ДПА 9 Марченко Тест 2

Додано: 16 січня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 28 разів
18 запитань
Запитання 1



варіанти відповідей

A 'I thought everyone had forgotten,' replied Ted

B It was very hot in the city center

C The station was crowded with people and so was the train

D There was no answer, so Ted decided to open the door

E It was already five o'clock and the hotel was on the other side of the city

F The receptionist gave him a small white envelope with his name printed on the front

G Ted jumped in surprise

Запитання 2



варіанти відповідей

A 'I thought everyone had forgotten,' replied Ted

B It was very hot in the city center

C The station was crowded with people and so was the train

D There was no answer, so Ted decided to open the door

E It was already five o'clock and the hotel was on the other side of the city

F The receptionist gave him a small white envelope with his name printed on the front

G Ted jumped in surprise

Запитання 3



варіанти відповідей

A 'I thought everyone had forgotten,' replied Ted

B It was very hot in the city center

C The station was crowded with people and so was the train

D There was no answer, so Ted decided to open the door

E It was already five o'clock and the hotel was on the other side of the city

F The receptionist gave him a small white envelope with his name printed on the front

G Ted jumped in surprise

Запитання 4



варіанти відповідей

A 'I thought everyone had forgotten,' replied Ted

B It was very hot in the city center

C The station was crowded with people and so was the train

D There was no answer, so Ted decided to open the door

E It was already five o'clock and the hotel was on the other side of the city

F The receptionist gave him a small white envelope with his name printed on the front

G Ted jumped in surprise

Запитання 5



варіанти відповідей

A 'I thought everyone had forgotten,' replied Ted

B It was very hot in the city center

C The station was crowded with people and so was the train

D There was no answer, so Ted decided to open the door

E It was already five o'clock and the hotel was on the other side of the city

F The receptionist gave him a small white envelope with his name printed on the front

G Ted jumped in surprise

Запитання 6



варіанти відповідей

A 'I thought everyone had forgotten,' replied Ted

B It was very hot in the city center

C The station was crowded with people and so was the train

D There was no answer, so Ted decided to open the door

E It was already five o'clock and the hotel was on the other side of the city

F The receptionist gave him a small white envelope with his name printed on the front

G Ted jumped in surprise

Запитання 7

Grammar. Mark the correct variant


варіанти відповідей

A this

B these

C that

D those

Запитання 8

Grammar. Mark the correct variant


варіанти відповідей

A this

B these

C those

D that

Запитання 9

Grammar. Mark the correct variant


варіанти відповідей

A this

B these

C that

D those

Запитання 10

Grammar. Mark the correct variant


варіанти відповідей

A This

B These

C That

D Those

Запитання 11

Grammar. Mark the correct variant


варіанти відповідей

A this

B these

C that

D those

Запитання 12

Grammar. Mark the correct variant


варіанти відповідей

A this

B that

C these

D those

Запитання 13

Vocabulary. Mark the correct variant


варіанти відповідей

A held

B began

C turned

D ran

Запитання 14

Vocabulary. Mark the correct variant


варіанти відповідей

A told

B said

C asked

D spoke

Запитання 15

Vocabulary. Mark the correct variant


варіанти відповідей

A keep

B earn

C bring

D take

Запитання 16

Vocabulary. Mark the correct variant


варіанти відповідей

A charge

B fee

C salary

D fare

Запитання 17

Vocabulary. Mark the correct variant


варіанти відповідей

A proud

B great

C fun

D generous

Запитання 18

Vocabulary. Mark the correct variant


варіанти відповідей

A against

B instead

C except

D without

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