Choose the correct variant:
What`s a baby kangaroo called?
Choose the correct variant:
What`s a baby bat called?
Choose the correct variant:
What`s a baby dog called?
Choose the correct variant:
Siberian tigers are ... than African lions.
Choose the correct variant:
Crocodiles are ... than hippos.
Choose the correct variant:
Which animal is the longest reptile?
Choose the correct variant:
Which animal is the fastest land animal?
Choose the correct variant:
Which animal is the biggest sea animal?
Choose the correct variant:
Which bird is the best swimmer?
Compare different animals and choose the correct variant:
Koalas are ..., turtles are ..., but snails are ... .
Put the words in the right order:
The lion/ are / faster /cubs / are / than / we.
Put the words in the right order:
The kangaroo/ jumper / is / better/ than / the goat.
Read the text and choose the correct answer:
Which animal is the oldest in this house?
I really like animals and I`ve got some pets.
My parrot is called Charlie and he`s the smallest animal in the house. My rabbit Diddy lives in my room. He likes running and he`s very good at it!
My dog is called Baxter. He`s older than Charlie and Diddy. He`s the biggest pet in my house. Charlie is the best flyer and Diddy is the best runner. But Baxter is the best pet in my family. I love them all!
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