elementary unit 5 (solution) use of english

Додано: 19 жовтня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Complete the email with the correct answers.

Hi Esme

How are you? I can’t wait to see you next week!

I’m sending you some directions so that you can find your way from the train station. I live quite 1 ___ to the centre, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find my flat. When you’re outside the station, 2 ___ right and go 3 ___ Park Street. 4 ___ to the end of the road and turn left 5 ___ the crossroads. Go 6 ___ on and then 7 ___ the main road. Go 8 ___ the small church on the 9 ___. My flat is on the left, 10___ the Cosmos Café and the fruit shop.

Have a safe journey. See you soon!



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Запитання 2

Complete the email with the correct answers.

Hi Esme

How are you? I can’t wait to see you next week!

I’m sending you some directions so that you can find your way from the train station. I live quite 1 ___ to the centre, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find my flat. When you’re outside the station, 2 ___ right and go 3 ___ Park Street. 4 ___ to the end of the road and turn left 5 ___ the crossroads. Go 6 ___ on and then 7 ___ the main road. Go 8 ___ the small church on the 9 ___. My flat is on the left, 10___ the Cosmos Café and the fruit shop.

Have a safe journey. See you soon!



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Запитання 3

Complete the email with the correct answers.

Hi Esme

How are you? I can’t wait to see you next week!

I’m sending you some directions so that you can find your way from the train station. I live quite 1 ___ to the centre, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find my flat. When you’re outside the station, 2 ___ right and go 3 ___ Park Street. 4 ___ to the end of the road and turn left 5 ___ the crossroads. Go 6 ___ on and then 7 ___ the main road. Go 8 ___ the small church on the 9 ___. My flat is on the left, 10___ the Cosmos Café and the fruit shop.

Have a safe journey. See you soon!



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Запитання 4

Complete the email with the correct answers.

Hi Esme

How are you? I can’t wait to see you next week!

I’m sending you some directions so that you can find your way from the train station. I live quite 1 ___ to the centre, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find my flat. When you’re outside the station, 2 ___ right and go Park Street. 4 ___ to the end of the road and turn left 5 ___ the crossroads. Go 6 ___ on and then 7 ___ the main road. Go 8 ___ the small church on the 9 ___. My flat is on the left, 10___ the Cosmos Café and the fruit shop.

Have a safe journey. See you soon!



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Запитання 5

Complete the email with the correct answers.

Hi Esme

How are you? I can’t wait to see you next week!

I’m sending you some directions so that you can find your way from the train station. I live quite 1 ___ to the centre, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find my flat. When you’re outside the station, 2 ___ right and go Park Street. 4 ___ to the end of the road and turn left 5 ___ the crossroads. Go 6 ___ on and then 7 ___ the main road. Go 8 ___ the small church on the 9 ___. My flat is on the left, 10___ the Cosmos Café and the fruit shop.

Have a safe journey. See you soon!



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Запитання 6

Complete the email with the correct answers.

Hi Esme

How are you? I can’t wait to see you next week!

I’m sending you some directions so that you can find your way from the train station. I live quite 1 ___ to the centre, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find my flat. When you’re outside the station, 2 ___ right and go Park Street. 4 ___ to the end of the road and turn left 5 ___ the crossroads. Go 6 ___ on and then 7 ___ the main road. Go 8 ___ the small church on the 9 ___. My flat is on the left, 10___ the Cosmos Café and the fruit shop.

Have a safe journey. See you soon!



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Запитання 7

Complete the email with the correct answers.

Hi Esme

How are you? I can’t wait to see you next week!

I’m sending you some directions so that you can find your way from the train station. I live quite 1 ___ to the centre, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find my flat. When you’re outside the station, 2 ___ right and go Park Street. 4 ___ to the end of the road and turn left 5 ___ the crossroads. Go 6 ___ on and then 7 ___ the main road. Go 8 ___ the small church on the 9 ___. My flat is on the left, 10___ the Cosmos Café and the fruit shop.

Have a safe journey. See you soon!



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Запитання 8

Complete the email with the correct answers.

Hi Esme

How are you? I can’t wait to see you next week!

I’m sending you some directions so that you can find your way from the train station. I live quite 1 ___ to the centre, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find my flat. When you’re outside the station, 2 ___ right and go Park Street. 4 ___ to the end of the road and turn left 5 ___ the crossroads. Go 6 ___ on and then 7 ___ the main road. Go 8 ___ the small church on the 9 ___. My flat is on the left, 10___ the Cosmos Café and the fruit shop.

Have a safe journey. See you soon!



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Запитання 9

Complete the email with the correct answers.

Hi Esme

How are you? I can’t wait to see you next week!

I’m sending you some directions so that you can find your way from the train station. I live quite 1 ___ to the centre, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find my flat. When you’re outside the station, 2 ___ right and go Park Street. 4 ___ to the end of the road and turn left 5 ___ the crossroads. Go 6 ___ on and then 7 ___ the main road. Go 8 ___ the small church on the 9 ___. My flat is on the left, 10___ the Cosmos Café and the fruit shop.

Have a safe journey. See you soon!



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Запитання 10

Complete the email with the correct answers.

Hi Esme

How are you? I can’t wait to see you next week!

I’m sending you some directions so that you can find your way from the train station. I live quite 1 ___ to the centre, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find my flat. When you’re outside the station, 2 ___ right and go Park Street. 4 ___ to the end of the road and turn left 5 ___ the crossroads. Go 6 ___ on and then 7 ___ the main road. Go 8 ___ the small church on the 9 ___. My flat is on the left, 10___ the Cosmos Café and the fruit shop.

Have a safe journey. See you soon!



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in front

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