We haven’t got ______ petrol. We need to stop and get some.
We had ______ of fun last summer.
There is _______ food in the fridge. It’s nearly (майже) empty.
Don’t worry, we have ____ time.
He doesn’t usually drink _____ coffee.
There is ______ sugar in my coffee. I can’t drink it.
There isn’t ______ cheese in the fridge.
We have to go to the market because we need to bye ______ onions.
_______ milk do you want I your coffee?
We have _____ money, so we can’t buy a car.
We’ve got _____ apples but we can make a cake.
There’s very ______ snow in the streets. So we don’t need snow boots.
We have ____ egg and _____ bread for breakfast. Can you buy some more?
I need ______ beef for this dish.
There’s ______ salt in my soup! I can’t eat it!
She drank ______ cola.
We have _____ honey.
I’m sorry but there isn’t _____ juice. Have some water.
- Do you need ____ tomatoes for the salad?
- No, just _____.
Mum's angry because I went shopping and I spent...money.
Five bottles of cola! You've bought ...!
Is there _____ tea in the pot?
I’ve got ____ butter on my toast. I don’t like it.
He doesn’t buy ____ bananas because they’re expensive.
There aren’t _____ of eggs in the fridge.
I’m making pizza. I need _____ tomatoes.
Can I have ____ sugar, please?
- Would you like _____ pasta?
- Yes, just ____ please.
- How ____ apples do you eat a week?
- ____, just two or three.
I don’t want _____ sandwiches. I’m not hungry.
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