Прослухати текст можна тут https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhCCIsgSv0w&t=7s
Task 1. Choose True (правда) or False (неправда) for 1-6
1. The text is about weather.
2. The temperature in summer is about 40-45 C.
3. When wind blows from the sea, it is usually cool.
4. In late autumn and in winter the weather is usually rainy.
5. Grass, trees, flowers and vegetables grow very well in the south.
6. The swimming season on The Black Sea coast lasts from the end of March to December.
Task 2. Choose correct variant (for 7-12)
7. Spring and summer are very ________ in the south.
8. The swimming season on The Black Sea coast lasts from the end of May to _____ .
9. The temperature in __________ is about thirty, thirty-five degrees above zero.
10. Grass, trees, flowers and vegetables grow very well in the ________.
11. In late autumn and in winter the weather is usually _____ .
12. The _____ shines brightly and it is usually very ____ .
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