Діагностувальна робота:читання (reading) Unit 6: On the move

Read the text and answer the questions.

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by plane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But, when he goes to another city, he takes a train. Dave does not like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all, it is not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

Додано: 21 квітня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by plane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But, when he goes to another city, he takes a train. Dave does not like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all, it is not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

This text is about the boy.

варіанти відповідей

True (T)

False (F)

Запитання 2

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by plane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But, when he goes to another city, he takes a train. Dave does not like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all, it is not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

Відміть ті способи подорожування, які згадані у тексті.

варіанти відповідей

on foot

by bus

by train

by car

by plane

by boat

Запитання 3

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by plane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But, when he goes to another city, he takes a train. Dave does not like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all, it is not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

When Dave goes to another country, he usually goes there by...

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 4

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by plane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But, when he goes to another city, he takes a train. Dave does not like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all, it is not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

Dave travels by plane because...

варіанти відповідей

it is the fastest and the most comfortable way.

it is the slowest and the most interesting way.

it is the most pleasant and the most exciting way.

it is the nicest and the most comfortable way.

Запитання 5

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by plane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But, when he goes to another city, he takes a train. Dave does not like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all, it is not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

When Dave goes to another city, he takes ....

варіанти відповідей

a car

a bus

a train

a boat

Запитання 6

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by plane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But, when he goes to another city, he takes a train. Dave does not like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all, it is not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

Dave doesn't like travelling by bus because...

варіанти відповідей

there are often many buses there.

there are often many passengers there.

there are often many friends there

there are often many rivers there

Запитання 7

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by lane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But, when he goes to another city, he takes a train. Dave does not like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all, it is not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

Does he always have heavy suitcases?

варіанти відповідей

No, I don't have.

No, he doesn't

Yes, he does.

Yes, we do

Запитання 8

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by lane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But, when he goes to another city, he takes a train. Dave does not like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all, it is not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

Dave will go to ... with his family this year.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 9

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by lane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But, when he goes to another city, he takes a train. Dave does not like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all, it is not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

He will go to Brazil by...

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 10

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by lane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But, when he goes to another city, he takes a train. Dave does not like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all, it is not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

He is not sure about ...

варіанти відповідей

what to play with him

what to take with him

what to do with them

what to go with him

Запитання 11

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by lane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But, when he goes to another city, he takes a train. Dave does not like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all, it is not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

What did his parents tell him?

варіанти відповідей

They told him not to play.

She told him to ride a bike.

They told him not to worry.

They told him to buy presents.

Запитання 12

Dave loves travelling very much. When he goes to another country, he travels by lane because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way. But, when he goes to another city, he takes a train. Dave does not like buses because there are often many passengers there. He never has heavy suitcases and he always has a place where to put souvenirs at the end of his trips. This year Dave will go to Brazil with his family and it will be his first time travelling by boat. He is very excited but he is not sure what to take with him. His parents told him not to worry. After all, it is not his first time travelling, so what he needs, first of all, is his passport and a great smile!

Dave needs...

варіанти відповідей

his bag and a pen.

his book and a phone.

his bed and a dog.

his passport and a great smile

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