Diagnostic Test (Reading)

Додано: 9 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Копія з тесту: Diagnostic Test (Listening) SJ4
Тест виконано: 287 разів
11 запитань
Запитання 1

Simon and Kate are friends. Simon lives in Paris, France. Kate is from Lviv, Ukraine.

Simon is the biggest fan of baseball. Kate is a sports fan too. She’s fond of tennis.

Simon likes playing baseball because it is exciting. His baseball hero is Ronan Quinn. Ronan is from the USA . He is the fastest baseball player in the world.

Kate likes playing tennis because it’s popular.Her tennis hero is Elina Svitolina. Elina is from Ukraine.She is the best tennis player in her country.

Simon and Kate want to be like their heroes.

Match information about Simon(Обери те,що стосується Саймона)

варіанти відповідей

lives in Lviv

likes baseball

is Elina Svitolina's fan

likes the fastest player

is from Paris

Запитання 2

Simon and Kate are friends. Simon lives in Paris, France. Kate is from Lviv, Ukraine.

Simon is the biggest fan of baseball. Kate is a sports fan too. She’s fond of tennis.

Simon likes playing baseball because it is exciting. His baseball hero is Ronan Quinn. Ronan is from the USA . He is the fastest baseball player in the world.

Kate likes playing tennis because it’s popular.Her tennis hero is Elina Svitolina. Elina is from Ukraine.She is the best tennis player in her country.

Simon and Kate want to be like their heroes.

Match information about Kate (Обери те,що стосується Кейт)

варіанти відповідей

lives in France

likes tennis

is Ronan's fan

likes the best player

is from Lviv

Запитання 3

Simon and Kate are friends. Simon lives in Paris, France. Kate is from Lviv, Ukraine.

Simon is the biggest fan of baseball. Kate is a sports fan too. She’s fond of tennis.

Simon likes playing baseball because it is exciting. His baseball hero is Ronan Quinn. Ronan is from the USA . He is the fastest baseball player in the world.

Kate likes playing tennis because it’s popular.Her tennis hero is Elina Svitolina. Elina is from Ukraine.She is the best tennis player in her country.

Simon and Kate want to be like their heroes.

Choosethe correct variant:

Kate likes ...

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

Simon and Kate are friends. Simon lives in Paris, France. Kate is from Lviv, Ukraine.

Simon is the biggest fan of baseball. Kate is a sports fan too. She’s fond of tennis.

Simon likes playing baseball because it is exciting. His baseball hero is Ronan Quinn. Ronan is from the USA . He is the fastest baseball player in the world.

Kate likes playing tennis because it’s popular.Her tennis hero is Elina Svitolina. Elina is from Ukraine.She is the best tennis player in her country.

Simon and Kate want to be like their heroes.

Choosethe correct variant:

Simon lives in ...

варіанти відповідей

the USA


Запитання 5

Simon and Kate are friends. Simon lives in Paris, France. Kate is from Lviv, Ukraine.

Simon is the biggest fan of baseball. Kate is a sports fan too. She’s fond of tennis.

Simon likes playing baseball because it is exciting. His baseball hero is Ronan Quinn. Ronan is from the USA . He is the fastest baseball player in the world.

Kate likes playing tennis because it’s popular.Her tennis hero is Elina Svitolina. Elina is from Ukraine.She is the best tennis player in her country.

Simon and Kate want to be like their heroes.

Choosethe correct variant:

Kate thinks that tennis is ...

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

Simon and Kate are friends. Simon lives in Paris, France. Kate is from Lviv, Ukraine.

Simon is the biggest fan of baseball. Kate is a sports fan too. She’s fond of tennis.

Simon likes playing baseball because it is exciting. His baseball hero is Ronan Quinn. Ronan is from the USA . He is the fastest baseball player in the world.

Kate likes playing tennis because it’s popular.Her tennis hero is Elina Svitolina. Elina is from Ukraine.She is the best tennis player in her country.

Simon and Kate want to be like their heroes.

Choosethe correct variant:

Elina Svitolina is from ...

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

Simon and Kate are friends. Simon lives in Paris, France. Kate is from Lviv, Ukraine.

Simon is the biggest fan of baseball. Kate is a sports fan too. She’s fond of tennis.

Simon likes playing baseball because it is exciting. His baseball hero is Ronan Quinn. Ronan is from the USA . He is the fastest baseball player in the world.

Kate likes playing tennis because it’s popular.Her tennis hero is Elina Svitolina. Elina is from Ukraine.She is the best tennis player in her country.

Simon and Kate want to be like their heroes.

Choosethe correct variant:

Simon is fond of ...

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 8

Simon and Kate are friends. Simon lives in Paris, France. Kate is from Lviv, Ukraine.

Simon is the biggest fan of baseball. Kate is a sports fan too. She’s fond of tennis.

Simon likes playing baseball because it is exciting. His baseball hero is Ronan Quinn. Ronan is from the USA . He is the fastest baseball player in the world.

Kate likes playing tennis because it’s popular.Her tennis hero is Elina Svitolina. Elina is from Ukraine.She is the best tennis player in her country.

Simon and Kate want to be like their heroes.

Choosethe correct variant:

Simon thinks that baseball is ...

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9

Simon and Kate are friends. Simon lives in Paris, France. Kate is from Lviv, Ukraine.

Simon is the biggest fan of baseball. Kate is a sports fan too. She’s fond of tennis.

Simon likes playing baseball because it is exciting. His baseball hero is Ronan Quinn. Ronan is from the USA . He is the fastest baseball player in the world.

Kate likes playing tennis because it’s popular.Her tennis hero is Elina Svitolina. Elina is from Ukraine.She is the best tennis player in her country.

Simon and Kate want to be like their heroes.

Choosethe correct variant:

Simon and Kate are ...

варіанти відповідей

brother and sister


Запитання 10

Simon and Kate are friends. Simon lives in Paris, France. Kate is from Lviv, Ukraine.

Simon is the biggest fan of baseball. Kate is a sports fan too. She’s fond of tennis.

Simon likes playing baseball because it is exciting. His baseball hero is Ronan Quinn. Ronan is from the USA . He is the fastest baseball player in the world.

Kate likes playing tennis because it’s popular.Her tennis hero is Elina Svitolina. Elina is from Ukraine.She is the best tennis player in her country.

Simon and Kate want to be like their heroes.

Choosethe correct variant:

Simon and Kate want to be like their ...

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 11

Kate ... a sport fan too.

варіанти відповідей


is not

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