Control Reading

Додано: 8 грудня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1

When you're sick, the most important thing is to rest. But if you can't stay in bed all day, it's good to have a small bag of medicine with you. Here are six things you should always carry in your bag. 

Can You tell which Sentences are True and which are False?

1 When you're sick, it's important to rest. 

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Запитання 2

When you're sick, the most important thing is to rest. But if you can't stay in bed all day, it's good to have a small bag of medicine with you. Here are six things you should always carry in your bag. 

2 Can You tell which Sentences are True and which are False?

2 It's good to have a big bag of medicine with you.

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Запитання 3

1. An aspirin or other painkiller: If you have a headache or a fever, you'll be happy you have this with you.

 2. Eye drops: If your eyes feel dry or tired, these will make them feel better.

 3. An ointment for cuts and scrapes: This helps stop bleeding and helps prevent infection. 

Can You tell which Sentences are True and which are False?

3 An aspirin can help with a headache or a fever.

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Запитання 4

1. An aspirin or other painkiller: If you have a headache or a fever, you'll be happy you have this with you.

 2. Eye drops: If your eyes feel dry or tired, these will make them feel better.

 3. An ointment for cuts and scrapes: This helps stop bleeding and helps prevent infection. 

Can You tell which Sentences are True and which are False?

4 Eye drops can make your eyes feel worse.

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Запитання 5

1. An aspirin or other painkiller: If you have a headache or a fever, you'll be happy you have this with you.

 2. Eye drops: If your eyes feel dry or tired, these will make them feel better.

 3. An ointment for cuts and scrapes: This helps stop bleeding and helps prevent infection. 

Can You tell which Sentences are True and which are False?

5 An ointment for cuts and scrapes can prevent infection. 

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Запитання 6

4. Cold tablets: These helps stop a cold before it gets worse.

5. A nasal spray: If you have a stuffy nose from a cold, this will help you breathe.

6. Cough drops or throat lozenges: If you have a cough or a sore throat, these will help.

 Of course, if you're very sick, you should go home and see a doctor. But these six things will help you feel better so you can get through the day.

Can You tell which Sentences are True and which are False?

6 Cold tablets can make a cold worse.

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Запитання 7

4. Cold tablets: These helps stop a cold before it gets worse.

5. A nasal spray: If you have a stuffy nose from a cold, this will help you breathe.

6. Cough drops or throat lozenges: If you have a cough or a sore throat, these will help.

 Of course, if you're very sick, you should go home and see a doctor. But these six things will help you feel better so you can get through the day

Can You tell which Sentences are True and which are False?

7 A nasal spray can help with a stuffy nose. 

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Запитання 8

4. Cold tablets: These helps stop a cold before it gets worse.

5. A nasal spray: If you have a stuffy nose from a cold, this will help you breathe.

6. Cough drops or throat lozenges: If you have a cough or a sore throat, these will help.

 Of course, if you're very sick, you should go home and see a doctor. But these six things will help you feel better so you can get through the day.

Can You tell which Sentences are True and which are False?

8 Cough drops or throat lozenges can help with a cough or a sore throat. 

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Запитання 9

4. Cold tablets: These helps stop a cold before it gets worse.

5. A nasal spray: If you have a stuffy nose from a cold, this will help you breathe.

6. Cough drops or throat lozenges: If you have a cough or a sore throat, these will help.

 Of course, if you're very sick, you should go home and see a doctor. But these six things will help you feel better so you can get through the day.

Can You tell which Sentences are True and which are False?

9 If you're very sick, you should go home and see a doctor. 

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Запитання 10

4. Cold tablets: These helps stop a cold before it gets worse.

5. A nasal spray: If you have a stuffy nose from a cold, this will help you breathe.

6. Cough drops or throat lozenges: If you have a cough or a sore throat, these will help.

 Of course, if you're very sick, you should go home and see a doctor. But these six things will help you feel better so you can get through the day.

Can You tell which Sentences are True and which are False?

10 These six things will help you feel better so you can get through the day.

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Запитання 11

Let's Answer the Following Questions!

1 Why is it good to have a small bag of medicine with you when you're sick?

варіанти відповідей

It's good to have a small bag of medicine with you when you're sick because if you can't stay in bed all day, these items will help you feel better.

An aspirin or other painkiller can help with headaches or fevers. 3 Eye drops would be useful if your eyes feel dry or tired

Cold tablets help stop a cold before it gets worse

Запитання 12

Let's Answer the Following Questions!

2 What can an aspirin or other painkiller help with?

варіанти відповідей

It's good to have a small bag of medicine with you when you're sick because if you can't stay in bed all day, these items will help you feel better. 

An aspirin or other painkiller can help with headaches or fevers

Cold tablets help stop a cold before it gets worse

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