Control tests. Places of interest in Ukraine (для учнів 7-х класів за підр. О. Карпюк)

Додано: 20 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 64 рази
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Mark the correct answer.

_____________ is one of the richest towns in Ukraine for the number and value of historical and architectural monuments. The city was founded in the mid-13th century by the Galicial-Volynian King Danylo Halytskyi and named in honour of his son Lev. The first documented reference to the city appeared in the chronicle for the year 1256. In the 1270s Prince Lev designated Lviv as the capital of his state.

варіанти відповідей

Uzhhorod (по-новому), Uzhgorod (по-старому)

Kyiiv (по-новому), Kiev (по-старому)



Запитання 2

Mark the correct question.

Vydubychi Monastery is one of the famous and historic monasteries in Kyiiv. Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavych founded it in 1070. According to legend, the name of the monastery is associated with the Christianization of Rus'. In 1924, the government closed the monastery. It was reopened in 1992 and is now one of the finest churches of Kyiiv.

варіанти відповідей

What are Vydubychi Monastery?

What were Vydubychi Monastery built?

Who did founded Vydubychi Monastery?

What is Vydubychi Monastery?

Запитання 3

Mark the correct answer.

____________________________ (St. George's Cathedral) is a classic example of Ukrainian Baroque architecture and the main church of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church. Construction began in 1744 and decorative work was completed in 1772.

варіанти відповідей

Sobor Sviatoho Yura

Lychakiv Cemetery

Empire State Building (a skyscraper) 

The United Nations Building 

Запитання 4

Mark the correct answer.

_____________ was established in 1876. The area of the cemetery is 40 ha containing approximately 3500 monuments and sculptures executed by eminent sculptors and architects.

There are about 20 museums, 10 theatres and monuments (T. Shevchenko, I.Franko, Victims of the Lviv Ghetto and others) in Lviv. Lviv is an outstanding architectural reserve with 2000 cultural monuments and is included in the "World Heritage (спадщина) List" of UNESCO.

варіанти відповідей

Westminster Abbey

Lychakiv Cemetery

The Statue of Liberty

Big Ben

Запитання 5

Mark the correct answer.

_____________ is an Art Nouveau building located in the historic Lypky neighborhood of Kyiiv, the capital of Ukraine. Situated across the street from the President of Ukraine's office at No. 10, Bankova Street, the building has been used as a presidential residence for official and diplomatic ceremonies since 2005. There are sculptures of real imaginary monsters, animals inside and outside the building.

варіанти відповідей

House with Chimaeras or Horodecki House ( Будинок з химерами; the Polish architect -- Horodecki)

Mariuinsky Palace


New York

Запитання 6

Mark the correct answer.

Read the text and match (a—d) to 1—4.

Which of the advertisements offers...

a)      training and equipment for watersports?

b)      a visit to a museum?

c)      a bike tour of Brighton?

d)      an on-foot tour of Brighton?

1) At Brighton Marina you can iearn to yacht sail or drive a boat. We provide training and all specialized equipment.

2) 90-minute guided walking tour of Brighton's fascinating old town! Visit famous landmarks, hear about Brighton's history and culture and explore its hidden past.

3) This fascinating museum has exhibits that include hundreds of British birds, insects from butterflies to beetles, a whale skeleton and dinosaur bones.

4) Welcome to Brighton Cycling, the original bike tour company in Brigh­ton. With us you can cycle round our beautiful city whilst learning about the his­tory of the sights and the main characters that put Brighton on the map.

варіанти відповідей

1 a 2 d 3 c 4 b

1 a 2 d 3 b 4 c

1 c 2 d 3 b 4 a

1 a 2 b 3 d 4 c

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