Write the word.
Write the word.
Write the word.
Write the word.
Complete the sentence. Доповніть речення.
Computers are a type of .... which people use at home and at work.
Complete the sentence. Доповніть речення.
Now people can .... information from the Internet.
Complete the rule. Доповніть правило.
We join two sentences about a person with ...
Complete the rule. Доповніть правило.
We join two sentences about a thing with ...
Complete the rule. Доповніть правило.
We join two sentences about a place with ...
Read and join the sentences with who, which or where. Прочитай та з'єднай речення за допомогою слів who, which або where.
A microphone is a machine .... makes your voice louder.
Read and join the sentences with who, which or where. Прочитай та з'єднай речення за допомогою слів who, which або where.
A bakery is a shop ... you can buy bread.
Read and join the sentences with who, which or where. Прочитай та з'єднай речення за допомогою слів who, which або where.
A nurse is a person ... works in a hospital.
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