Article (the)

Додано: 12 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 45 разів
14 запитань
Запитання 1

... longest river in Ireland is ... River Shannon.

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The; -

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The; the

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Запитання 2

... capital of ... Republic of Ireland and its biggest city is ... Dublin.

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The; the; the

The; -; -

The; the; -

Запитання 3

... Pico da Neblina is ... highest mountain in ... Brazil.

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-; -; -

-; the; the

The; the; the

Запитання 4

During our unforgettable tour across ___ Europe we visited many countries: ___ France, ___ Belgium and ____ Netherlands.

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the,_, _, the

the, the,_, _

Запитання 5

___ Appalachian mountains in ___United States are very old.

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the, the

the, __

Запитання 6

_ Astrachan is located on ___Caspian Sea.

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the, _


_, the

Запитання 7

Once I went for my holidays to ___ Lake Baikal. It was great!

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Запитання 8

He’s ________ smartest guy in his class.

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Запитання 9

________Spanish  is spoken by many people in ______ world.

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the, the

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Запитання 10

______Museum of Modern Art has a nice collection of art pieces.

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Запитання 11

Alan studied chemistry at _____ London University.  

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Запитання 12

_____Broadway is the main street in ______New York. 

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the, the

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Запитання 13

We are planning to go to ______France for ___Christmas.

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the, the

_, _

Запитання 14

_____Jack is at ____work now.

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the, the

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