Control reading

Додано: 2 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 85 разів
11 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the story below and choose the best title.

I’m Tom Stirling, and Robby Jones is my best friend. We’re at the same school – we’re classmates. I sometimes stay with Robby and I sleep in a bed in his room. 1..........  It’s one o’clock in the morning but Robby isn’t sleeping. He’s standing by the window. The moon is shining. Robby is looking into the garden and he is speaking. What is he doing? 2………. Now he’s walking out of the room and I’m following him. Where’s he going?

    We’re in the kitchen and Robby’s sitting at the table. His eyes are closed but he’s talking again. ‘Where’s your homework, Robby Jones? 3………. I’m not laughing. I want your homework. Now!’ Robby is speaking but the words are our teacher’s!

    Robby’s standing up and going back to his room. He’s walking past me but he can’t see me. 4………. He’s walking and talking in his sleep!

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 A night at Robby’s house.

 Robby’s garden.

Tom’s homework.


Запитання 2

Read the story again. Complete gaps 1-4 with sentences a-e. There is one extra sentences.

   I’m Tom Stirling, and Robby Jones is my best friend. We’re at the same school – we’re classmates. I sometimes stay with Robby and I sleep in a bed in his room. 1..........  It’s one o’clock in the morning but Robby isn’t sleeping. He’s standing by the window. The moon is shining. Robby is looking into the garden and he is speaking. What is he doing? 2………. Now he’s walking out of the room and I’m following him. Where’s he going?

    We’re in the kitchen and Robby’s sitting at the table. His eyes are closed but he’s talking again. ‘Where’s your homework, Robby Jones? 3………. I’m not laughing. I want your homework. Now!’ Robby is speaking but the words are our teacher’s!

    Robby’s standing up and going back to his room. He’s walking past me but he can’t see me. 4………. He’s walking and talking in his sleep!

Gap number 1:

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Who is he speaking to?

Now I understand.

We’ve got homework every evening.

Don’t smile boy.

Tonight I’m staying with him but something strange is happening.

Запитання 3

Read the story again. Complete gaps 1-4 with sentences a-e. There is one extra sentences.

   I’m Tom Stirling, and Robby Jones is my best friend. We’re at the same school – we’re classmates. I sometimes stay with Robby and I sleep in a bed in his room. 1..........  It’s one o’clock in the morning but Robby isn’t sleeping. He’s standing by the window. The moon is shining. Robby is looking into the garden and he is speaking. What is he doing? 2………. Now he’s walking out of the room and I’m following him. Where’s he going?

    We’re in the kitchen and Robby’s sitting at the table. His eyes are closed but he’s talking again. ‘Where’s your homework, Robby Jones? 3………. I’m not laughing. I want your homework. Now!’ Robby is speaking but the words are our teacher’s!

    Robby’s standing up and going back to his room. He’s walking past me but he can’t see me. 4………. He’s walking and talking in his sleep!

Gap number 2:

варіанти відповідей

Who is he speaking to?

Now I understand.

We’ve got homework every evening.

Don’t smile boy.

Tonight I’m staying with him but something strange is happening.

Запитання 4

Read the story again. Complete gaps 1-4 with sentences a-e. There is one extra sentences.

   I’m Tom Stirling, and Robby Jones is my best friend. We’re at the same school – we’re classmates. I sometimes stay with Robby and I sleep in a bed in his room. 1..........  It’s one o’clock in the morning but Robby isn’t sleeping. He’s standing by the window. The moon is shining. Robby is looking into the garden and he is speaking. What is he doing? 2………. Now he’s walking out of the room and I’m following him. Where’s he going?

    We’re in the kitchen and Robby’s sitting at the table. His eyes are closed but he’s talking again. ‘Where’s your homework, Robby Jones? 3………. I’m not laughing. I want your homework. Now!’ Robby is speaking but the words are our teacher’s!

    Robby’s standing up and going back to his room. He’s walking past me but he can’t see me. 4………. He’s walking and talking in his sleep!

Gap number 3:

варіанти відповідей

Who is he speaking to?

Now I understand.

We’ve got homework every evening.

Don’t smile boy.

Tonight I’m staying with him but something strange is happening.

Запитання 5

Read the story again. Complete gaps 1-4 with sentences a-e. There is one extra sentences.

   I’m Tom Stirling, and Robby Jones is my best friend. We’re at the same school – we’re classmates. I sometimes stay with Robby and I sleep in a bed in his room. 1.......... It’s one o’clock in the morning but Robby isn’t sleeping. He’s standing by the window. The moon is shining. Robby is looking into the garden and he is speaking. What is he doing? 2………. Now he’s walking out of the room and I’m following him. Where’s he going?

    We’re in the kitchen and Robby’s sitting at the table. His eyes are closed but he’s talking again. ‘Where’s your homework, Robby Jones? 3………. I’m not laughing. I want your homework. Now!’ Robby is speaking but the words are our teacher’s!

    Robby’s standing up and going back to his room. He’s walking past me but he can’t see me. 4………. He’s walking and talking in his sleep!

Gap number 4:

варіанти відповідей

Who is he speaking to?

Now I understand.

We’ve got homework every evening.

Don’t smile boy.

Tonight I’m staying with him but something strange is happening.

Запитання 6

Read the story again. Mark the sentences right, wrong or doesn’t say.

   I’m Tom Stirling, and Robby Jones is my best friend. We’re at the same school – we’re classmates. I sometimes stay with Robby and I sleep in a bed in his room. 1.......... It’s one o’clock in the morning but Robby isn’t sleeping. He’s standing by the window. The moon is shining. Robby is looking into the garden and he is speaking. What is he doing? 2………. Now he’s walking out of the room and I’m following him. Where’s he going?

    We’re in the kitchen and Robby’s sitting at the table. His eyes are closed but he’s talking again. ‘Where’s your homework, Robby Jones? 3………. I’m not laughing. I want your homework. Now!’ Robby is speaking but the words are our teacher’s!

    Robby’s standing up and going back to his room. He’s walking past me but he can’t see me. 4………. He’s walking and talking in his sleep!

Tom and Robby live in the same town.:

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doesn't say

Запитання 7

Read the story again. Mark the sentences right, wrong or doesn’t say.

   I’m Tom Stirling, and Robby Jones is my best friend. We’re at the same school – we’re classmates. I sometimes stay with Robby and I sleep in a bed in his room. 1..........  It’s one o’clock in the morning but Robby isn’t sleeping. He’s standing by the window. The moon is shining. Robby is looking into the garden and he is speaking. What is he doing? 2………. Now he’s walking out of the room and I’m following him. Where’s he going?

    We’re in the kitchen and Robby’s sitting at the table. His eyes are closed but he’s talking again. ‘Where’s your homework, Robby Jones? 3………. I’m not laughing. I want your homework. Now!’ Robby is speaking but the words are our teacher’s!

    Robby’s standing up and going back to his room. He’s walking past me but he can’t see me. 4………. He’s walking and talking in his sleep!

Tom and Robby are in different bedrooms.:

варіанти відповідей



doesn't say

Запитання 8

Read the story again. Mark the sentences right, wrong or doesn’t say.

   I’m Tom Stirling, and Robby Jones is my best friend. We’re at the same school – we’re classmates. I sometimes stay with Robby and I sleep in a bed in his room. 1.......... It’s one o’clock in the morning but Robby isn’t sleeping. He’s standing by the window. The moon is shining. Robby is looking into the garden and he is speaking. What is he doing? 2………. Now he’s walking out of the room and I’m following him. Where’s he going?

    We’re in the kitchen and Robby’s sitting at the table. His eyes are closed but he’s talking again. ‘Where’s your homework, Robby Jones? 3………. I’m not laughing. I want your homework. Now!’ Robby is speaking but the words are our teacher’s!

    Robby’s standing up and going back to his room. He’s walking past me but he can’t see me. 4………. He’s walking and talking in his sleep!

It’s nearly morning.:

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doesn't say

Запитання 9

Read the story again. Mark the sentences right, wrong or doesn’t say.

   I’m Tom Stirling, and Robby Jones is my best friend. We’re at the same school – we’re classmates. I sometimes stay with Robby and I sleep in a bed in his room. 1..........  It’s one o’clock in the morning but Robby isn’t sleeping. He’s standing by the window. The moon is shining. Robby is looking into the garden and he is speaking. What is he doing? 2………. Now he’s walking out of the room and I’m following him. Where’s he going?

    We’re in the kitchen and Robby’s sitting at the table. His eyes are closed but he’s talking again. ‘Where’s your homework, Robby Jones? 3………. I’m not laughing. I want your homework. Now!’ Robby is speaking but the words are our teacher’s!

    Robby’s standing up and going back to his room. He’s walking past me but he can’t see me. 4………. He’s walking and talking in his sleep!

Tom is surprised..:

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doesn't say

Запитання 10

Read the story again. Mark the sentences right, wrong or doesn’t say.

   I’m Tom Stirling, and Robby Jones is my best friend. We’re at the same school – we’re classmates. I sometimes stay with Robby and I sleep in a bed in his room. 1..........  It’s one o’clock in the morning but Robby isn’t sleeping. He’s standing by the window. The moon is shining. Robby is looking into the garden and he is speaking. What is he doing? 2………. Now he’s walking out of the room and I’m following him. Where’s he going?

    We’re in the kitchen and Robby’s sitting at the table. His eyes are closed but he’s talking again. ‘Where’s your homework, Robby Jones? 3………. I’m not laughing. I want your homework. Now!’ Robby is speaking but the words are our teacher’s!

    Robby’s standing up and going back to his room. He’s walking past me but he can’t see me. 4………. He’s walking and talking in his sleep!

Robby is talking to Tom.:

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doesn't say

Запитання 11

Read the story again. Mark the sentences right, wrong or doesn’t say.

   I’m Tom Stirling, and Robby Jones is my best friend. We’re at the same school – we’re classmates. I sometimes stay with Robby and I sleep in a bed in his room. 1..........  It’s one o’clock in the morning but Robby isn’t sleeping. He’s standing by the window. The moon is shining. Robby is looking into the garden and he is speaking. What is he doing? 2………. Now he’s walking out of the room and I’m following him. Where’s he going?

    We’re in the kitchen and Robby’s sitting at the table. His eyes are closed but he’s talking again. ‘Where’s your homework, Robby Jones? 3………. I’m not laughing. I want your homework. Now!’ Robby is speaking but the words are our teacher’s!

    Robby’s standing up and going back to his room. He’s walking past me but he can’t see me. 4………. He’s walking and talking in his sleep!

Robby is still sleeping.:

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doesn't say

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