Control of Reading (Контроль Читання) "Molly". 5 клас 1-ий семестр.

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Додано: 10 грудня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 292 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1


Molly lived in a big city. She wanted a bike very much. But she didn’t have the money to get one. The Bike Shop was in the street where Molly lived. Every day Molly went to the Bike Shop. She helped the owner of the shop whose name was Mr Lucky. She cleaned the floors, dusted the things there. Mr Lucky and Molly became good friends. One morning Mr Lucky gave Molly a present. It was a red bike with her name on it!

I. True or false.

1. Molly lived in the country.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2


Molly lived in a big city. She wanted a bike very much. But she didn’t have the money to get one. The Bike Shop was in the street where Molly lived. Every day Molly went to the Bike Shop. She helped the owner of the shop whose name was Mr Lucky. She cleaned the floors, dusted the things there. Mr Lucky and Molly became good friends. One morning Mr Lucky gave Molly a present. It was a red bike with her name on it!

I. True or false.

2. The owner’s name was Mr Goodman.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3


Molly lived in a big city. She wanted a bike very much. But she didn’t have the money to get one. The Bike Shop was in the street where Molly lived. Every day Molly went to the Bike Shop. She helped the owner of the shop whose name was Mr Lucky. She cleaned the floors, dusted the things there. Mr Lucky and Molly became good friends. One morning Mr Lucky gave Molly a present. It was a red bike with her name on it!

I. True or false.

3. She cleaned the floors, dusted the things there.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4


Molly lived in a big city. She wanted a bike very much. But she didn’t have the money to get one. The Bike Shop was in the street where Molly lived. Every day Molly went to the Bike Shop. She helped the owner of the shop whose name was Mr Lucky. She cleaned the floors, dusted the things there. Mr Lucky and Molly became good friends. One morning Mr Lucky gave Molly a present. It was a red bike with her name on it!

I. True or false.

4. Mr Lucky was angry with Molly. 

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5


Molly lived in a big city. She wanted a bike very much. But she didn’t have the money to get one. The Bike Shop was in the street where Molly lived. Every day Molly went to the Bike Shop. She helped the owner of the shop whose name was Mr Lucky. She cleaned the floors, dusted the things there. Mr Lucky and Molly became good friends. One morning Mr Lucky gave Molly a present. It was a red bike with her name on it!

II. Choose the correct item according to the text.

5. Molly lived_________ .

варіанти відповідей

in the country

in a town

in a big city

Запитання 6


Molly lived in a big city. She wanted a bike very much. But she didn’t have the money to get one. The Bike Shop was in the street where Molly lived. Every day Molly went to the Bike Shop. She helped the owner of the shop whose name was Mr Lucky. She cleaned the floors, dusted the things there. Mr Lucky and Molly became good friends. One morning Mr Lucky gave Molly a present. It was a red bike with her name on it!

II. Choose the correct item according to the text.

6. She wanted ____________ .

варіанти відповідей

a doll

a pet

a bike

Запитання 7


Molly lived in a big city. She wanted a bike very much. But she didn’t have the money to get one. The Bike Shop was in the street where Molly lived. Every day Molly went to the Bike Shop. She helped the owner of the shop whose name was Mr Lucky. She cleaned the floors, dusted the things there. Mr Lucky and Molly became good friends. One morning Mr Lucky gave Molly a present. It was a red bike with her name on it!

II. Choose the correct item according to the text.

7. She helped _______ .

варіанти відповідей

her mother about the house

her granny in the garden

the owner of the shop

Запитання 8


Molly lived in a big city. She wanted a bike very much. But she didn’t have the money to get one. The Bike Shop was in the street where Molly lived. Every day Molly went to the Bike Shop. She helped the owner of the shop whose name was Mr Lucky. She cleaned the floors, dusted the things there. Mr Lucky and Molly became good friends. One morning Mr Lucky gave Molly a present. It was a red bike with her name on it!

II. Choose the correct item according to the text.

8. Every day Molly went_______ .

варіанти відповідей

to the park to play with her friends

to the Bike Shop


Запитання 9


Molly lived in a big city. She wanted a bike very much. But she didn’t have the money to get one. The Bike Shop was in the street where Molly lived. Every day Molly went to the Bike Shop. She helped the owner of the shop whose name was Mr Lucky. She cleaned the floors, dusted the things there. Mr Lucky and Molly became good friends. One morning Mr Lucky gave Molly a present. It was a red bike with her name on it!

III. Fill in the missing word.

9. ... lived in a big city.

варіанти відповідей

My friend

Mr Lucky


Запитання 10


Molly lived in a big city. She wanted a bike very much. But she didn’t have the money to get one. The Bike Shop was in the street where Molly lived. Every day Molly went to the Bike Shop. She helped the owner of the shop whose name was Mr Lucky. She cleaned the floors, dusted the things there. Mr Lucky and Molly became good friends. One morning Mr Lucky gave Molly a present. It was a red bike with her name on it!

III. Fill in the missing word.

10. Every ... Molly went to the ... shop. 

варіанти відповідей

morning, Bike

day, Bike

morning, bakery

Запитання 11


Molly lived in a big city. She wanted a bike very much. But she didn’t have the money to get one. The Bike Shop was in the street where Molly lived. Every day Molly went to the Bike Shop. She helped the owner of the shop whose name was Mr Lucky. She cleaned the floors, dusted the things there. Mr Lucky and Molly became good friends. One morning Mr Lucky gave Molly a present. It was a red bike with her name on it!

III. Fill in the missing word.

11. ... cleaned the floors, ... the things there.

варіанти відповідей

She, dusted

The girl, fix

Molly, prepare

Запитання 12


Molly lived in a big city. She wanted a bike very much. But she didn’t have the money to get one. The Bike Shop was in the street where Molly lived. Every day Molly went to the Bike Shop. She helped the owner of the shop whose name was Mr Lucky. She cleaned the floors, dusted the things there. Mr Lucky and Molly became good friends. One morning Mr Lucky gave Molly a present. It was a red bike with her name on it!

III. Fill in the missing word.

12. It was a ... bike with her ... on it!

варіанти відповідей

pink, surname

red, name

red, flower

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