Додано: 27 січня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Копія з тесту: CAREER CHOICES /p. 83-87/
Тест виконано: 165 разів
18 запитань
Запитання 1

Read and complete.

is a professional growth a person does in his or her life, usually in one field.

варіанти відповідей

A job

An occupation

A career

A profession

Запитання 2

Read and complete.

is the work that a person does regularly in order to earn money.

варіанти відповідей

A job

An occupation

A career

A profession

Запитання 3

Read and complete.

is a job that requires special training, often a university education.

варіанти відповідей

A job

An occupation

A career

A profession

Запитання 4

Read and complete.

is a job or profession.

варіанти відповідей

A job

An occupation

A career

A profession

Запитання 5

Read and complete.

— How long has Linda been unemployed?

— She’s been looking for a for two months.

варіанти відповідей

A job

An occupation

A career

A profession

Запитання 6

Read and complete.

Please, write your on this form and hand it in.

варіанти відповідей

A job

An occupation

A career

A profession

Запитання 7

Read and complete.

His as a boxer came to an end after that fight.

варіанти відповідей

A job

An occupation

A career

A profession

Запитання 8

Read and complete.

My mother is a doctor. I like this and I may follow her in her footsteps.

варіанти відповідей

A job

An occupation

A career

A profession

Запитання 9

Read and complete.

a … travels with someone important and protects them from attack

варіанти відповідей







Запитання 10

Read and complete.

a … tries to get secret information about another country

варіанти відповідей







Запитання 11

Read and complete.

a … helps a doctor to look after sick people

варіанти відповідей







Запитання 12

Read and complete.

a … repairs cars

варіанти відповідей







Запитання 13

Read and complete.

It’s never too early to begin …

варіанти відповідей

the learnt capacity for doing something.

thinking about your future career.

special training and meeting people, others require a good imagination or travelling a lot, physical strength or working late hours.

your natural abilities or talents.

affect the jobs available.

up even more job opportunities.

part-time jobs, regular jobs or odd jobs.

become unemployed and have to look for new jobs.

Запитання 14

Read and complete.

Changes in the world will …

варіанти відповідей

the learnt capacity for doing something.

thinking about your future career.

special training and meeting people, others require a good imagination or travelling a lot, physical strength or working late hours.

your natural abilities or talents.

affect the jobs available.

up even more job opportunities.

part-time jobs, regular jobs or odd jobs.

become unemployed and have to look for new jobs.

Запитання 15

Read and complete.

We often speak of full-time jobs or …

варіанти відповідей

the learnt capacity for doing something.

thinking about your future career.

special training and meeting people, others require a good imagination or travelling a lot, physical strength or working late hours.

your natural abilities or talents.

affect the jobs available.

up even more job opportunities.

part-time jobs, regular jobs or odd jobs.

become unemployed and have to look for new jobs.

Запитання 16

Read and complete.

People may lose their jobs and …

варіанти відповідей

the learnt capacity for doing something.

thinking about your future career.

special training and meeting people, others require a good imagination or travelling a lot, physical strength or working late hours.

your natural abilities or talents.

affect the jobs available.

up even more job opportunities.

part-time jobs, regular jobs or odd jobs.

become unemployed and have to look for new jobs.

Запитання 17

Read and complete.

Some jobs require …

варіанти відповідей

the learnt capacity for doing something.

thinking about your future career.

special training and meeting people, others require a good imagination or travelling a lot, physical strength or working late hours.

your natural abilities or talents.

affect the jobs available.

up even more job opportunities.

part-time jobs, regular jobs or odd jobs.

become unemployed and have to look for new jobs.

Запитання 18

Read and complete.

Your aptitudes are …

варіанти відповідей

the learnt capacity for doing something.

thinking about your future career.

special training and meeting people, others require a good imagination or travelling a lot, physical strength or working late hours.

your natural abilities or talents.

affect the jobs available.

up even more job opportunities.

part-time jobs, regular jobs or odd jobs.

become unemployed and have to look for new jobs.

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