Діагностувальна робота за темою "We like travelling"

Додано: 26 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 200 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

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A lot of people in the world like travelling on holidays. They travel to see other countries, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns (стародавні міста). It is exciting (захоплююче) to learn new things, different people, their nationals customs (національні звичаї) and the way of life.

Some people enjoy visiting big cities with museums, art galleries, shops and restaurants. Another group of people prefers a quiet (спокійний) holiday by the sea or in the moun­tains, walking, bathing and getting sunburnt (засмагати).

People usually take a camera with them and make photos of all interesting views. Some time later these photos will remind (нагадувати) them of the happy moments which they had on their holidays.

People can travel in different ways. They can do it by train, by plane, by ship, by bus, and by car. All of these means have positive and negatives sides.        

Прочитай речення та вкажи true (правда), або false (неправда).

A lot of people like travelling.

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Запитання 2

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A lot of people in the world like travelling on holidays. They travel to see other countries, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns (стародавні міста). It is exciting (захоплююче) to learn new things, different people, their nationals customs (національні звичаї) and the way of life.

Some people enjoy visiting big cities with museums, art galleries, shops and restaurants. Another group of people prefers a quiet (спокійний) holiday by the sea or in the moun­tains, walking, bathing and getting sunburnt (засмагати).

People usually take a camera with them and make photos of all interesting views. Some time later these photos will remind (нагадувати) them of the happy moments which they had on their holidays.

People can travel in different ways. They can do it by train, by plane, by ship, by bus, and by car. All of these means have positive and negatives sides.

Прочитай речення та вкажи true (правда), або false (неправда).

It is boring to learn new things, different people, their nationals customs.

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Запитання 3

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A lot of people in the world like travelling on holidays. They travel to see other countries, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns (стародавні міста). It is exciting (захоплююче) to learn new things, different people, their nationals customs (національні звичаї) and the way of life.

Some people enjoy visiting big cities with museums, art galleries, shops and restaurants. Another group of people prefers a quiet (спокійний) holiday by the sea or in the moun­tains, walking, bathing and getting sunburnt (засмагати).

People usually take a camera with them and make photos of all interesting views. Some time later these photos will remind (нагадувати) them of the happy moments which they had on their holidays.

People can travel in different ways. They can do it by train, by plane, by ship, by bus, and by car. All of these means have positive and negatives sides.

Прочитай речення та вкажи true (правда), або false (неправда).

People usually take a suitcase with them and make photos of all interesting views.

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Запитання 4

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A lot of people in the world like travelling on holidays. They travel to see other countries, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns (стародавні міста). It is exciting (захоплююче) to learn new things, different people, their nationals customs (національні звичаї) and the way of life.

Some people enjoy visiting big cities with museums, art galleries, shops and restaurants. Another group of people prefers a quiet (спокійний) holiday by the sea or in the moun­tains, walking, bathing and getting sunburnt (засмагати).

People usually take a camera with them and make photos of all interesting views. Some time later these photos will remind (нагадувати) them of the happy moments which they had on their holidays.

People can travel in different ways. They can do it by train, by plane, by ship, by bus, and by car. All of these means have positive and negatives sides.

Прочитай речення та вкажи true (правда), або false (неправда).

People can travel by train, by plane, by ship, by bus, and by car.

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Запитання 5

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A lot of people in the world like travelling on holidays. They travel to see other countries, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns (стародавні міста). It is exciting (захоплююче) to learn new things, different people, their nationals customs (національні звичаї) and the way of life.

Some people enjoy visiting big cities with museums, art galleries, shops and restaurants. Another group of people prefers a quiet (спокійний) holiday by the sea or in the moun­tains, walking, bathing and getting sunburnt (засмагати).

People usually take a camera with them and make photos of all interesting views. Some time later these photos will remind (нагадувати) them of the happy moments which they had on their holidays.

People can travel in different ways. They can do it by train, by plane, by ship, by bus, and by car. All of these means have positive and negatives sides.

Прочитай речення та вкажи true (правда), або false (неправда).

Some people don't enjoy visiting big cities with museums, art galleries and shops.

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Запитання 6

Дай відповідь на запитання.

What is Big Ben?

варіанти відповідей

It is the name of a very big bell.

It is the name of clock.

It is the place where queen lives.

Запитання 7

Дай відповідь на запитання.

What is Tower Bridge?

варіанти відповідей

It is a place where kings lived.

It is a bridge that opens when big ships come.

It is a name of big clock.

Запитання 8


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двоповерховий автобус



Запитання 9

airport -

варіанти відповідей

залізничний вокзал



автобусна зупинка

Запитання 10

bus stop -

варіанти відповідей

автобусна зупинка

двоповерховий автобус

залізничний вокзал

Запитання 11

Знайди відповідь до запитання:

When are you going to London?

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We can visit museums.

Yes, I like travelling to London.

In summer.

Запитання 12

palace -

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