Zero conditionals
Unlikely but still possible
Third conditionals
The next part describes what happens as a natural result in
If the clock .......... midnight, it's a new day.
Today people ......... stressed out when they .......... the news.
When a situation is not completely certain, it’s time for ..... ........
Jenny ........this dress ..... ....... on sale.
I ....... the wedding if ...... invited.
These sentences often use “were” instead of “was” in the past tense.
If I ....... rich, I’d never work again.
I ............. if I’d known you were in trouble.
If he ................ five minutes earlier, he would have seen the whole show.
Якщо буде дощ, ми залишимося вдома.
Він склав би іспит, якби добре готувався.
I will phone you як тільки повернуся.
Створюйте онлайн-тести
для контролю знань і залучення учнів
до активної роботи у класі та вдома