Діагностувальна робота з читання за ІІ семестр.( до підручника Т.Будна 3 клас)

Додано: 17 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 3 клас
Тест виконано: 500 разів
14 запитань
Запитання 1

Read and choose (прочитай та обери)

Liza is visiting her grandma and grandpa in the village. There is a cow, a calf, some sheep, three lambs and four goats on their farm.

Liza’s granny gets milk from her cow every day. Sometimes she makes cheese, yoghurt and butter from milk. Now she’s making milkshake. She’s chopping some bananas. Liza is helping her. She’s chopping some oranges, too. They are

mixing the milk with a machine. They are adding sugar and fruit. Now the milkshake is ready. It’s cold and tasty

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Lambs are the goats' babies.

Lambs are the sheep's babies.

Lambs are the cow's babies.

Запитання 2

Read and choose (прочитай та обери)

Liza is visiting her grandma and grandpa in the village. There is a cow, a calf, some sheep, three lambs and four goats on their farm.

Liza’s granny gets milk from her cow every day. Sometimes she makes cheese, yoghurt and butter from milk. Now she’s making milkshake. She’s chopping some bananas. Liza is helping her. She’s chopping some oranges, too. They are

mixing the milk with a machine. They are adding sugar and fruit. Now the milkshake is ready. It’s cold and tasty.

The girl is visiting her ..........

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Запитання 3

Read and choose (прочитай та обери)

Liza is visiting her grandma and grandpa in the village. There is a cow, a calf, some sheep, three lambs and four goats on their farm.

Liza’s granny gets milk from her cow every day. Sometimes she makes cheese, yoghurt and butter from milk. Now she’s making milkshake. She’s chopping some bananas. Liza is helping her. She’s chopping some oranges, too. They are

mixing the milk with a machine. They are adding sugar and fruit. Now the milkshake is ready. It’s cold and tasty.

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They are chopping fruit for yoghurt.

They are chopping fruit for milkshake.

They are chopping vegetables for yoghurt.

They are chopping vegetables for milkshake.

Запитання 4

Read and choose (прочитай та обери)

Liza is visiting her grandma and grandpa in the village. There is a cow, a calf, five sheep, three lambs and four goats on their farm.

Liza’s granny gets milk from her cow every day. Sometimes she makes cheese, yoghurt and butter from milk. Now she’s making milkshake. She’s chopping some bananas. Liza is helping her. She’s chopping some oranges, too. They are

mixing the milk with a machine. They are adding sugar and fruit. Now the milkshake is ready. It’s cold and tasty.

Liza's grandparents have got_________ animals.

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Запитання 5

Прочитай текст та обери відповідь до поданих тверджень.

Ann’s Breakfast

Ann has breakfast at half past seven. She eats a sandwich, two eggs and drinks some tea with milk. Sometimes she eats cornflakes and some fruit. Her favourite fruit is banana. Ann doesn't eat oranges. She doesn't like oranges.

She never eats ______________ 

(Вона ніколи не їсть ______________)

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Запитання 6

Прочитай текст та обери відповідь до поданих тверджень.

Ann’s Breakfast

Ann has breakfast at half past seven. She eats a sandwich, two eggs and drinks some tea with milk. Sometimes she eats cornflakes and some fruit. Her favourite fruit is banana. Ann doesn't eat oranges. She doesn't like oranges.

Ann has breakfast at _______________ .

(Ен снідає о _______________.) 

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Запитання 7

Прочитай текст та обери відповідь до поданих тверджень: True (вірно) або False (невірно)

Now it is spring. The weather is sunny and warm. It sometimes rains. In spring birds sing songs. Children like this season, they can ride a bike.

In spring birds sing songs.

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Запитання 8

Прочитай текст та обери відповідь до поданих тверджень: True (вірно) або False (невірно)

Now it is spring. The weather is sunny and warm. It sometimes rains. In spring birds sing songs. Children like this season, they can ride a bike.

Children can't ride a bike.

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Запитання 9

Відгадай загадку

I’m small and brown. I’ve got a nice tail. I eat nuts. I can climb trees.

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Запитання 10

Відгадай загадку

I’m brown.I’ve got a mane. I eat meat. My paws are big and strong.

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Запитання 11

Заповни пропуск 1 .

Yesterday it was Saturday. Mia, Sam and Candy were at home. The weather was

1 so the kids couldn't go outside.Sam played computer ___2 . Mia read a 3 in the bedroom. Candy played the 4 in the living room.

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Запитання 12

Заповни пропуск 2 .

Yesterday it was Saturday. Mia, Sam and Candy were at home. The weather was

1 so the kids couldn't go outside.Sam played computer ___2 . Mia read a 3 in the bedroom. Candy played the 4 in the living room.

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Запитання 13

Заповни пропуск 3 .

Yesterday it was Saturday. Mia, Sam and Candy were at home. The weather was

1 so the kids couldn't go outside.Sam played computer ___2 . Mia read a 3 in the bedroom. Candy played the 4 in the living room.

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Запитання 14

Заповни пропуск 4 .

Yesterday it was Saturday. Mia, Sam and Candy were at home. The weather was

1 so the kids couldn't go outside.Sam played computer ___2 . Mia read a 3 in the bedroom. Candy played the 4 in the living room.

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