. 

Іn 6 I choose...?

варіанти відповідей

take part in

field trips

waste of time


Запитання 7

Some children say that school is (1)... and (2) ... . But I don’t agree with them. I like school and on holiday I (3) ... my friends and teachers and I always (4) ... to school. Our school life is interesting. We have got a lot of interesting after-school (5) ... during the year. We (6) ... sports competitions. We often go on (7) ... to do tasks for History and Geography. Each term we go on (8) ... to interesting historical places and museums. I do well in many subjects but my favourite is History. I can’t say I like French because we have to learn a lot (9) ... . I think I can (10) ... French. I like going to school because I (11) ... with my friends there and (12) ... new things in the lessons. 

Іn 7 I choose...?

варіанти відповідей

field trips

do without

by heart


Запитання 8

Some children say that school is (1)... and (2) ... . But I don’t agree with them. I like school and on holiday I (3) ... my friends and teachers and I always (4) ... to school. Our school life is interesting. We have got a lot of interesting after-school (5) ... during the year. We (6) ... sports competitions. We often go on (7) ... to do tasks for History and Geography. Each term we go on (8) ... to interesting historical places and museums. I do well in many subjects but my favourite is History. I can’t say I like French because we have to learn a lot (9) ... . I think I can (10) ... French. I like going to school because I (11) ... with my friends there and (12) ... new things in the lessons. 

Іn 8 I choose...?

варіанти відповідей

take part in

look forward


by heart

Запитання 9

Some children say that school is (1)... and (2) ... . But I don’t agree with them. I like school and on holiday I (3) ... my friends and teachers and I always (4) ... to school. Our school life is interesting. We have got a lot of interesting after-school (5) ... during the year. We (6) ... sports competitions. We often go on (7) ... to do tasks for History and Geography. Each term we go on (8) ... to interesting historical places and museums. I do well in many subjects but my favourite is History. I can’t say I like French because we have to learn a lot (9) ... . I think I can (10) ... French. I like going to school because I (11) ... with my friends there and (12) ... new things in the lessons. 

Іn 9 I choose...?

варіанти відповідей

by heart

 do without

waste of time


Запитання 10

Some children say that school is (1)... and (2) ... . But I don’t agree with them. I like school and on holiday I (3) ... my friends and teachers and I always (4) ... to school. Our school life is interesting. We have got a lot of interesting after-school (5) ... during the year. We (6) ... sports competitions. We often go on (7) ... to do tasks for History and Geography. Each term we go on (8) ... to interesting historical places and museums. I do well in many subjects but my favourite is History. I can’t say I like French because we have to learn a lot (9) ... . I think I can (10) ... French. I like going to school because I (11) ... with my friends there and (12) ... new things in the lessons. 

Іn 10 I choose...?

варіанти відповідей

do without




Запитання 11

Some children say that school is (1)... and (2) ... . But I don’t agree with them. I like school and on holiday I (3) ... my friends and teachers and I always (4) ... to school. Our school life is interesting. We have got a lot of interesting after-school (5) ... during the year. We (6) ... sports competitions. We often go on (7) ... to do tasks for History and Geography. Each term we go on (8) ... to interesting historical places and museums. I do well in many subjects but my favourite is History. I can’t say I like French because we have to learn a lot (9) ... . I think I can (10) ... French. I like going to school because I (11) ... with my friends there and (12) ... new things in the lessons. 

Іn 11 I choose...?

варіанти відповідей

 take part in


field trips


Запитання 12

Some children say that school is (1)... and (2) ... . But I don’t agree with them. I like school and on holiday I (3) ... my friends and teachers and I always (4) ... to school. Our school life is interesting. We have got a lot of interesting after-school (5) ... during the year. We (6) ... sports competitions. We often go on (7) ... to do tasks for History and Geography. Each term we go on (8) ... to interesting historical places and museums. I do well in many subjects but my favourite is History. I can’t say I like French because we have to learn a lot (9) ... . I think I can (10) ... French. I like going to school because I (11) ... with my friends there and (12) ... new things in the lessons. 

Іn 12 I choose...?

варіанти відповідей

waste of time

 look forward

by heart


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