Control reading

Додано: 6 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 206 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and the sentences below. Which section (A, B, C or D) is each sentence about? You can use the letters more than once.

Which section says what Nelly thinks about the game of rugby?

My First PE Class: Playing Rugby

A I’m Nelly, and I’m in my first PE class at my new school. I’m standing with all of my classmates in the middle of the big sports field next to the school. We’re watching another class play a game called rugby. It’s my first time playing rugby!

B Someone kicks the ball then someone on the other team catches it. You have to run to the other end of the pitch. You can throw or pass the ball to other people in your team, but you have to throw the ball behind you, not in front of you.

C You usually play rugby in the winter. A pupil has the ball now and is running up the field. The players on the other team are trying to catch her. They stop her by holding her legs so she falls over onto the grass. It doesn’t look like a lot of fun to me!

D It’s really cold today and it’s raining. Why isn’t it the summer?! I want to be in a nice warm classroom! It’s our turn to play now. We’re walking onto the pitch. Someone is kicking the ball. Oh no! It’s coming towards me! Help!

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Запитання 2

Read the text and the sentences below. Which section (A, B, C or D) is each sentence about? You can use the letters more than once.

Which section says who Nelly is with?

My First PE Class: Playing Rugby

A I’m Nelly, and I’m in my first PE class at my new school. I’m standing with all of my classmates in the middle of the big sports field next to the school. We’re watching another class play a game called rugby. It’s my first time playing rugby!

B Someone kicks the ball then someone on the other team catches it. You have to run to the other end of the pitch. You can throw or pass the ball to other people in your team, but you have to throw the ball behind you, not in front of you.

C You usually play rugby in the winter. A pupil has the ball now and is running up the field. The players on the other team are trying to catch her. They stop her by holding her legs so she falls over onto the grass. It doesn’t look like a lot of fun to me!

D It’s really cold today and it’s raining. Why isn’t it the summer?! I want to be in a nice warm classroom! It’s our turn to play now. We’re walking onto the pitch. Someone is kicking the ball. Oh no! It’s coming towards me! Help!

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Запитання 3

Read the text and the sentences below. Which section (A, B, C or D) is each sentence about? You can use the letters more than once.

Which section describes the weather?

My First PE Class: Playing Rugby

A I’m Nelly, and I’m in my first PE class at my new school. I’m standing with all of my classmates in the middle of the big sports field next to the school. We’re watching another class play a game called rugby. It’s my first time playing rugby!

B Someone kicks the ball then someone on the other team catches it. You have to run to the other end of the pitch. You can throw or pass the ball to other people in your team, but you have to throw the ball behind you, not in front of you.

C You usually play rugby in the winter. A pupil has the ball now and is running up the field. The players on the other team are trying to catch her. They stop her by holding her legs so she falls over onto the grass. It doesn’t look like a lot of fun to me!

D It’s really cold today and it’s raining. Why isn’t it the summer?! I want to be in a nice warm classroom! It’s our turn to play now. We’re walking onto the pitch. Someone is kicking the ball. Oh no! It’s coming towards me! Help!

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Запитання 4

Read the text and the sentences below. Which section (A, B, C or D) is each sentence about? You can use the letters more than once.

Which section explains about the rules of rugby?

My First PE Class: Playing Rugby

A I’m Nelly, and I’m in my first PE class at my new school. I’m standing with all of my classmates in the middle of the big sports field next to the school. We’re watching another class play a game called rugby. It’s my first time playing rugby!

B Someone kicks the ball then someone on the other team catches it. You have to run to the other end of the pitch. You can throw or pass the ball to other people in your team, but you have to throw the ball behind you, not in front of you.

C You usually play rugby in the winter. A pupil has the ball now and is running up the field. The players on the other team are trying to catch her. They stop her by holding her legs so she falls over onto the grass. It doesn’t look like a lot of fun to me!

D It’s really cold today and it’s raining. Why isn’t it the summer?! I want to be in a nice warm classroom! It’s our turn to play now. We’re walking onto the pitch. Someone is kicking the ball. Oh no! It’s coming towards me! Help!

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Запитання 5

Read the text and the sentences below. Which section (A, B, C or D) is each sentence about? You can use the letters more than once.

Which section  says what time of year people normally play rugby?

My First PE Class: Playing Rugby

A I’m Nelly, and I’m in my first PE class at my new school. I’m standing with all of my classmates in the middle of the big sports field next to the school. We’re watching another class play a game called rugby. It’s my first time playing rugby!

B Someone kicks the ball then someone on the other team catches it. You have to run to the other end of the pitch. You can throw or pass the ball to other people in your team, but you have to throw the ball behind you, not in front of you.

C You usually play rugby in the winter. A pupil has the ball now and is running up the field. The players on the other team are trying to catch her. They stop her by holding her legs so she falls over onto the grass. It doesn’t look like a lot of fun to me!

D It’s really cold today and it’s raining. Why isn’t it the summer?! I want to be in a nice warm classroom! It’s our turn to play now. We’re walking onto the pitch. Someone is kicking the ball. Oh no! It’s coming towards me! Help!

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Запитання 6

Read the text and the sentences below. Which section (A, B, C or D) is each sentence about? You can use the letters more than once.

Which section  says where Nelly is?

My First PE Class: Playing Rugby

A I’m Nelly, and I’m in my first PE class at my new school. I’m standing with all of my classmates in the middle of the big sports field next to the school. We’re watching another class play a game called rugby. It’s my first time playing rugby!

B Someone kicks the ball then someone on the other team catches it. You have to run to the other end of the pitch. You can throw or pass the ball to other people in your team, but you have to throw the ball behind you, not in front of you.

C You usually play rugby in the winter. A pupil has the ball now and is running up the field. The players on the other team are trying to catch her. They stop her by holding her legs so she falls over onto the grass. It doesn’t look like a lot of fun to me!

D It’s really cold today and it’s raining. Why isn’t it the summer?! I want to be in a nice warm classroom! It’s our turn to play now. We’re walking onto the pitch. Someone is kicking the ball. Oh no! It’s coming towards me! Help!

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Запитання 7

Read the article and decide if the sentence 'Astronauts have ten years of training before they go into space.'  is True (T) or False (F).

A day in the life of a trainee astronaut

It can take up to two years to train to be an astronaut. After training, some astronauts wait for ten years before they make their first trip into space. So what’s life like as a trainee astronaut? Well, we asked one!

‘We all learn how to use and take care of the complex equipment we use, so we have many classes. These happen in a classroom, in machines that are a bit like real space ships, and in the swimming pool. The swimming pool is very similar to being in space because you weigh much less in water!

‘We also have to have language classes. My first language is Japanese, but I have to learn English and Russian too, so I can talk to the ground crew. I have to be very fit so I exercise for about three hours a day. Many of my colleagues go running together, but I prefer cycling on my own.

‘There are training centres in Germany, Russia, Japan and the USA and we spend time at all of them. I hope one day I can make it into space.'

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Doesn't say

Запитання 8

Read the article and decide if the sentence 'Astronauts practice in real space ships. '  is True (T) or False (F).

A day in the life of a trainee astronaut

It can take up to two years to train to be an astronaut. After training, some astronauts wait for ten years before they make their first trip into space. So what’s life like as a trainee astronaut? Well, we asked one!

‘We all learn how to use and take care of the complex equipment we use, so we have many classes. These happen in a classroom, in machines that are a bit like real space ships, and in the swimming pool. The swimming pool is very similar to being in space because you weigh much less in water!

‘We also have to have language classes. My first language is Japanese, but I have to learn English and Russian too, so I can talk to the ground crew. I have to be very fit so I exercise for about three hours a day. Many of my colleagues go running together, but I prefer cycling on my own.

‘There are training centres in Germany, Russia, Japan and the USA and we spend time at all of them. I hope one day I can make it into space.'

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Doesn't say

Запитання 9

Read the article and decide if the sentence 'Working in a swimming pool is a bit like working in space.  '  is True (T) or False (F).

A day in the life of a trainee astronaut

It can take up to two years to train to be an astronaut. After training, some astronauts wait for ten years before they make their first trip into space. So what’s life like as a trainee astronaut? Well, we asked one!

‘We all learn how to use and take care of the complex equipment we use, so we have many classes. These happen in a classroom, in machines that are a bit like real space ships, and in the swimming pool. The swimming pool is very similar to being in space because you weigh much less in water!

‘We also have to have language classes. My first language is Japanese, but I have to learn English and Russian too, so I can talk to the ground crew. I have to be very fit so I exercise for about three hours a day. Many of my colleagues go running together, but I prefer cycling on my own.

‘There are training centres in Germany, Russia, Japan and the USA and we spend time at all of them. I hope one day I can make it into space.'

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Doesn't say

Запитання 10

Read the article and decide if the sentence 'All astronauts have to learn Japanese.  is True (T) or False (F).

A day in the life of a trainee astronaut

It can take up to two years to train to be an astronaut. After training, some astronauts wait for ten years before they make their first trip into space. So what’s life like as a trainee astronaut? Well, we asked one!

‘We all learn how to use and take care of the complex equipment we use, so we have many classes. These happen in a classroom, in machines that are a bit like real space ships, and in the swimming pool. The swimming pool is very similar to being in space because you weigh much less in water!

‘We also have to have language classes. My first language is Japanese, but I have to learn English and Russian too, so I can talk to the ground crew. I have to be very fit so I exercise for about three hours a day. Many of my colleagues go running together, but I prefer cycling on my own.

‘There are training centres in Germany, Russia, Japan and the USA and we spend time at all of them. I hope one day I can make it into space.'

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Doesn't say

Запитання 11

Read the article and decide if the sentence 'The trainee astronaut likes cycling.'  is True (T) or False (F).

A day in the life of a trainee astronaut

It can take up to two years to train to be an astronaut. After training, some astronauts wait for ten years before they make their first trip into space. So what’s life like as a trainee astronaut? Well, we asked one!

‘We all learn how to use and take care of the complex equipment we use, so we have many classes. These happen in a classroom, in machines that are a bit like real space ships, and in the swimming pool. The swimming pool is very similar to being in space because you weigh much less in water!

‘We also have to have language classes. My first language is Japanese, but I have to learn English and Russian too, so I can talk to the ground crew. I have to be very fit so I exercise for about three hours a day. Many of my colleagues go running together, but I prefer cycling on my own.

‘There are training centres in Germany, Russia, Japan and the USA and we spend time at all of them. I hope one day I can make it into space.'

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Doesn't say

Запитання 12

Read the article and decide if the sentence 'Trainee astronauts have to live in many different places.'   is True (T) or False (F).

A day in the life of a trainee astronaut

It can take up to two years to train to be an astronaut. After training, some astronauts wait for ten years before they make their first trip into space. So what’s life like as a trainee astronaut? Well, we asked one!

‘We all learn how to use and take care of the complex equipment we use, so we have many classes. These happen in a classroom, in machines that are a bit like real space ships, and in the swimming pool. The swimming pool is very similar to being in space because you weigh much less in water!

‘We also have to have language classes. My first language is Japanese, but I have to learn English and Russian too, so I can talk to the ground crew. I have to be very fit so I exercise for about three hours a day. Many of my colleagues go running together, but I prefer cycling on my own.

‘There are training centres in Germany, Russia, Japan and the USA and we spend time at all of them. I hope one day I can make it into space.'

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Doesn't say

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