Діагностувальна робота для екстернів (7 клас)

Додано: 10 листопада 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
20 запитань
Запитання 1

Complete sentences with going to.

1 Billy and George /climb/ a mountain in Italy.

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are going to climb

is going to climb

Запитання 2

2 We/not drive/to Scotland this year.

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aren't going to drive

isn't going to drive

Запитання 3

3 Susie/not come/with us to the park.

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aren't going to come

isn't going to come

Запитання 4

4 Jacob and Alex got up very late this morning. They/miss/their train?

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Are they going to miss their train?

Is they going to miss their train?

Запитання 5

5 Where/you/put/your new desk?

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Where are you going to put your new desk?

Where is you going to put your new desk?

Запитання 6

The Mona Lisa is one of the ______ paintings in this museum.

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more beautiful


most beautiful

Запитання 7

Dogs are ____________(intelligent) than rabbits.

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more intelligent



most intelligenter

Запитання 8

An ocean is _______ a sea.

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most larger


more large

Запитання 9

People say that Chinese is _________ to learn than English.

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more difficult

the most difficult


Запитання 10

This exercise is not difficult. It’s ________ I expected.

варіанти відповідей

more easy



the most easy

Запитання 11

Complete the sentences with these words related to nature. There are two extra words.

1 I’m going to pick some ……………………… for Mum from the garden.

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Запитання 12

Complete the sentences with these words related to nature. There are two extra words.

2 I never swim in the ……………………… . It’s even colder than the sea!

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Запитання 13

Complete the sentences with these words related to nature. There are two extra words.

3 We live on a/an ……………………… in the middle of the sea!

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Запитання 14

Complete the sentences with these words related to nature. There are two extra words.

4 They’re cutting down all the trees in the biggest ……………………… in the country.

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Запитання 15

Complete the sentences with these words related to nature. There are two extra words.

5 Jake’s house is in a beautiful ……………………… between two hills.

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Запитання 16


Прочитати рецензію на серіал. Чи є ці твердження правдивими (T), неправдивими (F) чи інформація не згадується (NM)?

One of the best series on TV at the moment is Penguin Island on Tuesday evenings at 7.30. Next Tuesday will be the last one. If you didn’t see the first five programmes, you can still watch them online, but hurry! It’s a brilliant series about Phillip Island, an island off the coast of Australia which is home to thousands of Little Penguins. These penguins are very small – the smallest in the world and they make their homes and lay their eggs a few hundred metres from the beach. Every day the adult penguins go to sea and swim hundreds of miles to find fish. Then they bring it back for their babies (called chicks) every night.

These penguins only live in one or two places in Australia and New Zealand so it is very important to protect them. A few years ago, there were holiday houses for Australians on the island which were too close to the penguins. So the government started a penguin protection plan – they bought all the houses and then knocked them down.

Now people can come to the island, watch the penguins on the beach and hopefully want to help them. When the penguins return with their food, they have to walk the few hundred metres to their homes. This walk is called the Penguin Parade! So, people can still enjoy watching the penguins, but they don’t live close to them anymore. In the last programme we will learn about Tilda, a young female chick. Will her parents come back with food or will she have to go and swim for the first time to find some? Watch on Tuesday to see what happens. I love this programme and I’m sure you will, too!

1 The TV series has six programmes.

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Запитання 17


Прочитати рецензію на серіал. Чи є ці твердження правдивими (T), неправдивими (F) чи інформація не згадується (NM)?

One of the best series on TV at the moment is Penguin Island on Tuesday evenings at 7.30. Next Tuesday will be the last one. If you didn’t see the first five programmes, you can still watch them online, but hurry! It’s a brilliant series about Phillip Island, an island off the coast of Australia which is home to thousands of Little Penguins. These penguins are very small – the smallest in the world and they make their homes and lay their eggs a few hundred metres from the beach. Every day the adult penguins go to sea and swim hundreds of miles to find fish. Then they bring it back for their babies (called chicks) every night.

These penguins only live in one or two places in Australia and New Zealand so it is very important to protect them. A few years ago, there were holiday houses for Australians on the island which were too close to the penguins. So the government started a penguin protection plan – they bought all the houses and then knocked them down.

Now people can come to the island, watch the penguins on the beach and hopefully want to help them. When the penguins return with their food, they have to walk the few hundred metres to their homes. This walk is called the Penguin Parade! So, people can still enjoy watching the penguins, but they don’t live close to them anymore. In the last programme we will learn about Tilda, a young female chick. Will her parents come back with food or will she have to go and swim for the first time to find some? Watch on Tuesday to see what happens. I love this programme and I’m sure you will, too!

2 The name of the island is Penguin Island.

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Запитання 18


Прочитати рецензію на серіал. Чи є ці твердження правдивими (T), неправдивими (F) чи інформація не згадується (NM)?

One of the best series on TV at the moment is Penguin Island on Tuesday evenings at 7.30. Next Tuesday will be the last one. If you didn’t see the first five programmes, you can still watch them online, but hurry! It’s a brilliant series about Phillip Island, an island off the coast of Australia which is home to thousands of Little Penguins. These penguins are very small – the smallest in the world and they make their homes and lay their eggs a few hundred metres from the beach. Every day the adult penguins go to sea and swim hundreds of miles to find fish. Then they bring it back for their babies (called chicks) every night.

These penguins only live in one or two places in Australia and New Zealand so it is very important to protect them. A few years ago, there were holiday houses for Australians on the island which were too close to the penguins. So the government started a penguin protection plan – they bought all the houses and then knocked them down.

Now people can come to the island, watch the penguins on the beach and hopefully want to help them. When the penguins return with their food, they have to walk the few hundred metres to their homes. This walk is called the Penguin Parade! So, people can still enjoy watching the penguins, but they don’t live close to them anymore. In the last programme we will learn about Tilda, a young female chick. Will her parents come back with food or will she have to go and swim for the first time to find some? Watch on Tuesday to see what happens. I love this programme and I’m sure you will, too!

3 The penguins find fish in the sea near the beach.

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Запитання 19


Прочитати рецензію на серіал. Чи є ці твердження правдивими (T), неправдивими (F) чи інформація не згадується (NM)?

One of the best series on TV at the moment is Penguin Island on Tuesday evenings at 7.30. Next Tuesday will be the last one. If you didn’t see the first five programmes, you can still watch them online, but hurry! It’s a brilliant series about Phillip Island, an island off the coast of Australia which is home to thousands of Little Penguins. These penguins are very small – the smallest in the world and they make their homes and lay their eggs a few hundred metres from the beach. Every day the adult penguins go to sea and swim hundreds of miles to find fish. Then they bring it back for their babies (called chicks) every night.

These penguins only live in one or two places in Australia and New Zealand so it is very important to protect them. A few years ago, there were holiday houses for Australians on the island which were too close to the penguins. So the government started a penguin protection plan – they bought all the houses and then knocked them down.

Now people can come to the island, watch the penguins on the beach and hopefully want to help them. When the penguins return with their food, they have to walk the few hundred metres to their homes. This walk is called the Penguin Parade! So, people can still enjoy watching the penguins, but they don’t live close to them anymore. In the last programme we will learn about Tilda, a young female chick. Will her parents come back with food or will she have to go and swim for the first time to find some? Watch on Tuesday to see what happens. I love this programme and I’m sure you will, too!

4 People don’t live close to the penguins now.

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Запитання 20


Прочитати рецензію на серіал. Чи є ці твердження правдивими (T), неправдивими (F) чи інформація не згадується (NM)?

One of the best series on TV at the moment is Penguin Island on Tuesday evenings at 7.30. Next Tuesday will be the last one. If you didn’t see the first five programmes, you can still watch them online, but hurry! It’s a brilliant series about Phillip Island, an island off the coast of Australia which is home to thousands of Little Penguins. These penguins are very small – the smallest in the world and they make their homes and lay their eggs a few hundred metres from the beach. Every day the adult penguins go to sea and swim hundreds of miles to find fish. Then they bring it back for their babies (called chicks) every night.

These penguins only live in one or two places in Australia and New Zealand so it is very important to protect them. A few years ago, there were holiday houses for Australians on the island which were too close to the penguins. So the government started a penguin protection plan – they bought all the houses and then knocked them down.

Now people can come to the island, watch the penguins on the beach and hopefully want to help them. When the penguins return with their food, they have to walk the few hundred metres to their homes. This walk is called the Penguin Parade! So, people can still enjoy watching the penguins, but they don’t live close to them anymore. In the last programme we will learn about Tilda, a young female chick. Will her parents come back with food or will she have to go and swim for the first time to find some? Watch on Tuesday to see what happens. I love this programme and I’m sure you will, too!

5 People come every day to watch the Penguin Parade.

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