Learning disabilities are...
Kids with learning disabilities see, hear, and understand things as well as other children do.
The most common types of learning disabilities involve problems with reading, writing, math, and behaviour.
Majority of children with learning disabilities are as intelligent as everyone else.
You need to use different methods teaching kids with learning disabilities.
There are common symptoms which help identify learning disabilities.
Problems with zippers and buttons may signal about kids' learning disabilities.
...Dyslexia is a learning disabilitiy in...
Basic reading problems include...
Learning disabilities in math are called ...
Learning disabilities in math are the easiest ones to overcome.
Learning disabilities in math are closely connected with other learning disorders the child has.
Problems with copying numbers, letters and words belong to...
The brain is unable to change during the person's life.
Computer-based learning programs help kids with dyslexia.
Neuroplasticity is exclusively a theoretical study.
Neuroplasticity deals with cognitive areas of the brain.
Learning disabilities are often accompanied with other psychological problems.
The main strategy in ovecoming the learning disorders is compensation of weaknesses.
Little can be done to solve the problems of children's learning disabilities.
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