Прочитай. Познач чи правильне твердження.
True + \ False -
When I’ve got a sore throught, I visit a doctor. When I’ve got a high temperature, I stay in bed. When I’ve got a cold, I drink warm tea with honey. When I’ve got a toothache, I go to the dentist’s. When I’ve got a cough, I take medicines.
When you’ve got a sore throught, you call a doctor.
Прочитай. Познач чи правильне твердження.
True + \ False -
When I’ve got a sore throught, I visit a doctor. When I’ve got a high temperature, I stay in bed. When I’ve got a cold, I drink warm tea with honey. When I’ve got a toothache, I go to the dentist’s. When I’ve got a cough, I take medicines.
When you’ve got a high temperature, you stay in bed
Прочитай. Познач чи правильне твердження.
True + \ False -
When I’ve got a sore throught, I visit a doctor. When I’ve got a high temperature, I stay in bed. When I’ve got a cold, I drink warm tea with honey. When I’ve got a toothache, I go to the dentist’s. When I’ve got a cough, I take medicines.
When you’ve got a cold, you drink warm milk with honey.
Прочитай. Познач чи правильне твердження.
True + \ False -
When I’ve got a sore throught, I visit a doctor. When I’ve got a high temperature, I stay in bed. When I’ve got a cold, I drink warm tea with honey. When I’ve got a toothache, I go to the dentist’s. When I’ve got a cough, I take medicines.
When you’ve got a toothache, you go to the dentist’s.
Прочитай. Познач чи правильне твердження.
True + \ False -
When I’ve got a sore throught, I visit a doctor. When I’ve got a high temperature, I stay in bed. When I’ve got a cold, I drink warm tea with honey. When I’ve got a toothache, I go to the dentist’s. When I’ve got a cough, I take medicines.
When you’ve got a cough, you don’t take medicines.
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