Dairy (reading)

Тест для розуміння лексики Dairy для спецкурсу англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням "Кухар"

Додано: 11 липня
Предмет: Англійська мова
9 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the memo about dairy products. Then, choose the correct answer.

Attention All Kitchen Staff:

I noticed that a number of dairy products spoiled this month. People are not storing these items properly. Here are some reminders about dealing with dairy products:

Please keep regular milk in the refrigerator, not the freezer. When milk freezes, the cream separates. It is nearly impossible to stir together again when the milk thaws. Only skim milk can freeze and thaw properly. Sealed cans of evaporated milk can be stored at room temperature. However, you must refrigerate opened cans.

Cultured products generally last longer than milk, but remember to check expiration dates. We served several meals last week with expired yogurt. I also found packets of expired butter and cream cheese on the tables in the dining room.

Even though we buy pasteurized products, bacteria can become a problem. Especially with cheeses, check the appearance and smell of any product before you use it.

Arnold, Head Chef

1 What is the purpose of the memo?

варіанти відповідей

A. to introduce a new storage system for dairy products

B. to offer reminders about product freshness

C. to describe ways harmful bacteria attack dairy products

Запитання 2

Read the memo about dairy products. Then, choose the correct answer.

Attention All Kitchen Staff:

I noticed that a number of dairy products spoiled this month. People are not storing these items properly. Here are some reminders about dealing with dairy products:

Please keep regular milk in the refrigerator, not the freezer. When milk freezes, the cream separates. It is nearly impossible to stir together again when the milk thaws. Only skim milk can freeze and thaw properly. Sealed cans of evaporated milk can be stored at room temperature. However, you must refrigerate opened cans.

Cultured products generally last longer than milk, but remember to check expiration dates. We served several meals last week with expired yogurt. I also found packets of expired butter and cream cheese on the tables in the dining room.

Even though we buy pasteurized products, bacteria can become a problem. Especially with cheeses, check the appearance and smell of any product before you use it.

Arnold, Head Chef

2 Which is NOT an instruction in the memo?

варіанти відповідей

A. Keep regular milk in the freezer.

B. Refrigerate evaporated milk.

C. Check expiration dates.

D. Examine cheeses before using them.

Запитання 3

Read the memo about dairy products. Then, choose the correct answer.

Attention All Kitchen Staff:

I noticed that a number of dairy products spoiled this month. People are not storing these items properly. Here are some reminders about dealing with dairy products:

Please keep regular milk in the refrigerator, not the freezer. When milk freezes, the cream separates. It is nearly impossible to stir together again when the milk thaws. Only skim milk can freeze and thaw properly. Sealed cans of evaporated milk can be stored at room temperature. However, you must refrigerate opened cans.

Cultured products generally last longer than milk, but remember to check expiration dates. We served several meals last week with expired yogurt. I also found packets of expired butter and cream cheese on the tables in the dining room.

Even though we buy pasteurized products, bacteria can become a problem. Especially with cheeses, check the appearance and smell of any product before you use it.

Arnold, Head Chef

3 What is true about skim milk?

варіанти відповідей

A. It can be kept at room temperature.

B. It is best stored in sealed cans.

C. It should not be frozen.

D. It thaws better than other types of milk.

Запитання 4

Fill the blanks with the correct words or phrases.

Yogurt is _______________ to make it more digestible.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 5

Fill the blanks with the correct words or phrases.

The farm sells a variety of__________ products to supermarkets.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 6

Fill the blanks with the correct words or phrases.

 Adding water to_____________ gives it the same consistency as regular milk.

варіанти відповідей

evaporated milk



Запитання 7

Fill the blanks with the correct words or phrases.

_________is solid in the refrigerator, but you can melt it into a liquid.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 8

Fill the blanks with the correct words or phrases.

The cream cheese will___________ if you leave it out in the heat.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 9

Fill the blanks with the correct words or phrases.

The restaurant only buys safe,___________ milk.

варіанти відповідей




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