О. Карп'юк "Doctor! Doctor!".+ Past Perfect Tense
Приклад запитання : Complete the answer: Does your head hurt? - Yes, I have ...
Complete the answer: Does your head hurt? - Yes, I have ...
Complete the answer: Does your tummy hurt? - Yes, I have ...
Complete the answer: Does your throat hurt? - Yes, I have ...
Match the sentence to the picture:
Match the sentence to the picture:
Match the sentence to the picture:
The Past Perfect Tense вживається для позначення дії, яка ...
З минулим перфектним часом НЕ вживаються обставини часу (часові маркери)
Complete the sentence.
Mary ... (to take) some medicine before she ... (to check) the temperature.
Complete the sentence.
Sally, who ... (to be) on a diet for a year ... (to look) younger than her age.
Complete the sentence.
What ... Susan ... (to do) before the doctor ... (to come)?
Complete the sentence.
I ... (to feel) better after I ... (to take) a tablet of aspirin.
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